Phoenix Advertiser, Minooka News 1902

January 12, 1902, Vol. 27, No. 24

Mrs. CLARK visited in Joliet Friday.

Mrs. E. B. TABLER is on the sick list this week.

Mrs. Chas. E. DAVIS was a Joliet visitor Friday.

Mrs. W. M. KAFFER visited with relatives in Troy this week.

Miss Edith BLY is at present visiting with relatives in Minooka.

Mrs. FRECKLETON, of Joliet, is visiting with relatives in Channahon this week.

Mrs. R. GOODSON, of Joliet, is visiting here at the home of her sister, Mrs. GREENBACK.

Mrs. E. N. WEESE has so far recovered from her illness as to be about her work again.

Wm. MOORE who had been visiting with friends in Chicago returned _____ _____ here Thursday.

Mrs. Alvin WESTON, of Joliet, visited with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. ____ KNIGHT in this place this week.

Mr. George COLLEPS was in Chicago this week and bought Mrs. COLLEPS a new wheel chair which she greatly enjoys.

Mrs. W. A. THAYER and Mrs. Geo. THAYER visited with their brother-in-law, C. P. THAYER in Aux Sable one day this week.

The children’s day exercises which were held at the M. E. church Sunday were considered quite good by all who attended.

Miss BAUM, of Chicago, who had been visiting with her friend, Mrs. L. P. WARRINGTON, returned to her home one day this week.

The members of the Eastern Star gave a dance Tuesday night which was well attended. They danced all night until day light.

The ladies of the M. E. church are preparing to hold a strawberry and cake social Friday evening at Masonic hall. All are invited.

The trial of former postmaster CLARK took place in Chicago yesterday but we have not learned the result. Miss Agnes McEVILLY, the former assistant, was summoned Tuesday as a witness to the case.

Prof. T. B. WORTMAN received a telegram Monday noon, summoning him to his home in Shelbyville on business. He went Monday evening leaving his school in charge of Miss Olive THAYER during his absence.

Elmer CAMBELL has a fine crop of strawberries this year. This kind of weather is all right for strawberries but is all off for corn. Mr. Chas. PARMENTER has charge of the rural mail route delivery while Elmer is busy with his berries.

Mrs. Chas. SMITH, who was accidentally hurt while getting off a Rock Island train an account of which was given in this paper a couple of weeks ago, has so far recovered as to be able to go about her home with the aid of a crutch.

Mr. Ira EVANS, who has been employed as druggist at Dr. BRINCKERHOFF’s, has returned to his home in Plainfield. Dr. BRINCKERHOFF is now qualified to do prescription work himself and John KAFFER will attend to the other duties in the store.

June 5, 1902, Vol. 27, No. ___

Mrs. D. ANDREWS was a Chicago visitor part of this week.

Mr. and Mrs. Richard COOP were visitors in the Stone City Thursday.

David ANDERSON, of Morris, candidate for county judge, was in Minooka Monday.

Mr. GASKILL, of Ohio, is visiting at the home of his cousin Len GASKILL, of Channahon.

Leslie BELL, of Chicago, formerly of this place, visited with friends and relatives here this week.

Miss Jennie ANDREWS, of Joliet, was a visitor at the home of her uncle, D. ANDREWS, this week.

Miss A. M. BAILEY, of this place, visited at the home of C. F. THAYER in Aux Sable this week.

George THAYER and Guy FERGUSON visited the former’s brother, Harry THAYER, in Coal City Saturday.

Miss Dora CAMPBELL, who is at present employed in Chicago, visited with friends and relatives of Minooka Sunday.

Wm. ECKHART, who lives several miles east of town, had one of his best five year old horses killed by lightning Sunday.

Mr. Wm. WOODS went to Kankakee Monday to attend the funeral of an old friend, Mrs. FOWLER, formerly of Plattville.

Dr. J. Bell, of Chicago, was gone to California for his health, accompanied by his brother-in-law, Dr. J. S. WATSON, of this place.

The children of the public schools had no school on Decoration day and Saturday they had a school picnic in Dr. WATSON’s woods.

Miss Mamie COCKABEAN, who had been visiting at the home of her cousin, Miss Lizzie CARROLL in this place, returned to her home in Chicago Tuesday.

C. NELSON and family spent Sunday at the home of Will COOP and family where they all greatly enjoyed a picnic in the woods. The weather was fine for the occasion.

The two men, who have for the last week or so been gathering rags and old iron in Minooka and vicinity, stopped their gatherings last Friday. They had a car load of iron and a large wagon load of rags.

Dr. J. J. BRINCKERHOFF was in Springfield this week and successfully passed the druggist’s examination and on his way home stopped at Shelbyville and visited with Prof. T. B. WORTMAN’s family, who are residing there at present.

Children’s day services will be held at the M. E. church Sunday, June 8. Rev. WARRINGTON will talk to the children in the morning and the children…………

September 1, 1902, Vol. 27, No. 37

Markets – Corn 56; oats 26.

The Misses NEILSEN are visiting with friends in Chicago.

The board of auditors met last Tuesday to audit the accounts of the town.

Several from here attended the Kendall county fair held at Yorkville Friday.

William KING and family, of Chicago, visited with relatives and friends here last week.

Rev. OTTIS, of Channahon, and Rev. WARRINGTON, of Minooka, will exchange pulpits next Sunday.

Rev. HOLMES administered the sacrament of the Lord’s Supper at the M. E. church last Sunday.

Wm. KING and family, of Chicago, visited with Mrs. Frank ENEIX and Mrs. L. J. REED this week.

Mr. and Mrs. Richard COOP spent several days of this week with M. and Mrs. Will HILMAN in Joliet.

Mr. and Mrs. John A. BOYD and sons Earl and Leon, of Joliet, visited with relatives here over Sunday.

The ladies of the Aux Sable M. E. church will give a picnic in Walley’s grove next Saturday. All welcome.

Another oil drilling outfit, the third in this section, is sinking a well on Matthew PAUL’s land east of town.

H. M. BRINCKERHOFF, of Oakland, California, was a guest of his brother, Dr. J. J. BRINCKERHOFF, here a few days this week.

The first meeting of the Junior League which was held at the M. E. church last Sunday afternoon was well attended.

Miss J. T. VanDOLSEN attended the wedding of her cousin, Jessie ROSS, to Rev. MOON of Joliet, Wednesday of this week.

Roy TERRY, one of the oil men, imbibed too freely a few nights ago and paid $5.00 and costs for lodging in the village bastile.

Mrs. COUCH, of Seneca, visited with her sister, Mrs. Charles THAYER, of Aux Sable, and Mrs. Geo. THAYER in Minooka this week.

Mrs. Chas. PERKINS and children were coming to town Friday when they met an automobile this side the trestle. Their horse was badly frightened.

A car load of flour was received at N. J. COMERFORD’s store a few days ago and the place looks as if the manna to feed the multitude had descended there.

N. J. COMERFORD is spending a week or two at Mt. Clemens, Mich., the favorite health resort, and writes that he is feeling fine and enjoying his vacation immensely.

Edward STRATTON, of Messena, Iowa, has returned to his home after a visit with relatives here. Miss Genevieve STRATTON accompanied him and will spend some time in Iowa.

Miss Gertrude CAMPBELL is suffering with a poisonous breaking out on her face. Miss Gertrude had an attack of the same kind two years ago and it seems it is paying her another visit.

James SEXTON, the Joliet ex-alderman who was injured in a fight in Joliet last Saturday night and died Sunday, was known by many here. He was frequently seen at social occasions in Minooka a couple of years ago.

The ladies of the M. E. church will hold a church fair at Masonic hall September 26. Donations of fancy and useful presents will be thankfully received at the hall or previous to that date at the home of Mrs. Wm. GRUETT.

At the last meeting of the W. F. M. S. Mrs. T. B. WORTMAN was elected president, Mrs. L. P. WARRINGTON vice president, Mrs. S. A. FERGUSON secretary, Mrs. E. N. WEESE corresponding secretary, and Mrs. W. J. CAMPBELL treasurer.

This week with Robert COOP, of Plainfield, was visiting with his brother, William COOP here, someone entered the house. The family being absent the burglar rummaged through the house and finding Robert’s coat took from it his watch and chain and about forty dollars. No clue of the robber has been found.

James McEVILLY’s horse fell with him while he was driving some cattle near Channahon last week. The horse stumbled in a hold in a bridge and executed a somersault. Mr. McEVILLY fortunately landed from under the horse and received only some severe scratches and bruises when he might have been crushed to death or sustained several broken bones.

Daniel DAHLEM one of the old Minooka boys who has been with the Joliet Dry Goods Co. in Joliet, for the past ten years, has severed his connection with that firm to accept the position of manager in the dress goods department with Aller Bros., the new dry goods firm who are opening a fine store in the Bather building on Chicago St. in Joliet. Mr. DAHLEM will be glad to meet his friends in his new position.

When the passenger train ___ in Minooka about 1:30 a.m. arrived here last Tuesday morning the rim and tire of a buggy wheel was found on the pilot of the engine. The engineer had suspected that his engine had struck something at the Bird’s Bridge crossing but did not stop to see. Harry THAYER, the night operator here, notified Joliet of the circumstances and a switch engine was sent down to investigate. They found a wrecked buggy at the Joliet Mound crossing two miles west of Joliet, and it was not until daylight that the body of the victim of the accident was found. It lay beside the tracks at a point a mile east of Bird’s Bridge and was soon identified as that of James RILEY, of Troy township. He lived only half a mile from the Mound crossing, where the train must have struck his buggy. He had been in Joliet and started home late and evidently failed to note the approach of the train. The crossing is a particularly dangerous one and should be abolished. Mr. RILEY’s body was not much cut up but death had probably been instantaneous. In just what way it was carried for a distance of three miles cannot be known. Mr. RILEY was 35 years of age and was unmarried. He resided with his father J. RILEY, who owns a large farm there. Many other relatives live in Joliet.

September 18, 1902, Vol. 27, No. 38

Daniel HALL spent several days of this week in Morris.

Lester OAKS is recovering from an attack of the mumps.

Eugene CLENNON is taking the high school course in Morris.

Alfred DAVIS is now clerking in Adler’s shoe store in Joliet.

Miss A. M. BAILEY is suffering from an attack of tonsilitis this week.

Charles CARROLL is now employed by the American Express Co., Joliet.

William AHERN, of Chicago spent Sunday in Minooka with his mother.

Mrs. E. N. WEESE spent part of this week with friends and relatives in Chicago.

Harry THAYER and John KAFFER visited with Dr. G. A. HARRISON in Morris Monday.

Miss Amy GARD, of Springfield is visiting with Mr. and Mrs. J. T. VanDOLSEN this week.

Rev. WARRINGTON, son of the pastor here, will preach in the M. E. church here next Sunday.

Rev. OTTIS, of Channahon, and Rev. WARRINGTON, of Minooka exchanged pulpits last Sunday.

Mr. G. T. SMITH spent last Sunday in Joliet and Lockport calling on kindred and old friends.

Guy BUTTON, of New Lenox, was the guest of Miss Jennie TEMPLETON, last Sunday afternoon.

The Democratic caucus last Friday went by default and no delegated were selected from here.

Miss Lois STRATTON left here Monday for Wheaton where she will attend school during the coming year.

Mrs. Chas. COOP left Wednesday for Champaign where she will spend some time with her invalid father.

The highway commissioners were requested a few days ago by J. COLLINS to cut the weeds as the law requests.

Miss Clara MOORMAN returned to her home in Wheaton after a short visit here with Mrs. STRATTON and daughter.

Word was received Monday of the death of Miss Mildred PIERCE, of Chicago, a niece of Mr. and Mrs. E. N. WEESE.

Mr. and Mrs. Daniel COOP, of Chicago, formerly of this place, visited with relatives in Minooka and vicinity this week.

Several from here attended the church picnic which was held in Walley’s grove last Saturday. All report an enjoyable day.

Mrs. E. E. CAMPBELL and children and sister, Miss Hattie PARMENTER, and their mother returned from a pleasant visit in Chicago Thursday evening.

Miss Maggie DEMPSEY, of Joliet, formerly of this place, spent a part of a three weeks’ vacation with relatives and friends here returning to Joliet Monday.

Miss Carrie HICKS and Roy McCOWAN, both of Channahon, were united in marriage Sunday evening, Sept. 14, 1902, at the Channahon M. E. church, by Rev. OTTIS.

Miss Mamie CLENNON, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Matthew CLENNON, has resumed her studies at the St. Angela’s Academy in Morris. She expects to finish the course this year.

Mr. and Mrs. KENNEDY and daughters Genevieve, Gertrude and Florence, of Cincinnati, Ohio, have returned to their home after a month’s visit with their cousins, Mr. and Mrs. CLENNON.

A new member of the Daughters of Liberty arrived last Monday Sep. 15, 1902, when a fine little maiden made her initial appearance on the stage of life at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Louis LIBERTY.

Dr. BRINCKERHOFF and Prof. WORTMAN spent a pleasant evening in Mazon one day last week, attending the semi-annual meeting and banquet of the medical association of Grundy County. They were indebted to Dr. BENNETT for the sumptuous banquet.

Messrs. Martin and M. L. KAFFER left last week for Abilene Kansas on a visit to relatives and incidentally to look over the country with a view of purchasing some land. M. L. returned home Tuesday noon but his father will remain for a week longer.

Some one had the “nerve” to take John GREENBACK’s wheel the other night without “leave or license” and after riding it until the tire came off they rode it some time without the tire, ruining the rim of the wheel. Then afraid to return it they left it in the alley back of W. A. THAYER’s barn where it was found next morning.

Mrs. M. TALBOT, of this place, was luck’s companion last week. She registered as a guest in P. MERSINGER’s prize pumpkin seed guessing contest at the Will County fair and was fortunate enough to be the winner. The pumpkin contained just 251 seeds and there were eight persons including Mrs. TALBOT who guessed 250. Lots were cast between the eight and Mrs. TALBOT won.

Richard OLSON, of Seward, has several teams and men hauling lumber from here to build a new barn.

October 2, 1902, Vol. 27, No. 40

Frank WILSON is on the sick list.

Harry THAYER was a Morris visitor Wednesday of this week.

David HENNEBRY was in Morris on business one day this week.

Mr. MARTIN, of Kansas, is a guest of Patrick McLINDON this week.

George COLLEPS transacted business in Ohio for A. K. KNAPP this week.

M. N. VINER, of Mazon, visited with his sister, Mrs. C. E. DAVIS, Monday.

Martin KAFFER returned Saturday after spending some time in Kansas.

Mrs. PALMER, of Chicago, is a guest here of Mr. and Mrs. William GRUETT.

A. K. KNAPP attended the grain-dealers’ convention in Peoria this week.

Rev. WARRINGTON will go to the Rock River conference at Austin next week.

W. H. RANDALL is attending the Masonic grand lodge in Chicago this week.

B. H. SULLIVER, of Plankinton, S. D., is visiting his cousin, N. J. COMERFORD, this week.

Mrs. Harriet PENDLETON, of Aux Sable, spent this week with friends in Minooka.

Mrs. SHAW, of Joliet, spent part of this week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Daniel HALL.

Miss Franc WATSON has returned from a visit with friends and relatives in Chicago.

The W. F. M. S. will meet at the home of Mrs. E. N. WEESE next Saturday at 3 p.m.

Sidney BLY arrived here several days ago and will spend several weeks with relatives.

The cider mill located south of KNAPP’s elevator commenced operations Monday.

William GREEN is drilling a well over near the Kankakee river this week for John DEMPSEY.

Mr. and Mrs. T. B. McCOWAN returned last Sunday after spending three days at Starved Rock.

Mr. Erastus NEILSON, of Manistee, Mich., is spending some time here with his brother, C. NEILSON, and family.

Chas. B. CHASE, of Minooka, and Len CASKILL and John SMITH, of Channahon, will leave soon on a trip to Washington, D. C.

Mrs. M. BLY’s house on the north hill is undergoing repairs this week and D. C. PATTEN and family will occupy the building in the near future.

Payter BRYSON and wife have returned from Colorado Springs, after spending six weeks there. Mr. BRYSON is somewhat improved in health.

The church fair which was held in the Masonic hall last Friday evening was a grand success considering the inclement weather. About $100 was cleared.

George CROOK, of Seward, and Miss Grace NOBLES, of Chicago, were married at the home of the latter’s brother-in-law, Rev. A. E. BEDDOES, who performed the ceremony Wednesday, Sep. 21, 1902. The newly married pair started last Wednesday evening amid a shower of rice. They will spend some time in the eastern states.

The concert given by the Carolinian Jubilee Singers in the M. E. church Monday evening was well attended and everyone praises the performance. The quartette was called back nearly every time. Few can compare with Mr. CARTER’s rendition of the “Mocking Bird”, with variations. We are informed that the other four numbers in the entertainment course are equally excellent.

October 9, 1902, Vol. 27, No. 41

A. K. KNAPP is on the sick list this week.

Sidney BLY is ill with malarial fever.

William BEDFORD visited with relatives in Joliet Sunday.

Born to Mr. and Mrs. McKINNEY, a daughter, Sunday Oct. 5, 1902.

Mrs. Wm. SMITH visited her father, John VanDOLSEN last Sunday.

Miss Edith BLY has returned to her work in Joliet after a visit with relatives here.

Miss Tillie VANCE, of Joliet, formerly of this place, visited with friends in Minooka this week.

Miss Emma BELL returned Saturday night from Chicago. Her brother is somewhat better.

Theodore KELSALL, of Seattle, Wash., is spending some time with his step-father, James BUCKLEY.

Prof. T. B. WORTMAN was in Joliet Saturday. He expects to have ten barrels of pears hauled to Joliet this week.

Rev. WARRINGTON officiated at the funeral services of Mr. WOLFE, of Coal City, in Channahon one day this week.

Mrs. A. BELL and daughter, Mrs. J. HOLT, went to Chicago Tuesday where they will spend several days with relatives.

Thomas COULEHAN has bough of John STOUKENBOUGH his farm of 168 acres in Troy. The consideration is $13,360.

Mrs. Charles COOP has returned from Champaign, Ill., where she had been spending several weeks with her invalid father.

Two painters were engaged in painting the dwelling house of J. H. MURPHEY this week. Lavender, trimmed with green, is the color.

Mr. and Mrs. Richard COOP attended the Cemetery meeting held at the home of John HENDERSON in Aux Sable Wednesday afternoon.

John EDMONDS, Sr., left last Thursday, for Vinton, Iowa, to visit his brother there, and will probably accompany his brother on a trip to California.

Forty-hour devotion was held at St. Mary’s church this week. Rev. Father McMAHON assisted by Father O’BRIEN, of Joliet, had charge of the services.

Messrs. Lawrence HAUSER, Edward and Albert DOLLINGER, W. H. RANDALL, Albert LINK and several others from here attended the state fair in Springfield last week.

Rev. WARRINGTON and wife will attend the Rock River conference this week. There will be no church services but Sunday School at 11 a.m. Junior League 3 p.m. Epworth League at 7 p.m., a song service will be given also.

Mr. and Mrs. DAY came to town last week. They call themselves “disciples of Christ.” They have fitted up a room in Mrs. SEARLES’ house back of the school house and intend to stay here all winter. While it is warm they will preach on front street each evening.

While driving from town last Wednesday night, Robert HOOLIHAN, of Seward drove into the ditch near Thomas COULEHAN’s home. The buggy was badly damaged but the owner and the horse escaped injury. It was a dark night and no protection was made to prevent any one driving into the ditch.

Fire was discovered in the kitchen at John EDMOND’s residence Wednesday of last week and some lively work was required to extinguish the flames. The sides and ceiling of the room were burned and the damage is considerable. The fire is supposed to have originated in some clothes hanging near the stove.

Messrs. John DWYER, J. P. CLENNON, H. NEWMAN, Jr., John SNYDER, Frank HENKER, Jefferson COOP, Frank HANSEL, Thos. SHIELDS, Thos. O’BRIEN, Joseph KELLY, Wm. BRANNICK and John HANDLON started Sunday on a trip to Plankinton, S. D., for the purpose of looking at the country with a view to purchasing land.

Dr. FERGUSON, of Morris, was here in consultation with Dr. BRINCKERHOFF over Miss Elsie NEILSEN who has been ill with appendicitis. It was thought that an operation would be necessary but after consultation it was decided to postpone this. The patient has since greatly improved and the operation may be found unnecessary.

October 16, 1902, Vol. 27, No. 42

Miss Elsie NIELSON is somewhat improved.

Miss May ANDREWS spent Saturday with relatives in Joliet.

Miss A. M. BAILEY spent Sunday with John HENDERSON and family.

Miss Mamie PAUL, of Chicago, spent this week with friends and relatives here.

Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Charles WHITE, a daughter, Tuesday, Sept. 30, 1902.

No Epworth League was held Sunday evening on account of the storm.

Miss Agnes McEVILLY is visiting with friends and relatives in Chicago this week.

At the meeting of the board of registry Tuesday there were 272 names registered.

A. M. LEACH, of Francesville, Ind., is visiting here with his sister, Mrs. W. A. THAYER.

Misses Mildred CLARK and Matilda TRIMBLE spent part of this week with friends in Joliet.

Miss Etta GORHAM has returned to Elgin after a short visit with friends and relatives here.

Walter WEESE, of Dwight, visited with his brother, E. N. WEESE and wife Thursday of this week.

Wm. FERGUSON and John McEVILLY started to school Monday. They will review eighth grade work.

Several from here attended the convention held at the Ridge church Monday and Tuesday of this week.

Erastus NEILSON has returned to Michigan after a short visit with his brother, C. NEILSON and family here.

Several from here attended the O’BRIEN BRISCOE wedding reception at Channahon last Wednesday evening.

Miss Dora CAMPBELL left Friday for Overline, Ohio, where she will spend some time with friends and relatives.

Edward SWEENEY, of Plattville, visited at Mrs. CANTWELL’s Sunday. Mrs. SWEENEY’s mother was here with her for a visit.

Edward BESLEY returned Wednesday morning from Oskaloosa, Iowa, where he had been looking over the country with a view of purchasing land.

The next number of the Lyceum course will be given Tuesday, Nov. 4, by the Chicago Concert Co., consisting of a mixed quartette. It is reported that this will be the best number of the course.

Fred SMITH, Sr., died early Thursday morning, Oct. 9, 1902. Funeral services were held at the M. E. church Friday and were conducted by Rev. A. BEDDOES, of Seward. There was a large attendance. Interment in Joliet.

The highway commissioners have commenced repairing the roads west of town. So much rain the past season has been very hard on the gravel roads. In consequence more surfacing with gravel will be needed than usual.

We hear of several farmers who have lost hogs with cholera lately. Brady Bros. buried fifteen one day not long ago, and the Meade Bros. have lost hogs by the same disease. The appearance of the disease has caused many to hurry shipment of their hogs to market.

The pupils of the Minooka High School are making preparations to give a box social in the high school room on Tuesday evening, Oct. 21. All are invited. Ladies are requested to bring plain undecorated shoe boxes. It is understood that they are to have something good in them, however.

The E. J. & E. R. R. have a force of men at work putting up stone abutments on the main road in the western part of town and will replace the wooden trestle, which goes over the road, with an up-to-date steel bridge. We understand they will put a steel bridge over the street near St. Mary’s church as soon as the other one is completed.

The street preacher and his wife left town Friday. While he was preaching Thursday night several of the young men drenched him with several pails of water finally throwing the pail at him and nearly hitting him. Eggs were also thrown. The man’s style of preaching many not have been all that it should be but there is certainly more to condemn in the action of those who mistreated him.

Last week while Andrew CLENNON and Edward COULEHAN were ringing some hogs an old sow got mad and made a rush for Andy but he got out of her reach by climbing a fence. The brute then turned her attention to Edward who had been laughing at his companion. He made quick work to get out of her way and succeeded. The damage done was a straw hat badly chewed up. The men were not a bit frightened. A man never climbs when he is frightened.

October 23, 1902, Vol. 27, No. 43

Francis FEEHAN visited with friends in Morris last Saturday.

Robert MILLER expect soon to start a barber shop in Lisbon.

W. _. CAMPBELL is having his dwelling house reshingled this week.

Miss Lulu BELL is now employed as an assistant in the Minooka post office.

David HENNEBRY attended the K. P. Lodge in Quincy one day this week.

Misses Shirley DAVIS and Bessie COLLEPS were Ottawa visitors last Saturday.

Mr. and Mrs. Robert COOP, of Chicago, visited with relatives here this week.

Arthur VanHORN, of Bismark, N. D., visited with relatives here Monday of this week.

Doctor PATTEN and family moved into the house owned by Mrs. Mary BLY Tuesday.

Miss Amy HICKS, of Channahon, visited with her cousin, Miss Jessie CLARK, this week.

Mrs. PETTIT of Ottawa, is a guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. K. KNAPP this week.

A. M. LEACH has returned to his home in Francesville, Ind., after a visit with his sister here.

Misses Lyla and Lorretto OAKS spent the latter part of last week with relatives in Morris.

The Northwestern Telephone Co. is installing its phones in several Minooka homes this week.

Mr. and Mrs. M. STITT and family visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Richard COOP this week.

Mrs. ROBERTS, of Chicago, was here in the interests of the Royal Neighbors a few days of the past week.

Miss Lois STRATTON, who is attending school in Wheaton, visited with relatives here last Sunday.

The next number of the Star Lyceum Lecture course will be given on Nov. 1 at the M. E. church by the Chicago Grand Concert Co.

Miss Elsie NEILSON was taken to the Silver Cross Hospital in Joliet last Monday, where she will undergo an operation for appendicitis. Many friends hope for her speedy recovery.

The basket social which was to be given by the pupils of the M. H. S. in the high school room Tuesday evening was postponed until Friday evening, Oct. 21. All are invited. Ladies bring plain, undecorated shoe boxes. A good program is being prepared.

Church services has been changed considerably since conference. Junior league has been discontinued for the present. Epworth League will hereafter begin at 6:30 and church at 7:30. Prayer meeting will also begin half an hour sooner, being held Wednesday evenings at 7 o’clock.

Mrs. F. BLY, of Aux Sable, has rented the BELL house, now occupied by Mr. and Mrs. H. P. BRANNICK. Mrs. BLY and daughter Lettie and Miss HUNT will take possession as soon as Mr. BRANNICK’s new house is finished. We understand that Clarence MURLEY will work the BLY farm next year.

DIED: James WOOD, at the home of his daughter in Seneca, Tuesday, Oct. 21, 1902. Mr. WOOD formerly lived in Minooka and was one of the old settlers of Grundy County, being at the time of his death over 80 years old. Funeral services will be held in Seneca and the interment will be at the Dresden Cemetery south of Minooka, Thursday, October 23.

While driving home after a visit to Joliet Tuesday James LONERGAN, of Channahon, lit his cigar and dropped the match in the bottom of the buggy. The clothing of his wife instantly caught fire and they hastened to put out the blaze but did not succeed. Mr. LONERGAN called for help and the fire was put out after using several pails of water. But the help came too late to save Mrs. LONERGAN. She was badly burned from her waist to her feet. As soon as possible she was taken to St. Joseph’s hospital where she died at 4 o’clock Wednesday morning. Mr. LONERGAN was badly burned about the hands and feet. Mr. LONERGAN recently sold his farm in Millsdale and moved to Channahon where he married Mrs. COSS, who owned a farm near Dresden. The funeral services were held at St. Mary’s church in this place Friday morning.

October 30, 1902, Vol. 27, No. 44

Miss Elsie NEILSEN is somewhat improved.

Mrs. HALL visited in Chicago part of this week.

W. A. THAYER is having improvements put on his place this week.

Mrs. G. COLLEPS was a guest of Mrs. BAKER in Aux Sable last Wednesday.

A. G. HAWLEY, of Lockport, was in town on telephone business last Tuesday.

Robert WEST, of Francisville, Ind., is visiting with friends in Minooka this week.

The W. F. M. S., will meet at the home of Mrs. J. H. BRINCKERHOFF Saturday afternoon.

Miss Grace BENNETT, of the Ridge, visited at the home of Mrs. J. T. VanDOLSEN this week.

Mrs. VERNON and daughter-in-law, of Chicago, are visiting at the home of Mrs. Wm. GRUETT.

The Ladies Thimble Society will meet with Mrs. Chas. PARMENTER next Thursday afternoon.

Mrs. WARRINGTON left Monday for New York where she will visit her mother and other relatives.

Prof. ROOT, County Superintendent of schools, was in Minooka Monday but did not visit the schools.

Chas. E. DAVIS and M. L. KAFFER are away on a trip to Manitoba and have been absent for a week.

Mr. and Mrs. John DWYER have returned from Wisconsin where they went for their wedding trip last Wednesday.

The Basket Social given by the pupils of the M. H. S. in the school building last Friday evening was quite well attended. The proceeds were about $10.

Mrs. T. B. WORTMAN and children returned from Shelbyville, last Saturday, where they sepnt the past summer. The professor is now “as pleasant as a basket of chips”.

Dr. and Mrs. J. J. BRINCKERHOFF went to Lockport Saturday to visit with the former’s brother, who recently returned from a wedding tour in Europe and stopped at Lockport to visit with relatives there before going on to his home in Oakland, Cal.

The second number of the Star Lyceum Course will be given in the M. E. church Tuesday evening, Nov. 4. The troupe is known as the Grand Concert Company and is composed of four singers who are reputed to be one of the finest quartets in Chicago.

At St. Patrick’s church in this place, Wednesday afternoon, October 22, 1902, at 4 o’clock, occurred a very happy and pretty wedding in which the holy bonds of marriage were assumed by Miss Emma Catherine COULEHAN and Mr. John M. DWYER, both well-known and highly estimable young people of Minooka. The nuptial ceremonies were performed by Rev. Father McMAHON in the presence of a large assemblage of the relatives and friends of the contracting parties. That evening at 8 o’clock a bridal reception was held at the COULEHAN home and the guests enjoyed the delicious bounties of a wedding supper. The bride and groom received many handsome and valuable gifts which they will always cherish as representing the good will and well wishes of the donors. Mr. and Mrs. DWYER departed on a wedding journey to Wisconsin and returned a day or two ago. They will reside here and the best wishes of all attend them.

November 6, 1902, Vol. 27, No. 45

Mr. J. H. MURPHEY has gone to St. Louis to visit with his son.

Daniel DAHLEM, of Joliet, formerly of this place, was in town Sunday.

M. L. KAFFER and C. E. DAVIS returned a few days ago from Manitoba.

Anslow BELL, of Maywood, visited with friends and relatives here this week.

Miss Mary PALMER, of Maywood, visited with friends and relatives here this week.

Mr. and Mrs. Edward PALMER, of Chicago, visited with friends and relatives here this week.

Mr. and Mrs. J. SMITH, of Plainfield, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. T. VanDOLSEN, this week.

The two little sons of Mr. and Mrs. Guy McCLOUD between here and Channahon are down with scarlet fever.

Mrs. George THAYER and daughter Ruth spent part of this week with the former’s sister, Mrs. C. F. THAYER, in Aux Sable.

Mr. J. C. HUGHES, the former druggist at Dr. BRINCKERHOFF’s was in town a day or two this week and registered a vote Tuesday.

The business meeting of the Epworth League which was to have been held at the M. E. church, Monday evening was postponed until a later date.

Mr. and Mrs. A. K. KNAPP and Miss Millie FLUENT, have returned from Charles City, Iowa, where they spent the past week visiting the latter’s parents.

Postmaster Charles DIRST is all smiles this week because of the presence of a prospective postmistress at his home. The little maiden arrived last Monday, Nov. 3, 1902.

Mr. John HATCH, of San Francisco, Cal., has been visiting here for a few days as a guest of his cousins, N. J. COMERFORD, Geo. T. SMITH and others. Mr. HATCH went from Lockport, N. Y., to California in 1859 and has since lived there.

The members of the M. E. Sunday school have decided to have the hour for Sunday school changed from 12 to 2 p.m. during the month of November, commencing next Sunday. If it is considered better at this hour than at 12 it will afterwards be held then.

Mrs. Geo. COLLEPS and son George drove to Plattville, Wednesday to visit with relatives there. The drive proved to be too much for Mrs. COLLEPS who was worse that evening when she returned home but has so far recovered as to be able to be out in her wheel chair again.

Mr. and Mrs. Albert HARE have gone to Hoopeston, Ill., to attend the funeral of the former’s sister, Miss Mary E. HARE, who died Tuesday Nov. 4. The deceased formerly resided in Seward and was at one time teacher of the Chapman school. She was an invalid for twenty years.

The partition has been taken from the bakery owned by Bert WARD and the back part of the building changed into a lunch room. We understand that Mr. WARD has sold his soda fountain to Joseph GEARY who will have it moved to his new lunch counter in the old CARROLL building.

Miss Elsie NEILSON, who has been in the hospital in Joliet since undergoing an operation for appendicitis, has suffered an attack of typhoid fever and is quite critically ill. She was recovering from the effects of the operation in the most satisfactory manner until the typhoid attack developed.

Messrs. N. J. COMERFORD and W. H. KAFFER saw the football contest between the Michigans and Wisconsins at Marshall field in Chicago last Saturday when the Wolverines were victorious by a score of 7 to 0. The Minooka gentlemen were only a short distance from the grand stand which collapsed and injured fifty people.

The second number of the entertainment course was given by the Grand Concert Company, of Chicago. Instead of four singers, as advertised, there were five and many say that it was the best number yet given. The next number will be given on Friday night Nov. 21, by O. EGBERT, Grand Monologist and Impersonator.

Alex BELL’s horse took fright at a train up at the E. J. & E. Wednesday evening and tried to beat the record across the trestle. The feet of the animal soon found the spaces between the ties, however, and its flight ended abruptly. Dell GREEN and others succeeded in getting the horse out and found the creature very little injured but very badly scared.

Mrs. Frank LYNK died at her home in Troy last Monday morning, Nov. 5, 1902, at 5 o’clock. She was born Agnes COLLINGER and was married only two years ago. Her husband survives and her parents also live in that neighborhood. Mrs. LYNK was the mother of one child but the infant spirit was called into eternity before the death of the mother. The funeral took place Wednesday.

Dr. James Johnston BELL, who was born and reared near here, died in Chicago early Tuesday morning. He was ______________________________ and of Mrs. Alex BELL and Mrs. J. S. WATSON and Miss Emma BELL, all of this vicinity. He was about forty years of age and had a host of friends here who are deeply grieved at his untimely death. He married Miss Belle MYERS, of Mazon, about twelve years ago and she with four children, the eldest aged 11 years, survives. Dr. BELL was a highly successful practitioner and was a man of high character and rare intelligence and culture. The Record Herald Wednesday morning contained an excellent likeness of the dead physician together with the following sketch: Dr. J. Johnston BELL, of 342 Fullerton avenue, died yesterday morning at St. Luke’s hospital as the result of an operation for tumor on the brain. He had not been in good health for several months and last June made a trip to California in the hope of recuperation. Dr. BELL was a graduate of Rush Medical College, the founder of the Kedzie Hospital on Central Park boulevard, a member of the Masonic order and a Knight of Pythias. The funeral will take place from the family residence on Thursday at 1 o’clock.

Last Saturday afternoon the Joliet high school boys went to Aurora and played a game of football with the high school team of that city. The home team proved the victors, the score being 21 to 6 in their favor.

November 13, 1902, Vol. 27, No. 46

Fletcher DIRST returned Monday evening from Kansas City.

C. A. TROWBRIDGE was in Joliet on business one day this week.

Daniel FRECKLETON, of Joliet, visited with relatives here last Saturday.

Miss THOMSON, of Chicago, visited with relatives here part of this week.

Frank MILLER is working at his trade of lathing in Morris, this week.

Mrs. J. CONKLIN of Seneca, is visiting relatives here the latter part of the week.

Chas. and Fred DIRST received a carload of sheep this week from Kansas City.

A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. Osmond OLSON in Seward, Saturday, Nov. 8th, 1902.

Mrs. Geo. FRECKLETON, of Joliet, formerly of this place, visited friends and relatives here this week.

Mrs. C. NEILSEN came home from Joliet last Sunday and reported her daughter Elsie, at the hospital, much improved.

Prof. T. B. WORTMAN spent Saturday with his friend Dr. BENNETT in Mazon. He was much interested in Dr. BENNETT’s fine poultry.

The business meeting of the Epworth League which was postponed last week was held last Monday evening at the M. E. church.

Mr. John COLLEPS fell one day this week and struck his head on a potato hook. An ugly wound was made but the aged victim was promptly attended by a physician and is getting along nicely.

One of the section men on the Rock Island here while handling a revolver last Sunday, accidentally discharged the weapon and the bullet passed through his leg. No serious results are anticipated.

November 20, 1902, Vol. 27, No. 48

Albert PATTEN was in Joliet on business last Monday.

Dr. J. J. BRINCKERHOFF made a business trip to Chicago last Saturday.

E. L. HUTCHINSON, of White Willow, spent Sunday with friends here.

T. C. THAYER, of Chicago, visited with friends and relatives here this week.

Miss Matilda TRIMBLE visited with relatives in Chicago during the past week.

Thos. MURPHEY, who lives two miles east of town is now dangerously ill with pneumonia.

Miss Mary HOLDERMAN, county superintendent of schools, visited our school last Tuesday.

Mr. and Mrs. Richard COOP spent several days this week with friends and relatives in Verona.

Mrs. KILHEFFER, of Iowa, has been a guest here for several days of her sister, Mrs. J. J. BRINCKERHOFF.

Misses Franc and Ethel WATSON spend the latter part of this week with friends and relatives in Chicago.

Mrs. CONKLIN returned to her home in Seneca a few days ago after a week’s visit with friends and relatives here.

Miss Millie CLARK is very ill with tonsilitis. Miss Eunice FERGUSON is also suffering with the same affliction.

Oliver PAUL left here Monday with a gang of artesian well drillers for Cardiff, Ill., where he will be employed in drilling.

Mrs. Jeremiah COLLINS, of Aux Sable, and her sister-in-law Mrs. George WIDNEY, of Mobile, Alabama, visited with Mrs. J. T. VanDOLSEN one day this week.

The third number of the entertainment course will be given this Friday evening, Nov. 21, by C. Egbert GRANT, the monologist and impersonator of the famous play, “Shore Acres.” We are informed it will be excellent and everybody is cordially invited to be present.

November 27, 1902, Vol. 27, No. 48

Miss Edith BLY is very sick with typhoid fever.

George THAYER was a visitor in Joliet last Saturday.

Bert WARD has a new stock of holiday jewelry on hand.

Miss Mae ANDREWS visited with relatives in Joliet this week.

Mr. and Mrs. R. COOP visited with friends and relatives in Joliet Thursday.

Charles WEESE’s children, of Morris, visited with friends and relatives here last Sunday.

Guy BUTTON, of New Lenox, formerly of this place, is reported very ill with appendicitis.

Miss Florence WYETH, of White Willow, spent part of this week with friends and relatives in Minooka.

Miss Elsie NEILSON is expected home next Monday from the hospital in Joliet. She is improving nicely.

Miss Maggie DEMPSEY, of Joliet, formerly of this place, visited with friends and relatives here last Sunday.

Mrs. Fred SMITH, of this place, has purchased a residence in Joliet and intends to remove to that city in the near future.

The sewing circle of the M. E. church met at the home of Mrs. Wm. PATTEN last Wednesday. The ladies expect to hold another fair about Christmas time.

Miss Luella TEMPLETON, who is troubled with an enlargement of one of the glands of the eye, had her eye lanced last Saturday and the trouble has been somewhat relieved.

Mr. John CRUMBY and Miss Sadie O’BRIEN were united in marriage Wednesday afternoon at St. Mary’s church by Rev. Father McMAHON. They are popular young people who have the best wishes of all.

The abutments of the stone bridge on the main road going under the E. J. & E. were finished this week and the engines moved to the first road north, near St. Mary’s church, where they will put up other abutments.

Miss Emma McEVILLY was slightly injured in Joliet last week at the corner of Ottawa and Jefferson streets. A trolley pole on a street car fell and struck Miss McEVILLY across the shoulder and nearly caused her to fall. Had the blow been received on the head the injury would doubtless have been far ……….

December 11, 1902, Vol. 27, No. 52

Markets – Corn 50; oats 28.

C. F. THAYER made a business trip to Chicago Monday.

Thos. NADEN and wife were Chicago visitors last week.

The Sewing Society met with Rev. WARRINGTON Tuesday.

Joseph WATSON, of Chicago, visited with relatives here last week.

Mrs. George COLLEPS is very much improved after a tedious illness.

John RANDALL and Col. WILLARD were Chicago visitors last Friday.

Frank TIERNEY has opened a new meat market in the CARROLL building.

A large number of sheep are at present being shipped from here to Chicago.

P. LAUDERBAUCH will hold a public auction of his farming tools next Tuesday.

Miss Maggie DEPLITCH, of Chicago, is visiting her mother, Mrs. REDMOND in this place.

Mr. Henry NEWMAN, Sr. has been quite sick with bronchial pneumonia the past week.

John EDMUNDS and John WILSON took in the fat stock show in Chicago last Saturday.

The home of John WILSON was brightened last Wednesday by the arrival of a new baby boy.

Mr. WALTERS and sister, of Joliet, were guests here at the home of Alex COULEHAN and family last Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. Daniel COOP, of Chicago, visited with friends and relatives in Minooka over Sunday.

Quite a number from here took in “McFadden’s Row of Flats” at the Joliet Theatre Saturday night.

Mr. John POWERS, of Morris, and Mr. Albert KAVANAUGH, of Joliet, were guests at the McEVILLY home here last Sunday.

Geo. NEWMAN, of Huron, South Dakota, and sister, Mrs. Albert PATTEN, of Iowa, arrived here Saturday to visit their father who is quite sick.

Miss Mattie COLLEPS started for Paterson, N. J., last Wednesday where she will make an extended visit with relatives. Mr. COLLEPS accompanied her to Chicago.

McHugh A. SCHOENSTEDT, Joliet’s New Method Clothiers, guarantee you the biggest values for your money in clothing and gents’ furnishings. Corner Cass and Chicago streets.

Mrs. W. W. BUCKLEY, formerly Miss Mabie MILLER, of this place, now of Seattle, Wash., arrived here Saturday. She will make an extended visit with friends and relatives in this vicinity.

December 25, 1902, Vol. 27, No. 52

Miss BAILEY will spend the holidays with her father in Plano.

Mrs. T. KREIN and son Andrew were Joliet visitors Saturday.

John HENNEBRY will soon succeed Alex. BELL at the new elevator.

C. F. THAYER has presented his daughter with a fine new piano.

Mr. and Mrs. DeWitt SHUFELT are visiting with friends in Chicago.

William GRUETT is building a new barn on the rear of his town property.

The Eastern Stars, of Minnehaba chapter of this place, have a new piano.

Hugh DEMPSEY is the new bartender in P. WHALEN’s saloon in Lisbon.

Miss Lois STRATTON has finished her school course at the Wheaton college.

Mr. and Mrs. Bert WARD were joyed by the birth of a fine baby girl, Dec. 18th, 1902.

John VanDOLSEN has been quite sick the past week but is reported better at this writing.

Miss Frances FEEHAN returned to her home in Odell, Ill., Saturday to spend the holidays.

William and George RUSHTON returned from Odell, Wis., Monday where they had been visiting with relatives.

The E. J. & E. have completed the masonry of their new bridges and will soon replace the old wood work with new iron bridges.

Charles DIRST has tendered his resignation as postmaster here and it is probable that C. B. CHASE will be appointed as his successor. Mr. CHASE’s petition for appointment has already been quite generally signed.

Mr. Henry NEWMAN, Sr., died Dec. 18, aged about 75 years, of pneumonia, at his home in Sand Ridge. Mr. NEWMAN was one of the earliest settlers of this vicinity and was well known and respected by everyone. Burial took place Saturday in the Aux Sable cemetery. Deceased leaves a widow and several sons and daughters to mourn his loss.

The remains of James FEEHAN were brought to Minooka from Chicago last Friday and interred at Dresden cemetery. Deceased was born and raised to manhood near Minooka and moved to Chicago about ten years ago where he died of consumption aged 38 years. His mother and several brothers and sisters, among whom is Mrs. Ambrose BRANNICK, survive him.

Transcribed by Deb Haines

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