Excerpts from Grundy County Sentinel 1899

Mrs. Milo Allen Mrs. Milo Allen died at the home of her sister, Mrs. Henry Fuller, in Sheridan, last Friday. Mrs. Allen?s death is a very sad one. She, with her 18 year old son, came here from California last April to try and benefit their failing health. The boy died...

Phoenix Advertiser, Minooka News 1903

January 1, 1903, Vol. 28, No. 1 Markets – Corn 37; oats 28. Prof. T. R. Wortman was a Joliet visitor Monday. Miss Lorene Watson was a Joliet visitor Wednesday. Mrs. C. E. Davis was a Chicago visitor Tuesday. John Handlon returned from Montana last Saturday. D....

Grundy County Weekly Herald January 1862

The undersigned hereby gives notice to the person to whom the following described land was assessed and taxed for the year 1859 and to all others concerned, that said land was sold by the Collector of Grundy County and State of Illinois, in pursuance of law on the...

Phoenix Advertiser, Minooka News 1902

January 12, 1902, Vol. 27, No. 24 Mrs. CLARK visited in Joliet Friday. Mrs. E. B. TABLER is on the sick list this week. Mrs. Chas. E. DAVIS was a Joliet visitor Friday. Mrs. W. M. KAFFER visited with relatives in Troy this week. Miss Edith BLY is at present visiting...

Morris Daily Herald – Dec. 31, 1919

Excerpts from the Morris Herald December 31, 1919, Page 8 OCTOBER 28 – Word received of the death of Calvin Cotton, former Grundy county man, at his home at Clare, Michigan, aged 86. 29 – Mrs. Hanna Cash dies in Mazon, aged 89. Girl born to Mr. and Mrs....

Morris Daily Herald Excerpts – Dec. 31, 1912

Excerpts from the Morris Daily Herald for December 31, 1912, page 2 FEBRUARY 16 – Miss Edna Probst surprised at home of A.J. Meier upon departure for Minnesota. Mr. and Mrs. Sehrin Rosendahl given surprise at home of Mr. and Mrs. John Rosendahl in Wauponsee. 18...

Morris Daily Herald – Dec. 31, 1920

Excerpts from the Morris Daily Herald December 31, 1920, page 8 JULY 2 – Andrew Kettelson, of Minooka, married Mrs. Olive Gwynne, of Palatine. 3 – Mrs. Ellen Cairns dies at Coal City, aged 65. The funeral of Mrs. Jennie DeLa?mater is held in Gardner. 4...

Morris Herald Excerpts – Jan. 15, 1903

Excerpts from the Morris Herald for the date of January 15, 1903 Mrs. John Brown Brown, Mrs. John – The services over the remains of the late Mrs. John Brown were held this afternoon at the house. Rev. Montgomery, a former pastor of the first congregational...

Morris Daily Herald Excerpts – Dec. 14, 1893

Excerpts from the Morris Daily Herald for December 14, 1893   Will Hutchings is better today. Mrs. A.R. Eldred continues to get better. Work done rain or shine equally good at B.B. Thorson’s. Mrs. George Acton took a turn for the better since yesterday and...

Morris Daily Herald Excerpts – Dec 13, 1893

Excerpts from the Morris Daily Herald for December 13, 1893 ABOUT THE CITY Mrs. Mal Bennett, south of the river, is down with the “grip”. Mrs. Woolsey returned from a business trip to Chicago last evening. Charlie Hynds is under the weather and unable to...