Phoenix Advertiser, Minooka News 1903

January 1, 1903, Vol. 28, No. 1

Markets – Corn 37; oats 28.

Prof. T. R. Wortman was a Joliet visitor Monday.

Miss Lorene Watson was a Joliet visitor Wednesday.

Mrs. C. E. Davis was a Chicago visitor Tuesday.

John Handlon returned from Montana last Saturday.

D. G. Andrews has been on the sick list the past week.

Wm. Kaffer was in Rock Island on business part of this week.

Miss Jennie Templeton is visiting with friends in New Lenox.

Miss Mattie Sperry, of Joliet, visited with Minooka friends last week.

Mr. John Templeton and family are visiting with relatives in Momence.

Ray Button of New Lenox, visited with friends in Minooka part of this week.

Miss Luella Templeton visited with Minooka friends part of this week.

Geo. Graham, of Chicago, is visiting with friends and relatives in Minooka.

The E. J. & E. has been ballasting its tracks through here–with cinders lately.

Fitts and Arthur Jones visited with their grandparents here part of this week.

Mrs. A. Bell and daughters, Alma, Edna and Audrey were Chicago visitors Monday.

Miss May Andrews returned from Seneca Saturday where she had been visiting friends.

The Eastern Star gave a pleasant New Year’s dancing party in Masonic hall Wednesday evening.

Mrs. Newman returned from Joliet Saturday where she had been visiting with friends and relatives.

Miss Mildred Watson has returned from school in Evanston to spend the vacation with her parents.

Miss Myrtle Bell, of Chicago, and Sumner Bell of Joliet, spent the holidays with relatives in Minooka.

W. S. Battis will be the next attraction in the lyceum course. The date is next Tuesday evening, Jan. 6.

P. Lauterbach moved to Troy Monday and the farm vacated by him will be operated by C. F. O’Neil next year.

Miss Grace Hitchcock and Miss Lizzie Paul, formerly of this place, attended the Court of Honor dance on Christmas night.

It has been reported that Wm. Bolton, formerly of this place, was lately taken to the pest house in Joliet with a mild case of small pox.

A successful pigeon shoot was held in Shepley’s pasture Wednesday afternoon. About 250 birds were shot by several of our crack marksman.

John Atlee went to Chicago Wednesday for a few days’ visit and will go out to Zion to call on his favorite teacher, Dr. John Alexander Dowie Elijah.

Miss Elsie Neilsen was brought home from Joliet Thursday where she has had a long siege of sickness in the Silver Cross hospital. She is reported to be doing quite nicely at present and all hope for a speedy recovery.

Mr. Edward Walters and sister Nora, of Joliet, visited as guests at the McEvilly home here last Sunday. The Misses Helen and Lena Kavanaugh, of Joliet, cousins of the Misses McEvilly, were also visitors here at the same time.

Louis Emily, of Divine, had the misfortune to have both feet crushed while attempting to board a freight train for Joliet last Saturday. He was afterward taken to Joliet where it was necessary to amputate one foot. Mr. Emily had been a cripple for some time but fortunately his better foot was spared.

Rural free delivery on route No. 2 starting from Minooka, went into effect Jan. 1st with Alex. Bell as carrier. This does away with the Star route to White Willow and John Atlee made his last trip as carrier thereon Wednesday. The White Willow office, Louie Darnell, postmaster, will be continued for some time at least.

January 8, 1903, Vol. 28, No. 2

Markets – Corn 37; oats 29.

Mrs. Robt. Moore is on the sick list at present.

Miss Ollie Thayer spent last Saturday in Joliet.

Mrs. W. J. Campbell was a visitor in Joliet last Monday.

David P. Hall was in Joliet on business last Monday.

David Coop, of Chicago, visited with relatives here this week.

Miss Emma Filkins, of Morris, visited with friends here this week.

Miss Mildred Watson has returned to Evanston after a two weeks’ visit here.

Wm. Gruett is having a new barn built on the lot back of his house this week.

Miss A. M. Bailey has returned from Plano where she had been visiting her father.

Miss Winifred Templeton of Joliet, visited with friends and relatives here last Sunday.

There is an addition of five new pupils in the high school since the holiday vacation.

School opened last Monday after a two weeks’ vacation which was greatly enjoyed by all.

The members of the Minnehaha Chapter, O. E. S., cleared $50 at the recent New Year’s ball.

Chas. A. Trowbridge has been appointed postmaster, and will begin his duties in the near future.

Miss Florence Ketcham has returned to her home near St. Paul after a visit with relatives here.

John Templeton and family have returned from Momence, where they had been visiting relatives.

Miss Jennie Templeton has returned from New Lenox, where she spent her holiday vacation with friends.

Mr. and Mrs. John Brincherhoff, of Lockport, were guests here of their son, Dr. J. J. Brinckerhoff, New Years.

Miss Eramus Feeban returned from her home in Odell, where she has been spending her two weeks’ vacation, last Saturday.

Mrs. Frank Clark had a load of household goods hauled to Joliet Wednesday and the family intend to move there soon and conduct a boarding house.

A. E. Andrew, the popular Rock Island agent, who has been on the sick list, has sent for an agent to relieve him and may be compelled to go to a hospital.

Mrs. T. Krein was severely injured by falling down the cellar steps at her home last Sunday evening. A physician was summoned and Miss Krein is recovering.

A New Year’s party was given last Thursday at W. J. Campbell’s home in honor of the latter’s sixtieth birthday. Only the nearest relatives were present. An enjoyable time was reported.

Mrs. Raunsville, of Boston, has arranged to come from Joliet every Friday night to teach a class in singing here. The first meeting was held at Mr. C. Foster’s last Friday. About twenty pupils are in the class.

Mrs. Ellis Jones was so unfortunate as to lose her pocket book, which contained quite a sum of money, while in Joliet one day last week, but while there Friday learned that it had been found in the feed yard where she had left the horse, and going there obtained it.

The 4th number of the Star Lycenm course was given Tuesday night by Wm. S. Battis, representing Nicholas Nicholby. It is thought by many that this was the best entertainment of all the course. The unique impersonation of the different characters in facial expression, personal attitude, and modulation of voice showed rare talent. Mr. Battis is considered a second Leland T. Powers.

At the business meeting of the Epworth League, which was held at the M. E. parsonage last Monday evening, the following officers were elected for the ensuing six months: President, Mrs. E. N. Weese; 1st vice president, Mrs. L. P. Warrington; 2nd vice president, Miss A. M. Bailey; 3rd vice president, Edna M. Bell; 4th vice president, Mrs. T. B. Wortman; secretary, Miss Maude Thayer; treasurer, Mrs. E. E. Campbell.

January 15, 1903, Vol. 28, No. 3

Markets – Corn 38; oats 30.

There is now more than the usual amount of sickness in this community.

The grain, both corn and oats, has been coming in to market rather lively this week.

W. A. Clark, who lives a mile west of Chapman church, holds an auction sale of his stock, farm, tools, etc., today.

John Coulehan has been included among the sick for a week or more and has had pneumonia. He is now improving quite satisfactorily.

Robert Vernon O’Donnell, of Utica, relief agent for the Rock Island, is now discharging the duties of agent here in place of Agent Andrews.

Several inches of snow fell last Saturday night and Sunday and the feathery whiteness was badly drifted by the winds, leaving the roads in many places bare white while in others the sleighing is quite respectable.

No appointment of a postmaster to succeed Charles Dirst has yet been made but it is conceded that C. A. Trowbridge will be the man. The appointment and change will likely be made within the next couple of weeks.

The mercury got busy in the lower degrees last Monday and that morning gave a little exhibition in the fifth notch below zero. Not so bad but what it might have been worse but cold enough to think seriously about the coat supply.

Mrs. James Mead has been very ill with pneumonia during the past week and apprehensions for her recovery have been felt. We are pleased to state that she was somewhat improved at last advices. Mrs. Mead is nearly seventy years of age.

No hard coal can be obtained in Minooka but up to date no shortage in the supply of the soft article has been reported and out people are comfortable on the vexing question of the hour, so serious in many of the larger, cities and small towns as well.

The members of St. Mary’s church choir were the hosts Wednesday evening at Union hall in a pleasant invitation dancing party which was most successfully conducted. There was a large number of guests and an enjoyable time for all. The music was by Hotman’s orchestra.

About twenty of the young people of Minooka known as the “happy score” went to Joliet a few evenings ago and were royally entertained at the home of Miss Nora Walters on North Hickory Street. The evening was most pleasantly spent for all and a jolly crowd came home on the midnight train.

D. G. Andrews, the Rock Island agent, has been confined to his home since last Saturday and is threatened with typhoid fever. He has been ailing for several weeks and was at last forced to give up work. He intends going to a hospital in Chicago to recuperate as soon as he is able to make the trip.

The supply of blacksmith’s coal is running short and the mighty men of the forge in Minooka are unable to secure any. The coal they burn comes from Piedmont, Virginia, and usually cost about $6.50 per ton. There is now none to be bad in Joliet at any price and the immediate outlook for a supply is not encouraging. There is no strike at the mines but a shortage of cars for hauling seems to be the trouble.

Those who go to the mines near Morris for their coal are able to get the article for $2.75 per ton and farmers and others living within five or six miles are glad to avail themselves of this opportunity to secure their fuel. A longer haul makes up hill business, besides it frequently happens that one is unable to secure the coal on the day he goes for it and in that event another trip has to be made. It is estimated that the cost of placing a ton of coal on the same cars in this district is from $1.35 to $1.40 and there is therefore a good margin of profit to the mine operator at the price of $2.75 at the mine.

January 22, 1903, Vol. 28, No. 4

Markets – Corn 39; oats 31.

C. E. Davis was in Morris on business last Tuesday.

Mrs. Chas. Parmenter has been on the sick list for a week or so.

D. H. Andrews, the Rock Island agent, is slowly improving from his illness.

Matthew Paul, who has suffered with a siege of rheumatism, has nearly recovered.

William Bedford returned a few days ago from a visit with his relatives at Victoria, Illinois.

Grain has been coming in lively this week. Late quotations are 39 cents for corn and 31 cents for oats.

A little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Cornelius Thompson in the county near here is sick with diphtheria.

J. B. Hughes, the former druggist at Dr. Brinckerhoff’s, is now employed with a drug firm in Chatsworth, Ill.

The Norwegian church in Seward is soon to have an addition built to it and a part of the material for the improvement is already on the ground.

The old school building out in the Bell district in Seward will be sold to the highest bidder on the grounds next Thursday, Jan. 29, between 1 and 3 o’clock p.m.

The final number of the lyceum course will be given the early part of March and will consist of a lecture by J. R. Reitzel, who has a wide reputation as a platform speaker.

Miss Shirley Davis entertained a number of her schoolmate friends at her home last Tuesday evening, Jan. 20, in honor of her fourteenth birthday. Games, fine refreshments, and a general good social time prevailed until a late hour.

January 29, 1903, Vol. 28, No. 5

Markets – Corn 38; oats 30; eggs 22; butter 22.

Mrs. E. Tabler is recovering from a protracted illness.

Mrs. C. E. Davis has been numbered with the sick for a few days.

Edward Chapman went to Chicago Tuesday noon and remained for a day or two.

Patrick Dwyer, one of the oldest residents of the village, is on the sick list this week.

Mrs. Daniel Hall, who was quite sick in Joliet for some time, is now much improved.

Elizabeth Coop went to Chicago last week and will make her home in that city henceforth.

Mrs. James Mead, who was very sick with pneumonia a little while ago, has nearly recovered.

The Henderson school was closed last week on account of the case of diphtheria in the Thompson family.

Mrs. Cora Frazier, of Chicago, spent last week here as a guest at the home of Robert Moore and family.

Thomas McEvilly has been on the sick list for several days and it is thought has a slight attack of pneumonia.

Thomas Oaks spent last Sunday in Joliet and joined in the laugh provoked by “Buzy Izzy” at the theatre that evening.

Mrs. Feehan, of Chicago, has been very ill at the home of her daughter, Mrs. A. Brannick in the country southwest of town and is as yet but little improved.

S. F. Trowbridge, tax collector for Aux Sable, has received the books and will be glad to see the tax payers at his office in the Newsam house east of Comerford’s store.

The Misses Lottie and Franc Watson went to Chicago Tuesday noon to attend a reunion at the auditorium that evening of the Alumni of Northwestern University.

The two daughters of Mr. and Mrs. Cornelius Thompson, who have been sick with diphtheria, are improving and are expected to recover without ill effects from the disease.

H. P. Brannick’s new residence in the west end of town where the old Keough house formerly stood, is now complete and Mr. and Mrs. Brannick will take possession in a couple of weeks.

D. H. Andrews has nearly recovered from his illness and expects to resume work next Monday as agent for the Rock Island. Richard Vernon O’Donnell who has been acting as relief will then return to Utica.

A fine little daughter arrived at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Buel last Sunday, Jan. 25, 1903 and there is rejoicing by the proud parents and the happy grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Alonzo Heath. The family reside on the Comerford farm west of town.

The funeral of Mrs. Fred Martens who resided a few miles southeast of here, took place last Thursday afternoon from the home. The funeral director was E. B. Hughes, of Joliet. The decedent leaves an aged husband, one son, William, of Morris and two daughters, Mrs. Hogan and Mrs. Helsler of Chicago.

The ball given Wednesday evening of last week in Union hall by the choir of St. Mary’s church was the leading social function of the season and a very large number of quests found rare pleasure therein. There were about a hundred couples in attendance. The grand march was led by Mr. and Mrs. N. J. Comerford and Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Conroy. A number of guests from Joliet, Morris, and other places were present. The music was by Holman’s orchestra.

Mr. and Mrs. John Brannick quite unexpectedly became hosts to about fifty of their friends last Sunday evening who thought it appropriate to thus remind the worthy couple that it was their tenth wedding anniversary. It required only the passing of the word along the line to get the crowd together and Mr. and Mrs. Brannick were completely surprised. The hosts, however, soon recovered from their surprise and proceeded to make good their reputation as hosts of the royal class. Fine refreshments were furnished and the event was thoroughly enjoyable to all who were present.

C. A. Trowbridge has received official notice of his appointment as postmaster and expects to take possession about Feb. 1. He has filed his bond and as soon as it can be approved he will receive his commission. The office will remain in its present quarters until Mr. Trowbridge’s government building on Wabena Avenue can be completed. Work on this building is being advanced as rapidly as possible. It is located just north of Kaffer’s store on Shepley’s lot next to which Mr. Trowbridge’s residence now is. The postmaster expects to retain his position as agent for the E. J. & E. and Miss Lulu Bell will be retained as assistant in the post office.

February 5, 1903, Vol. 28, No. 6

Markets – Corn 38; oats 30; eggs 22; butter 22.

Mrs. George Van Zandt is suffering with an attack of erysipelas.

A fine little son has arrived at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Edw. Liberty one day last week.

Thomas McEvilly who suffered a light attack of pneumonia last week has nearly recovered.

The annual fire dance occurred last Tuesday evening in Union hall and was a very pleasant event.

The little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Thayer was quite sick during the week but is now better.

Michael Brannick, one of the well known old residents of the village, has been in a critical condition for some time.

Miss Agnes McEvilly and Miss Mildred Fluent will give a progressive euchre party to a number of their friends in Masonic hall next Monday evening.

C. A Trowbridge, the new postmaster, took possession of the Minooka office last Monday and is getting acquainted with Uncle Sam’s work. The office remains at Chase’s store for the present and Miss Lulu Bell is retained as assistant.

The news of diphtheria at Mr. Thompson’s in the country northeast of here have resulted in the death of his little boy and the very serious illness of the other children. The little boy died Tuesday morning at 8 o’clock and the funeral occurred privately the next day. The two children who were serious have nearly recovered but the later cases have been far more severe.

February 12, 1903, Vol. 28, No. 7

Markets – Corn 39; oats 31; eggs 22; butter 22.

George Thayer was in Joliet on business Monday.

D. G. Andrews resumed charge of the Rock Island office again last week after a few weeks’ illness.

Robert Scofield’s team ran away last Saturday and wound up in a barb wire fence in C. E. Davis’ cornfield. No one hurt.

Work on the new postoffice building is progressing rather slowly, but Contractor Rolfe expects to have the place ready for occupancy by March 1.

Last Monday night near midnight a team ran away and turned west on the Rock Island track at the crossing west of town. Several persons was the team with cutter attached going at a mad pace but were unable to tell whose it was and nothing further has been heard of them.

An election was held in the town of Seward a few days ago on the question of building an iron bridge across Aux Sable creek near Shurtleff’s crossing. About 120 votes were cast and the proposition carried five to one. There has never been a bridge at the point in question, a ford heretofore affording the only accommodation for crossing. The work on the bridge will soon be started.

Osman Lawson of Sand Ridge, had a lively experience while driving home from town last Monday night. His team were feeling frisky and started to run as soon as Mr. Lawson began driving them. They ran west half a mile then threw Mr. Lawson out into a hedge fence. Then they flew the road and went through two wire fences and onto the Rock Island right-of-way. We were unable to learn where they finished. Mr. Lawson was badly bruised and scratched up.

Elmer Draner’s team was in a perilous position for a short time Sunday morning. Mr. Draner attempted to drive up the Rock Island tracks from the crossing west of town and his sled runner caught in the frog about eighty rods west of the station. He was unable to extricate the sled.

February 19, 1903, Vol. 28, No. 8

Markets – Corn 37; oats 31; eggs 22; butter 22.

Frank Tierney was a visitor in Joliet last Tuesday.

Wm. Gruett is serving on the federal jury in Chicago.

W. A. Thayer was in Joliet on business last Tuesday.

R. E. Brady was in Chicago on a business trip Monday.

Mrs. Fred Dirst has been numbered among the sick for several days.

Mrs. T. B. Wortman and children left a few days ago for a visit at Shelbyville, Ill.

Mr. and Mrs. George Van Zandt, who were both afflicted with erysipelas, have nearly recovered.

Mr. John Brinckerhoff, of Lockport, spent the past week here with his son, Dr. J. J. Brinckerhoff.

Miss Hays, of Wilmington, has been a guest of relatives and friends north of town the past week.

The Misses Lida and Mary Fitzgerald, of Clifton, Ill., were guests here last week of their cousin, Miss Mary Cantwell. They returned home Saturday.

One of the avents of local history that is hereby gladly reported was the birth of a fine little daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Dwyer, Monday, February 9, 1903.

Miss May Bly and Mr. Clarence Murley were quietly married at the bride’s home Wednesday afternoon, Feb. 18, 1903, Rev. L. P. Warrington officiating. The happy couple have the best wishes of all.

The family of Cornelius Thompson are practically through with their sad siege of diphtheria. The place in the family circle made vacant by the death of the little boy will ever be a reminder of the terrible visitation of the disease but the three daughters who were ill have all been spared.

Charlies Schiefeldt met with a buzz saw and a piece of bad luck last Saturday. He was sawing some wood near his home six miles west of here and his hand accidentally came in contact with the saw. None of the fingers are missing but they are all badly lacerated and will be out of service for a few weeks.

Married – Miss Katherine Kelly and Mr. Andrew Sharp were married in St. Mary’s Catholic church in this place Wednesday afternoon, Feb. 18, 1903, at 3 o’clock p.m., Rev. Father McMahon officiating. The bride is the popular and estimable daughter of Mrs. James Kelly and has a host of friends here who wish for her unbounded joy and fortune. The groom is a worthy young gentleman, the son of Richard Sharp, who resides at the Aux Sable locks and who has a large circle of acquaintances who are pleased to extend their heartiest congratulations. Mr. and Mrs. Sharp will reside on a farm south of Morris.

The members of the Court of Honor gave Mrs. William Coop the surprise of her life last Saturday evening in honor of her birthday. The members of the order thought that it was extremely befitting that their worthy chancellor’s natal day should not pass as ordinary days do and therefore they drove out to the Coop home in the early evening and drove home in the early morning. The intervening time was spent in the many pleasantries which this particular crowd so well know how to enjoy. Cards and dancing had their devotees and the delicious bivalve played a prominent part in the act that generously satisfied the inner man.

Death of Michael Brannick – Minooka lost one of her oldest and best citizens last Thursday morning, Feb. 12, 1903, when Michael Brannick answered the death summons after a life of nearly eighty years. His health and mental powers were excellent until about three years ago when the infirmities of age began to manifest themselves and the splendid faculties declined as all mortal powers some time must.

Mr. Brannick was born in County Mayo, Ireland, in 1823 and came to America when a young man. He was on a farm near Lisbon for a few years until the gold fever of California cast its charmed spell over the whole country when he became an argonaut to the far land. Fortune smiled rather generously on Erin’s hardy son and he returned here to claim the hand of Miss Mary Sterling in marriage.

Mr. Brannick purchased a farm south of town in 1851 and there he lived from that time until about fifteen years ago when he came to spend his last years in the rest which he had so well earned. He was a man of generous nature, of good impulse and benevolent deeds, honest, industrious and successful. Many friends besides the family mourn his decline and departure.

Mr. Brannick’s death was the first in his family. He leaves a widow, six sons and four daughters, John, Ambrose, William, Henry, Katherine and Margaret Brannick, and Mrs. William Coulehan of Minooka; Michael and Thomas of Cripple Creek, Col. and Mrs. Thomas Brady of Joliet.

The funeral took place Saturday morning at 10 o’clock and the obsequies conducted by Rev. Father McMahon, were very largely attended by the citizens in general. The pall bearers were Messrs. P. H. Priscoe, William Coulehan, Thomas Comerford, John McDonald, James McEvilly, and J. P. Clennon. The interment was in Dresden Cemetery.

March 5, 1903, Vol. 28, No. 10

William A. Clark has taken a position at N. J. Comerford’s store, beginning last Monday to familiarize himself with the business preparatory to starting on the road April 1 with a delivery and sales wagon for Mr. Comerford.

Mr. Joseph Findlay, of Seward, went to the Hoosier state to take the Benedictine degree last Wednesday, Feb. 25, 1903. His bride is Miss Minnie Goss and the wedding took place at her home in Bemington, Ind. Mr. Findlay is a young man of excellent character and his bride is said to be a fair lady of fine qualities. The happy twain will reside on a farm in Seward and have the best wishes of a host of friends.

Miss Jennie Findlay and Mr. William Williamson were married in Geneva, Ill., Tuesday, Feb 21, 1903, and will reside on a farm in Seward, of which place both have heretofore been residents. Both are highly esteemed young people whose friends are legion and they will be happy and prosperous indeed if half of the best wishes of friends are realized.

R. F. Brady and bride arrived here last Monday evening from their eastern wedding journey and went at once to their new home on Wabena Ave. where they were given a rousing serenade by young folks that night.

W. A. Clark and family have moved from their home in Seward into the village and have located in the Richard Coop property formerly occupied by Prof. Wortman and family.

We understand that Prof. T. B. Wortman will retire from educational work with the close of the school year here and that he will take up the free life of the farm which promises renewed health and greater remuneration. Prof. Wortman has been principal of Minooka schools for several years and his work here has been eminently satisfactory to all. His decision to leave at the close of this year causes great regret. Mrs. Wortman and the children have already gone to Shelbyville, Ill., and Prof. Wortman intends to make his home near there.

Rev. John Reitzel will be the next attraction for the Star Lyceum course. He is billed to appear tonight, March 5.

The new post office building now looms up on Wabena Avenue and it will soon be enclosed and completed. It will be two stories high and there will be living apartments up stairs.

Miss Mattie Colleps arrived home last Sunday from New Jersey where she had been visiting relatives for three months.

Mr. and Mrs. Fletcher Dirst, have been absent for a week visiting their daughter, Mrs. Fred Pendleton, at Quincy, Ill.

A box social will occur at the Brown school house next Friday evening, Feb. 13.

J. N. Edmunds went to the county seat Monday as the grand juror for Aux Sable.

Mrs. H. Pendleton spent last week with her daughter, Mrs. J. E. Morgan, of Lemont.

A pleasant stag party was held last Saturday evening at the home of Ole Olson.

George Thayer has secured a position with the street railway company in Joliet and has removed with his family to that place.

Anson Goodson and family have removed from the Howard farm onto Shepley Bros. Farm north of town.

Frank Eneix and family moved last week from the Coulehan place to the Eneix farm near the river.

Mrs. Fred Smith and family are moving to Joliet this spring. They have purchased property there.

March 11, 1903, Vol. 28, No. 12

Markets – Corn 31; oats 30; eggs 13.

A few from here attended the dance in Morris Tuesday night.

Furlong, the drug man, was a business visitor here Wednesday.

The township republican caucus will be held Saturday at 3 p.m. in Krein’s hall.

John McEvilly attended the St. Patrick’s dance in Adam hall in Joliet Tuesday evening.

The township democratic caucus is called for Saturday afternoon at 4 o’clock in Krein’s hall.

Mrs. Emily Widney, of White Willow, left Tuesday for Mobile, Ala., where she will visit relatives.

Miss Mary Cantwell returned yesterday from Odell where she had been attending her aunt who is now considerably improved.

Bert Burgess who is suffering with appendicitis went to the Post Graduated hospital in Chicago Tuesday to have an operation performed.

Herman Blech returned a few days ago from Chicago where he had been taking medical treatment. He has been pronounced cured by the institute.

The small pox scare in the country north of here is over and no cases of the developed disease, although there had been two exposures to the disease.

The removal of the post office to the new quarters was made Saturday night and things are running along smoothly in the new building on Wabena Ave.

The Court of Honor gave a dance in Union hall last Tuesday evening and there was a large attendance and a pleasant time for all. The music was by Holman and was the only feature of the occasion that was not all that could be desired.

Political affairs are extremely quiet here and it begins to look as though it would be necessary to issue a search warrant to get candidates for all of the positions. There isn’t a single avowed candidate in the field for any position in either township or village and it is certainly pertinent to inquire why this is thus.

Mr. Frank Tierney, the popular Minooka meat dealer, and Miss Hays, of Lorenzo, were quietly married in Chicago last Tuesday. William Paul accompanied the groom and looked after the necessary documents and details to carry out the ceremonies in due form. The bride and groom will reside here and have the best wishes of all.

N. J. Comerford and D. A. Hennebry attended the banquet of the Irish Fellowship Club at the Auditorium in Chicago St. Patrick’s night and heard responses to toasts by Archbishop Quigley on “The President”, Gov. Yates on “Illinois” and Mayor Harrison on “Chicago” besides a number of others. The event was in honor of the new Archbishop. Judge E. F. Dunne presided and officiated as toastmaster. Walter Wellman and Lucius Kramer, two noted newspaper correspondents spoke of Ireland and the conditions there.

March 12, 1903, Vol. 28, No. 12

Thomas Kinsella is threatened with pneumonia.

Mrs. Bernhard Ingoldsby is recovering from a severe illness.

Mrs. Ferdinand Gherke, west of town, has been quite sick but is better now.

Mrs. Peter Conroy, of Channahon, has been ill with bronchitis for some time.

Mrs. James Cantrell, who has been sick for some time, is but little improved.

Earl Van Zandt, of Zion City, is a guest here at the home of his uncle, George Van Zandt. He lately returned from Colorado and is now living with his parents in Dowie’s(?) municipality.

Frank Jones, who has been living on the Shepley farm, will occupy the quarters over the postoffice. He will be employed by Shepley Bros.

Miss Mary Cantwell left Monday for Odell, where her sister, Mrs. Lawrence Feehan, has been very sick for some time and was then reported much worse.

The baby of Mr. and Mrs. Alex Coulehan has been suffering with bronchitis.

Mrs. Bert Heep went to Joliet last Tuesday to undergo an operation at Silver Cross hospital.

Jeremiah Snyder and family who have been living in Aux Sable, are moving to Plankington, SD.

Oliver Bedford, near Channahon, suffered severe hemorrhages last week but has nearly recovered therefrom.

Mrs. Boomer, who has been staying at the home of J. H. Murphey for a few weeks has been on the sick list.

R. W. Darnell who was formerly postmaster at White Willow and conducted a store there, will soon remove with his family to Cedar Grove, Ill.

The new post office building is nearly completed and the transfer of the office from its present location to the new quarters will be made next Saturday night.

Robert McCanley and family who lived at Caton Farm have moved to Rowley, Ill. Their car came here on the E. J. & E. Monday and was transferred to the Rock Island.

Caton Farm is in the throes of a smallpox scare. It is said that a genuine case of the disease has developed in the Dougherty family there. A general campaign of vaccination is on and in several districts near here orders for the vaccination of all the school children are being enforced.

E. E. Campbell, carrier on R. F. D. route No. 1 was unable to cover about five miles of his route several days this week on account of the mud roads. Alex Bell on route 2 has been able to cover practically all of his route. Even in many places where gravel has been used the roads are extremely bad.

Mr. and Mrs. N. J. Comerford went to Chicago Tuesday to witness the induction of Bishop Quigley, of Buffalo, into the archbishopric of the Chicago diocese. The solemn ceremonies were held in the Cathedral of the Holy Name and Mr. and Mrs. Comerford were favored with excellent seats in the edifice. Rev. Father Joseph McMahon, pastor of St. Mary’s church here, was present among the clergy.

Martin Kaffer and Wm. H. Kaffer went to Atchison, Kansas, Wednesday of last week to attend the funeral of John Kaffer who died there; age 83 years. He was a brother of Martin Kaffer and of Joseph Kaffer, of New Lenox, and Mrs. Frank Heisher of Joliet. At one time he lived in Joliet but had been in Kansas for thirty years. He leaves a wife, one son and two daughters. He was engaged in the drug business in Atchison.

Mrs. Robert Rose died at her home near here Thursday, Feb. 26, 1903, aged 55 years and the funeral took place from the Chapman church Sunday conducted by Rev. Beddoes. The decedent leaves a husband and three daughters. The latter are Mrs. Benj. Murley and Misses Nellie and Sadie Rose, all of this place. Mrs. Rose was a lady who was beloved by all who knew her and death in claiming her has taken away a valued citizen and loving wife and mother.

The remains of May Conklin, the little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Conklin, were brought here from Chicago Wednesday noon and were buried in the Chapman cemetery. The little girl was six years of age and endured a frightful siege of sickness before the burden at last became too great. She was first ill with scarlet fever and upon her partial recovery from that dread disease measles set in. This disease was too was successfully battled with, but when membraneous croup attacked the sufferer she had little strength left to cope with the new foe. The parents are sorely bereaved by the death of their favorite and friends deeply sympathize with them. Mr. Conklin and others came here with the remains, but the mother was unable to come. She was formerly Miss Eliza Williamson, of this place, Mr. Conklin and family resided for several years in Minnesota but came back to Chicago and embarked in the coal business about a year ago. His brother, Irving Conklin, also came here. He was in Minnesota until about six weeks ago when he came to Chicago. The funeral services were held in Chicago and there were no services here.

March 26, 1903, Vol. 28, No. __

Markets – Corn 36; oats 31; eggs 13; butter 20.

N. J. Comerford received a car of flour last Thursday.

The Y Club held their weekly meeting in Central hall last Monday and enjoyed the usual delightful time.

Charles White has sold his saloon business to Charles O’Brien. We understand Mr. O’Brien will take charge May 1.

Mr. and Mrs. George Gleason are rejoicing over the advent of a fine little heir at their home five miles north of town, Thursday, March 19, 1903.

Mr. and Mrs. Frank Tierney went to Chicago Monday morning and the lady is still in the city. Mr. Tierney purchased a fine new meat wagon and returned Tuesday.

N. J. Comerford has been struggling with the grippe for several days and has concluded there are other things he would rather possess than a “case” of the malady.

At the village caucus held last Saturday evening at Krein’s hall nominations for five village trustees were made as follows: A. K. Knapp, Walter J. Campbell, N. J. Comerford, M. L. Kaffer and C. E. Davis. W. A. Thayer was named for police magistrate.

The township democratic caucus met Saturday afternoon and renominated nearly all of the present officials as follows: Clerk, W. H. Kaffer; assessor, P. H. Briscoe; collector, James Freckleton; highway commissioner, John Branatek. The present officials have all made a good record and the people generally are disposed to reward official well doing with a reelection.

The township republican caucus was held Saturday afternoon at Krein’s hall and the following nominations were made without opposition: Assessor, W. A. Walley; clerk, Walter J. Campbell; collector, Edward Oaks; highway commissioner, Jeffrey Coop. Prof. T. B. Wortman was prevailed upon to act as chairman although he had just presided at the democratic caucus and it is not claimed that he belongs in the republican ranks. It is perhaps the first time that an acknowledged democrat has been selected as the presiding officer of a republican convention.

The elevator of the Minooka Grain Company narrowly escaped destruction by fire about 11 o’clock last Friday morning. D. A. Hennebry and Charles Coop at that time discovered an incipient fire in a mouse’s nest in the floor above the engine room. A quick alarm was given and a bucket brigade was quickly formed. The blaze was easily subdued and very little damage done. The discovery was made just in time for a delay of but a few minutes would probably have given the fire such headway that it could not have been quenched. The elevator was then and is yet practically filled with grain.

April 9, 1903, Vol. 28, No. 15

Market – Corn 36; oats 30; eggs 13; butter 20.

The school election will occur Saturday, April 18.

Mrs. L. P. Warrington has been quite sick for several days.

Mr. and Mrs. Fred Buettenmuller, of Joliet, were guests of friends here last Sunday.

The dancing club will give a grand Easter ball in Union hall, Monday evening, April 13th.

There will be special Easter services in the M. E. church next Sunday morning and evening.

A township Sunday school convention will be held in the M. E. church here Sunday, April 19th.

Charles Coop has purchased the Mrs. Searles property north of the school building for $150.

The village ticket as announced last week was elected at the village election Monday without opposition.

Dr. J. S. Watson spent last Saturday and Sunday in Chicago with his brother Joseph Watson who is seriously ill.

W. A. Thayer attended the funeral in Morris last Thursday of his cousin James Thayer who was drowned in the Chicago River.

A change of time went into effect on the Rock Island time last Sunday. The train west formerly due here at 11 a.m. now comes at 10:15.

The Minooka Dancing Club will give an Easter dancing party in Union hall next Monday evening. The music will be by Stahls orchestra.

George Colleps, Jr., has left for Bismark, S. D. and thinks of locating there. He was accompanied by a friend, Harry Rose, of New Jersey.

April 16, 1903, Vol. 28, No. 16

Markets – Corn 35; oats 30; eggs 13; butter 20.

The school election will occur Saturday, April 18.

A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. Bernhard Feeney April 1.

A. Knapp went to Chicago Tuesday for the first time since his illness.

Mrs. Charles Eastergreen is very seriously ill with rheumatism and other infirmities.

A township Sunday school convention will be held in the M. E. church here Sunday, April 19.

Miss Emma Kinney, of Chicago, spent Easter here as a guest of her sister, Mrs. W. H. Kaffer.

Robert Miller, the Lisbon tonsorialist, returned there Tuesday after attending the Easter party here.

William Paul and Miss Mary Canterell attend the “Mauxman” at the Joliet theatre last Saturday night.

Mrs. W. H. Kaffer went to Joliet Tuesday to visit her grandmother, Mrs. Tyrrell, who is quite seriously ill.

At the election of school held last Saturday, James Handlon was chosen to succeed himself.

Mr. and Mrs. John Widener, of Morris, were among the out of town guests at the party here Monday night.

Misses Agnes and Tessie McEvilly went to Morris last Tuesday evening to attend a home talent minstrel performance.

The election to choose a school director will take place next Saturday. George Colleps’ term expires and it is probable that he will be re-elected if he will again accept the place.

N. J. Comerford and Edward McEvilly went to Joliet last Monday night and the latter was there initiated into the mysteries and beauties of the Knights of Columbus.

The Minooka Dancing Club will give a May party in Union hall Friday evening, May 1, for which invitations will soon be issued. The music will be by Stahl’s orchestra of three pieces and supper will be served.

The Minooka Dancing Club gave an Easter ball in Union hall last Monday evening and the event was a very pleasant one for all who attended. The weather was very unfavorable and the country people were prevented from attending. There were nearly thirty-five couples present, however, and they made up in merriment for the absentees. Fine music was furnished by Stahl’s orchestra and a bounteous supper was served.

Joseph T. Watson, brother of Dr. J. S. Watson, of this place, died at his home, 700 Turner Ave., Chicago, early last Tuesday morning after a long illness with stomach trouble. He was about 45 years of age and leaves two brothers, Dr. J. S., of Minooka, and S. S. Watson, of Atlantic, Iowa, and three sisters, Misses Nellie, Lydia and Fannie, all of Chicago. Mr. Watson was engaged in the plumbing business at 366 Wabash Ave. and was highly successful. The funeral took place from the home Thursday.

W. A. Thayer who was recently elected police magistrate doesn’t believe in working without pay and has refused to qualify for the office unless the necessary books, supplies, bond and a salary of $2.00 a day are guaranteed. The statutes of the state and the ordinances of the village don’t just exactly make provision for all of these especially the salary, and therefore, the trustees are unable to make arrangements to have Mr. Thayer qualify on these terms. It has not yet been decided to call a special election to fill the vacancy. The justices of the peace will probably be able to take care of all offenders that are brought before them and administer all the punishment that the law allows.

County News

Henry Reed, died at Homer, Feb. 10, 1903. He leaves all of his estate to his wife during her life time. After her death the testator directs that his property shall be divided equally between his children, Morris Reed, Edna Ormsby, Wallace Reed, Frank Reed and Henry Reed. Nancy Reed, wife of the testator is dated April 16, 1901. It is witnessed by Almira Reed and Reull C. Reed.

Wilmington is to have two electric street railway lines in the near future.

April 20, 1903, Vol. 28, No. __

Markets – Corn 36; oats 29; eggs 13; butter 20.

C. A. Sperry is now no longer traveling for the McCormick harvesting machine company. He is employed with Wall, the Joliet implement dealer.

George Colleps, Jr., arrived home last Monday from Bismarck, South Dakota, where he spent nearly a month. George was much pleased with what he saw in the west but is glad, nevertheless, to be at home once more.

The social event of this week in Minooka will be the May party to be given this Friday evening in Union hall. Nearly two hundred invitations have been issued.

The music will be by Stahl’s orchestra and a fine supper will be served.

The Juniors of the Minooka high school did the honors right royally last Monday evening when they tendered a reception for the Seniors at Masonite hall. The pleasures of the evening consisted in dancing and fine refreshments and general good time.

Mrs. Osman Olson near Platteville, underwent a severe surgical operation recently. She suffered with pleurisy which was accompanied by an effusion and the removal of one of the ___ was necessary for the relief of the patient who is now progressing nicely toward recovery.

The grain business has been respectably active here this week, oats being the cereal that has been moving. Corn is especially uncertain in grade and this feature makes it hard for the dealer to handle it at a price that is safe for him and satisfactory to the producer.

Mrs. Florence Stratton and Miss Ellen Nelson have been reelected as teachers in the primary and intermediate departments, respectively of the Minooka public schools, and their retention is for the best and gives general satisfaction. Prof. F. H. Worthman will not again accept the position of principal and the board has not yet chosen his successor.

The farmers have practically finished oats sowing and preparations for planting corn are now receiving attention. Considerable oats had to be resown. Those that were sown before the late snow have come out all right and are up and growing nicely but those that were sown immediately after the snow and lay unsprouted in the ground through the long cold rain, have mostly rotted. The latter sowing is all right and the weather the last week has been quite favorable for finishing the work of seeding.

April 23, 1903, Vol. 28, No. 17

Markets – Corn 36; oats 30; eggs 13; butter 20.

Mrs. B. M. WARD spent last Saturday in Joliet.

Mrs. F. CLARK was a visitor to Morris Tuesday.

Mrs. M. L. KAFFER was a visitor to Joliet Tuesday.

W. H. KAFFER went to Chicago on business Tuesday.

Mrs. Charles TABLER at Sand Ridge has been seriously ill for several days.

Edward OAKS witnessed Piney Ridge at the Joliet theatre last Thursday evening.

The Minooka Dancing Club will give a fine May party in Union hall, Friday evening, May 1st.

Mrs. J. J. BRINCKERHOFF and children visited with relatives in Lockport last Friday and Saturday.

George COLLEPS was re-elected schools director last Saturday without opposition. Only seven votes were cast.

The body of Louis JENSEN was brought here from Cedar Rapids, Iowa, a few days ago and was buried in the Mound cemetery.

Miss Easie BRISCOE is seriously ill.

C. B. CHASE has decided to retire from the mercantile business here and will remove to Dakota to engage in the manufacture of brick.

Mrs. John HERBERT died at her home near Channahon last Sunday morning after an illness of but a few hours. The deceased was about 38 years of age and leaves a husband and several children.

Mrs. Mable BUCKLEY departed last Tuesday for her home in Seattle, Wash., after spending two months here with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank MILLER and other relatives and friends. Mrs. MILLER accompanied her daughter to Chicago Tuesday.

An informal dancing party was held in White’s Central hall last Monday with an attendance of about two dozen couples. The function was hastily arranged by the Minooka Dancing Club and Chicago music secured in the form of Cortese & Curcio’s orchestra. Dancing was in process from 8 to 12.

Mrs. Charles EASTERGREEN died at her house in this place Friday evening, April 17, 1903, aged 77 years. Mrs. EASTERGREEN was a native of Ireland but came to America in her youth and had resided in this vicinity for forty years.

April 25, 1903, Vol. 28, No. 17

Markets – Corn 36; oats 30; eggs 13; butter 20.

Mrs. B. M. Ward spent last Saturday in Joliet.

Mrs. F. Clark was a visitor to Morris Tuesday.

Mrs. M. L. Kaffer was a visitor to Joliet Tuesday.

W. H. Kaffer went to Chicago on business Tuesday.

Mrs. Charles Tabler at Sand Ridge has been seriously ill for several days.

Edward Oaks witnessed Piney Ridge at the Joliet theatre last Thursday evening.

The Minooka Dancing Club will give a fine May party in Union hall Friday evening May 1st.

Mrs. J. J. Brinckerhoff and children visited with relatives in Lockport last Friday and Saturday.

George Colleps was re-elected school director last Saturday without opposition. Only seven votes were cast.

The body of Louis Jensen was brought here from Cedar Rapids, Iowa, a few days ago and was buried in the Mound cemetery.

Miss Easie Briscoe is seriously ill.

C. D. Chase has decided to retire from the mercantile business here and will remove to Dakota to engage in the manufacture of brick.

Mrs. John Herbert died at her home near Channahon last Sunday morning after an illness of but a few hours. The deceased was about 38 years of age and leaves a husband and several children.

Mrs. Mable Buckley departed last Tuesday for her house in Seattle, Wash., after spending two months here with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Miller and other relatives and friends. Mrs. Miller accompanied her daughter to Chicago Tuesday.

An informal dancing party was held in White’s Central hall last Monday with an attendance of about two dozen couples. The function was hastily arranged by the Minooka Dancing Club and Chicago music secured in the form of Cortese & Curcio’s orchestra. Dancing was in progress from 8 to 12.

Mrs. Charles Eastergreen died at her house in this place Friday evening, April 17, 1903, aged 77 years. Mrs. Eastergreen was a native of Ireland but came to America in her youth and had resided in this vicinity for forty years. She is survived by two daughters, Misses Mary and Sarah Eastergreen of Minooka. The funeral was held Monday from St. Mary’s Catholic church officiated by Rev. _______ McMahon.

Dr. J. J. Brinckerhoff has purchased the Frank Clark property in this place and will soon personally take possession. The property consists of about eight lots and a dwelling and the purchase price was $200. Mrs. Clark and family who now occupy the place, expect to soon move to Morris. Dr. Brinckerhoff will at once have a barn erected on the premises and later on will probably build a new residence or remodel the old one.

The trial of the Gardner bank robbers is in progress at Morris. Four men are arraigned on the charge and more than a week has been spent in securing a jury. Over three hundred men have been examined as to their fitness to serve. Among those from this place who were subpoenaed were the following: Richard Coop, Fred Weese, M. L. Kaffer, John Shepley, James McEvilly, Joseph Kelly, L____ Heath, Jeremiah Kelly, Adolph _____, Henry Randall, Charles O’Brien, Clarence Morley, James Brady, John Wilson, Patrick Brady, Bert Ward, C. B. Chase, Robert Bradbury, Robert Shurtlin, N. J. Comerford, Charles Foster, and John Edmonds. Richard Coop and Fred Weese were accepted on the case.

A Minooka business man, who shall be nameless here because we might be mistaken about his identity, was one day recently riding on the Rick Island train to Chicago and was accompanied by his wife who is one of the fairest of Minooka’s fair matrons. Being possessed at the time with a desire to know what was going on in the world at large left his seat at his wife’s side and went forward to interview the newsboy. Negotiations quickly resulted in the exchange of a nickel for a metropolitan daily and our M. B. M. started back down the aisle engrossed in Roosevelt’s latest strenuous speech or some other equally interesting matter under a triple head. Intuitively he stopped at a certain seat and sat down, but his intuition wasn’t working well that day. His new seatmate, a lady and a total stranger, was surprised to have the society section of the paper passed over to her with the brief comment that she might see what the four hundred were doing, but her surprise was mild compared with the astonishment of the M. B. M.’s wife a few seats farther back. The absolute abandon of her husband’s action in the sudden situation caused her to gasp until she realized that it was simply a mistake. Sometimes, of course, one who makes a mistake never discovers the fact, but it was not so in this case.

May 21, 1903, Vol. 28, No. 21

Markets – Corn 40; oats 31; eggs 13; butter 19.

C. E. Davis was in Aurora on business Tuesday.

Assessor Briscoe is finishing up the assessment list this week.

Miss Agnes McEvilly visited with friends in Joliet last Sunday.

Edward Krein left Monday for Chicago and expects to secure a position there.

William Wood left Friday for Victoria, Ill., to visit his cousin for a week or two.

William Fitzpatrick and Robert Bradbury were visitors to Chicago Monday.

A. K. Knapp who was in a critical condition for several days, is a little stronger now.

Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Bell and daughter Lula, visited with relatives in Chicago and Evanston last week.

Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Coop, of Chicago, visited with relatives and friends here from last Friday till Monday.

Mrs. Pearl Johnson, of Anna, Kansas, is visiting here with her father, A. R. Bly and other relatives and friends.

Dr. Brinckerhoff’s new barn is completed and the house is now receiving inner and outer decorations.

Mrs. Mary Griswold, of Kansas, and Mrs. Heath, of Peoria Ill., are guests at the residence of A. K. Knapp.

Mr. and Mrs. George Coulehan, of Chicago, spent last Sunday with relatives and friends here and at Sand Ridge.

All operators on the “J” received an advance in salary of $5.00 taking effect with the April pay which was received May 13.

Mrs. Frank Clark and children now reside in Joliet and will soon be joined by the husband and father who is in Morris at present.

Alderman Frank Kennelly and little daughter, of Joliet, spent last Sunday here at the home of Mrs. Kennelly’s parents, Mrs. and Mrs. I. J. Knight.

Harry Thayer, night operator here for the Rock Island, is enjoying a two weeks’ vacation and the fish in the Dupage are swimming lively to avoid his bait.

Mrs. Charles Shefeldt, of Seward, has been ill with dropsy, for about two years and her condition is now most critical. But death is expected at any time.

Mrs. Andrew Anderson died at her home in Devine last week, aged 63 years. Tumor of the stomach was the cause of death. The funeral occurred at the home Friday.

Hugh Bradley’s barn in Channahon and another barn adjoining were completely destroyed by fire last Tuesday afternoon. A team of horses, some hogs and other property were destroyed with the buildings.

John Kaffer has resigned the position of clerk at Dr. Brinckerhoff’s drug store and will leave soon for Atchison, Kansas, to accept a similar position in his cousin’s drug store there. His successor here is Will Ferguson.

A two-year old colt owned by John Buckley took fright at a dog last Monday night and ran into a barb wire fence. The animal’s fore leg was torn from shoulder to knee. A Morris veterinarian was called to sew up the wound.

Miss Luella Templeton has resigned her position as teacher in the Gaskill school and goes to Rose Lawn, Ind., to accept a position as cashier in the bank there. Miss Grace Pyle has been chosen to succeed Miss Templeton as teacher.

The Minooka high school baseball nine went to Plainfield last Saturday and got what Terry McGovern had a ticket for lately. The Plainfield boys were too big and the score was 9 to 4. Will Nelson and Roy Reed were in the points for the Minookas.

Glenn Goodwin, son of Anson Goodwin, who was run over by a pulverizer a week ago last Thursday, died from the injuries last Friday morning and the funeral took place Sunday from the Chapman church. Burial in Union cemetery in Na Au-Say. Glenn was about 11 years of age and was driving the pulverizer in the field. The machine in passing over a stone threw the lad off and he fell beneath the cutters. He was unable to extricate himself and lay there for two or thee hours before he was found. The muscles of the leg were badly cut and torn but recovery would have been certain save that lock jaw resulted and brought the fatal termination.

May 28, 1903, Vol. 28, No. 28

Markets – Corn 40; oats 31; eggs 13; butter 18.

Theodore Falkenberg took in the big circus in Joliet last Saturday afternoon.

Mrs. Mary Dahlem, of Joliet, is a guest here of her sister, Mrs. Jacob Stauffer this week.

Farmers are now getting enough rain to please them and crops are coming along in fine shape.

The E. J. & E. has placed a new steel bridge over the roadway at the crossing near St. Mary’s church.

W. A. Thayer attended the circus in Joliet last Saturday evening and beheld the marvelous bicycle feats among others.

Fred Dirst is hauling stone for the masonry work of a new residence to be erected on his farm a half mile south of town.

Dr. J. J. Brinckerhoff moved into his new home last Tuesday and will henceforth be the director of his own domicile.

Miss Dora Campbell arrived home Tuesday from Oberlin, Ohio, where she had been visiting relatives for several months.

John Kaffer, Michael Brannick and Thomas and William McEvilly took in the circus in Joliet last Saturday.

Edward Oaks, Oliver Paul, “Desom” Edmonds, Will Nelson and Ray Reed went to Joliet Sunday to see the home team defeat the Cedar Rapids 1 to 2.

It is thought that cherries will be about one half crop this year. There will be few if any peaches and the outlook for strawberries is not promising in this section. The late freeze and frost is responsible for most of the injury of the fruit.

The commencement exercises of the Minooka high school will occur Friday evening, June 26 and the commencement announcements will soon be issued. There are four members of the graduating class. They are Ray Davis, Martha Moore, Frances Feehan and Mary Coulehan.

The school board has elected Prof. Ross as principal of the Minooka schools for the coming year. Prof. Ross has been teaching at Wing, in Livingston County, this state and two years ago taught at Manhattan in Will County. Prof. Ross is a married man and has two children. He is reported to be a man of brilliant intellect and a capable teacher.

John Edmonds, Sr., left Wednesday for Vinton, Iowa, where he will attend a reunion of the Edmonds family. The family consists of three brothers and three sisters and all have not been together since 1833. They they were at the old house in Penn. Two now reside at Vinton, one at Waterford, Pa., one at LaPorte, Iowa, one at Hawthorne, Iowa, and one here.

Daniel Marquette, a stockman from Shelby Iowa, lost his life in a most shocking manner at a point about one mile west of here on the Rock Island railroad last Friday. Marquette was coming to Chicago with stock and when the train left Morris he and another stockman went forward to their car to get an animal up that was down. After doing this the two men concluded not to walk back over the cars but instead sat down on the bumpers between two cars. At the point above named the engineer slackened speed and the cars ran along together until suddenly the engine gave a lurch ahead and drew the bumpers far apart as they could go. Marquette was evidently off his guard and fell between the cars. His life was crushed out almost instantly. The coroner took charge of the remains and held an inquest the following day. Marquette’s wife had gone added to Chicago on a passenger train and was horrified to learn of her husband’s frightful death.

June 4, 1903, Vol. 28, No. 23

Markets – Corn 41; oats 31; eggs 13; butter 18.

Benj. Murley has been quite sick for a week at his home two miles north of town.

A. K. Knapp’s condition is little improved over that of a week ago, but his recovery is painfully slow.

William Woods returned home a few days ago from a visit at Victoria, Ill., with his cousin, Dr. Bedford.

John Brinckerhoff, father of the doctor, of Lockport, is visiting here this week and assisting his son in the strenuous task of household moving.

All kinds of crops in this section are now looking fine, the improvement in the past ten days being almost unprecedented and incredible.

The Rock Island trains from the west have all been behind schedule time for nearly a week and the Kansas City business has been completely paralyzed.

Several from here went to Joliet Wednesday to see President Roosevelt whose reception there undoubtedly surpassed anything that Joliet had ever accorded to any man before.

John Kaffer was billed for the west last Tuesday night but the flood conditions in Iowa and Kansas caused him to postpone the trip until things look more favorable for a safe journey.

June 18, 1903, Vol. 28, No. 25

Markets – Corn 45; oats 35.

Bert WARD was in Joliet on business Tuesday.

C. E. DAVIS was in Chicago on business Tuesday.

Edward McEVILLY was in Morris on business Tuesday.

N. J. COMERFORD made a business trip to the big city by the lake Tuesday.

Crops of all kinds are looking fine and the farmers wear the smile that stays persistently on.

A. K. KNAPP is more than holding his own. His appetite is good and he is gaining strength steadily.

Leslie BELL and Miss Perdetta BELL and friend, Miss May HASLETT, all of Chicago, spent last Saturday and Sunday as guests of kindred and friends here.

Mrs. P. CANTWELL and Miss Mary CANTWELL were in Joliet Wednesday to attend the funeral of Frank VASSAR who was related to the family. He was about forty years of age.

Sumner BELL, of Joliet, visited with his parents and friends here last Sunday. Sumner is employed with the Joliet Stove Works in a very lucrative position. His health at present is not the best.

Milton BELL and Miss Ethel WATSON, of Minooka were among the graduates of the Joliet high school in the class of ’03. The commencement exercises occurred last week and several from here attended.

Miss Myrtle BELL and cousin, Mrs. RIVERS, both of Chicago, were guests here of the former’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. George BELL last Sunday. Miss BELL holds a position as a telephone operator in the city.

A surprise was perpetrated upon Mr. and Mrs. William GRUETT last Friday afternoon in honor of their golden wedding anniversary. A large number of the friends of the worthy couple participated in the event and presented Mrs. GRUETT a ___________________. A handsome present was also given to Mr. GRUETT. A fine supper was served and the event was a most happy one.

Policeman PATTEN is nursing an injured hand just now and is kept busy explaining to his friends how it happened. It was thusly: Monday evening the officer noticed that the street lamp in front of the post office was doing the “hi-lo” act and he started to mount the steps to adjust maters. Just as he did so the glass cracked from the excessive heat and fell on the officer’s hand. A piece also struck his face and the blood flowed copiously.

Patrick McLINDEN died at his home one-half mile west of this place last Friday, June 13, 1903, aged about 72 years. The decedent formerly lived near Blue Island, in Cook county, and came to this place about ten years ago. The immediate surviving relatives are three sons and two daughters, James of Joliet, and John and Arthur and Misses May and Margaret McLINDEN, of this place. The funeral took place Monday and the remains were taken to Sag Bridge in Cook county for burial. Several from here accompanied the remains to their last resting place. Mr. McLINDEN was a well to do farmer and a good citizen. His wife died several years ago, before the family came here.

School Commencement – The Commencement exercises of the Minooka school are at hand. Sunday evening the baccalaureate address to the graduates will be given by Rev. L. P. WARRINGTON at the M. E. church. Next Friday evening, June 26; the commencement proper will take place at Masonic hall. The complete program is as follows:


M. E. church, Sunday evening, June 21

Address, Rev. L. P. WARRINGTON

Music, Led by Miss Franc WATSON


June 26, 8 o’clock, Masonic hall

Overture, Orchestra

Invocation, Rev. L. P. WARRINGTON

Salutatory and Oration, “Nature’s Storehouses”, C. Rae DAVIS

Vocal Solo, Miss Flora SCHEIBE

Music, Orchestra

Essay, “Non Nobis Solum” (not for ourselves alone), Mary COULEHAN

Instrumental Duet, Mrs. G. Schufeldt, Miss Lois STRATTON, Vocal Solo, Wm. F. McEVILLY (class ’01)

Essay, “Little Things”, Mattie TRIMBLE

Vocal Duet, Miss Kate McEVILLY, Mrs. DUNN

Music, Orchestra

Reading, Miss Millie FLUENT

Essay and Valedictory, “The Struggle for Existence”, Frances FEEHAN

Vocal Solo, Miss SCHEIBE

Presentation of Diplomas, T. B. WORTMAN

Remarks and Benediction, Rev. Father H. J. HAUSER

June 25, 1903, Vol. 28, No. 26

Markets – Corn 45; oats 36; eggs 13; butter 17.

Letters for Mr. J. H. Erley and Mrs. W. A. Noland remain unclaimed at the Minooka post office.

Card of Thanks – We desire through the columns of the Phoenix Advertiser to thank the kind friends and neighbors who assisted us during our late bereavement. Mrs. B. McEvilly and family.

Arthur Howard sustained severe injuries in a runaway last Monday afternoon. When the team started to run he was beside the wagon and jumped in. In the vehicle was a cultivator and he was thrown down on this and the point of a shovel entered his hand at the base of the thumb. The hand was fearfully cut and it will be some time before the victim can use the hand again.

The closing of the public school was observed Thursday with a grand picnic which eclipsed any similar event ever held here. Nearly all of the business places in town closed in order that everyone might have a chance to enjoy the fun and there were few who missed the opportunity. The picnic grounds were on the Dupage river, down where the Marten gas well failed to respond to the driller’s toil. Thursday’s yield of gas, of course, might be mentioned and it was altogether natural too, but it didn’t come from the well. The picnickers enjoyed all kinds of fun and when the day was done it was declared to have been one of the happiest in the lives of all. One of the events of the day was a baseball game between the home team and the Plainfields.

The elevator of the Minooka Grain Co. on the E. J. & E. was completely destroyed by fire last Friday shortly after noon. The fire was first discovered by Manager Hennebry and seemed to have originated near the top of the building probably from the heating of a shaft bearing. Mr. Hennebry started to climb up the building but before he could proceed for a draft sent the smoke down the narrow tunnel and almost suffocated him. He was glad to escape with his life and no further efforts even could be made to save the burned building. The grain dust carried the fire throughout the structure and destruction was rapid. Hard work alone saved surrounding buildings. The burned building was erected about two years ago and the proprietors were Mssrs. D. A. Hennebry and N. J. Comerford. Mr. Hennebry, alone, however, for some time has conducted the grain buying business. The elevator contained about 8000 bushels of corn and 2000 bushels of oats which were all destroyed. The loss on the grain is fully covered by insurance. The building was worth in the neighborhood of _____ and was insured for _____ (the rest of this paragraph is unreadable).

Mrs. Mary McEvilly, widow of the late Patrick McEvilly, died at the home of her daughter, Mr. Hugh McEvilly in this place, Friday June 19, 1903 at the advanced age of 91 years. The decedent sustained a fall last week and had her hip fractured. The shock combined with the infirmities of age, sufficed to produce death a few days later. Mrs. McEvilly was born Knight in county Mayo, Ireland, in 1809. She came with her husband to this country about 1830 and since that time the family has been well known here. The husband died seven years ago at the age of 85 years. The surviving children are James McEvilly and Mrs. Hugh McEvilly, of Minooka; Mrs. John McEvilly of Morris and Miss Nellie McEvilly of Chicago. Another daughter, Mrs. Joseph Kavanaugh died in Joliet last September. There are about thirty grandchildren including James, Edward, John, William, Anna, Katie, Agnes, Tessie, Charles, Mamie, Emma, Esther, Mattie, Thomas and William McEvilly of this place. There are also nine great-grandchildren. The funeral took place Monday morning from St. Mary’s church in this place, conducted by Rev. Father Joseph McMahon. The obsequies were very largely attended. All of the children and grandchildren and nearly all of the great grandchildren were present. The interment was in Dresden cemetery. Several from Joliet, Chicago and Morris attended the funeral and from the latter Mrs. Kelly, Mrs. McDermott, Mrs. Kearney and Mrs. Feehan, representing the Women’s Catholic Order of Foresters, acted as an escort to the remains.

July 9, 1903, Vol. 28, No. 28

Markets – Corn 46; oats 34; eggs 13; butter 17.

Miss Grace Bell is visiting with friends in Joliet this week.

John Van Dolsen and John Campbell are on the sick list this week.

Richard Coop and John Shepley both ride in fine new buggies now.

There will be no services in the M. E. church during the summer months.

Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Thayer visited with relatives in Joliet Friday evening.

Mrs. F. L. Stratton left here Tuesday for Iowa where she will visit relatives.

Mr. and Mrs. Dan Coop, of Chicago, visited with friends and relatives here this week.

Ed Thayer, of Chicago, spent the Fourth with friends and relatives in Minooka.

Samuel Roth, of Chicago, spent part of this week with his brother Adolph here.

Patrick Dwyer is quite ill this week. His daughter, Kate of Chicago, is attending him.

Theodore and Edward Krein and a friend from Chicago, were home to spend the Fourth.

Theodore and Edward Krein and a friend from Chicago, were home to spend the Fourth.

Robert Miller, of Lisbon, is spending a few days of this week with relatives here.

Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Maxwell, of Joliet, visited with the latter’s relatives in the country this week.

Miss Patten, of Morris, spent several days of this week with Albert Hart and family in this place.

W. H. Murphey and wife, of Joliet, formerly of this place, spent the Fourth with relatives and friends here.

Several of our town boys have had their hair clipped short and they look more like the dickens than ever.

Mrs. W. J. Walsh and daughter, Celia, of Joliet, are visiting with the former’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Miller this week.

The Fourth was celebrated in many different places by the different people of Minooka. The places visited by our people were Channahon, Joliet, Morris, Plattville, Rock Run Park, and Chicago. Some enjoyed family picnics and some stayed quietly at home, but all were patriotic.

August 6, 1903, Vol. 28, No. 32

Markets – Corn 48; oats 26; eggs 16; butter 17.

Mrs. J. J. BRINCHERHOFF has been visiting in Chicago for a week as a guest of her sister, Mrs. WALTER.

Mr. and Mrs. George COULEHAN, of Chicago, visited among friends here the early part of this week and Mrs. COULEHAN is still here.

B. H. SULLIVAN, of Plankington, S. D., came here Monday to attend the COMERFORD funeral and returned home the following day.

William, son of James McEVILLY, has been sick with appendicitis for some time but is now better. An operation may later be required.

The Minookas and the Aux Sable nine were the gladiators of the local diamond last Sunday and the Aux Sable group demonstrated their superiority. The score was 17 to 8. Will NELSON filled the box for the Minookas and did good work for a couple of innings after which his arm went wrong and he allowed the Aux Sable batters to make some fine connections with the ball. Will GREENBACK was behind the bat for the locals.

Among those from Joliet who came here to attend the funeral of Mrs. Catherine COMERFORD last Monday were Attorney and Mrs. J. W. DOWNEY, Mr. and Mrs. T. H. BRADY, Attorney J. T. DONAHOE, J. A. KINSELLA and daughter, Robert WALSH and family, Ald. B. E. BURKE and family, J. E. KINSELLA and family, Mrs. T. J. KELLY, Miss Fannie FITZPATRICK (Lockport), Mrs. Jerry MAHONEY, Thomas BURKE and family, J. A. McSHERRY and family, Michael FEEHAN and family, Mr. and Mrs. F. M. McHUGH, Mrs. Edward SCULLY and Mrs. DILLON.

Mrs. Elias PETERSON died at her home about seven miles north west of here last Tuesday morning, August 4, 1903, aged 28 years. Consumption was the cause of death and the disease had wasted the form to a mere shadow, although the illness was not of long duration. The decedent was a sister of Mrs. George BELL, of this place, and was well known here. She was the mother of two children, both of whom preceded her into death’s unknown realm. The husband, parents, and other relatives survive. The funeral occurred Thursday morning from the Osman church and the burial was in the Osman cemetery.

St. Mary’s Catholic Church Destroyed

St. Mary’s Roman Catholic church in this place was struck by lightning about two o’clock last Tuesday morning and the flames which resulted completely destroyed the edifice.

There were few people in town who were not aroused by the terrific crashes of thunder with the storm, but none of the townspeople were aware that any place had been struck with the continuous screeching of an engine on the E. J. & E. R. R. gave notice that something was wrong. The train crew had seen the church struck by the bolt and one of the men hastened to the parish house and apprised the pastor, Rev. Father Joseph McMAHON, that his church was ablaze. In a few minutes a large crowd of citizens reached the scene and before long almost every person in town had turned out.

The lightning had struck and shattered the steeple and had set the building afire in the roof at the base of the spire. The flames had a good start when the first persons arrived and a glance was enough to show that the sanctuary was doomed for there was nothing at hand but pails and water with which to combat the fire and the high roof made their use next to impossible. The work of salvage was therefore directed to saving the parish house and to carrying out the movable property in the church, all of which was saved except the organ.

Most of those present turned in and worked hard and the unity of the community was well shown by the sweeping away of sectarian lines and the united and heroic efforts of all to save property.

St. Mary’s church was dedicated in 1865. At that time Minooka was very small and but little regard was had for the town in the erection of the church. Thus it was that the church stood half a mile apart from the town and making considerable inconvenience for many of the communicants.

The last mass celebrated in the church was a solemn high mass over the remains of Mrs. Catherine COMERFORD, who was present at the dedicating mass nearly forty years ago.

The church building was insured for $3,800. The work of rebuilding will at once be taken up and it is the desire of many to have the new church built in the town where it will be convenient to all the townspeople. Efforts will be made to erect a fine editing.

Death Calls a Pioneer – Mrs. Catherine COMERFORD Passes Away at Her Home in This Place.

Mrs. Catherine COMERFORD, widow of the late George COMERFORD, mother of N. J. and Thomas COMERFORD, and one of the pioneers and best citizens of Grundy county, received the final summons at her home in Minooka last Saturday morning, August 1, 1903, and with steadfast faith and hope passed through the mystic veil that curtains earth from eternity.

Mrs. COMERFORD has been remarkably healthy throughout her life until about two years ago when her bodily infirmities began, but she was not seriously ill at any time until last Thursday morning when acute intestinal trouble developed and baffled medical skill to heal. The gravity of the disease was at once apparent and a telephone message was hastily sent to the son, N. J., who was at Mt. Clemens, Mich., and who arrived here Friday morning to be present in the last hours. The other son Thomas was also at the bed side, with other relatives and friends. Mrs. COMERFORD retained her mental faculties unimpaired to the last and within a few minutes of her death inquired after the welfare of friends, an unselfish characteristic of her life and nature which shone out as a virtue even in the last hours. Her illness was not marked by very severe pain and in the early morning hours she peacefully slept into death.

Mrs. COMERFORD was born Catherine SMITH in County Wexford, Ireland in 1824 and came with the family to this county in 1852 when they settled at Lockport, New York. There in 1855 she became the bride of George COMERFORD and she then came to Minooka where her husband was already located. Since then she had reside here continuously. The husband died here in 1891.

Beside the two sons, N. J., who is a prominent merchant here, and Thomas, the well-known and well-to-do farmer, there was one daughter, Mary, who died while attending St. Mary’s college at Notre Dame, Indiana, in 1882. The decedent was a sister of George T. SMITH, the well-known Minooka merchant, and also of Mrs. F. KINSELLA and Mrs. William COULEHAN, of this place, and Mrs. Ellen O’TOOLE, of Tipton, Ind. Two brothers, John and William SMITH, died in Lockport, N. Y., a few years ago.

Mrs. COMERFORD was a fine type of true christian character of unfailing faith and hope in the future, of righteous living and charitable deeds, who taught goodness and virtue by example rather than by precept, a mother venerated by her children a friend, loved by those who knew her and a citizen esteemed by all. Truly she died full of years and honor and her life of simplicity, and faith is well worthy to receive the crown of glory.

The funeral occurred Monday morning at 10:30 o’clock from St. Mary’s Catholic church in this place. Requiem solemn high mass was celebrated by Rev. Father Joseph McMAHON with Rev. D. DUNNE of Joliet, and Rev. Thomas WALSH, of Joliet, as deacon and sub-deacon. The concourse assembled was the largest that ever gathered in Minooka and was a fitting testimony to the esteem in which the deceased was held. Rev. DUNNE preached the funeral sermon and paid an eloquent tribute to the life and character and good works of the dead. The church choir sang and was assisted by a quartet from Joliet composed of Mrs. Anton SCHAGER, Miss Lulu MABER, Anton SCHAGER and Frank ZARLEY. The pall bearers were John W. DWYER, John TALBOTT, Martin CLENNON, John CARLIN, J. P. McEVILLY and Edward BRADY. Little Mamie COMERFORD, daughter of Thomas COMERFORD, and Helen, daughter of N. J. COMERFORD, acted as flower bearers. The ushers were W. H. KAFFER and D. A. HENNEBRY.

The interment was in Dresden cemetery a beautiful commitment service at the grave side being conducted by the clergy.

August 13, 1903, Vol. 28, No. 33

Markets – Corn 49; oats new 32, old 28; eggs 17; butter 17.

George COLLEPS was in Chicago on business Tuesday.

Miss Julia KREIN, of Joliet, called on her parents here Tuesday.

Miss Mae ANDREWS is now employed in one of the stores in Joliet.

A. K. KNAPP continues to grow a little stronger but is still quite helpless.

D. A. HENNEBRY has been assisting in the work at KNAPP’s grain office for a few days.

Dr. F. W. WERNER, of Joliet, was called here in consultation with Dr. WATSON in the BELAY case last Tuesday.

Oats threshing is now under way and the average yields is about thirty bushels. Many fields are turning out forty bushels per acre or better.

A grand picnic will be held at Conroy’s Park in Channahon next Saturday, August 15, which is the feast of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary.

A son of Louis BELAY in the country, aged 14 years, has been very dangerously ill with abcesses for some time and it is feared that he may not recover.

N. J. COMERFORD has been confined to his home by illness for a week past but is recovering. His exertions at the recent fire are largely responsible for his condition.

D. A. HENNEBRY expects to get started with the work of rebuilding the grain elevator on the “J” at an early date. Thus far it has been impossible to secure stone masons.

Mass was celebrated by Rev. Father Joseph McMAHON at St. Mary’s parochial house last Sunday. The usual services will continue to be held there until a new church is completed.

“The Golden State Limited” will be resumed about November 15. The equipment will be new and lighted by electricity. The schedule will be as fast as last season, the trip from Chicago to Los Angeles being made in less than three days.

The agricultural, mining and industrial possibilities of Oklahoma are accountable for the number of homeseekers flocking to the “new country”. Out of 122 passengers leaving Omaha recently on a Rock Island System train 120 were en route for Oklahoma.

William MURLEY had his arm and hand caught and badly injured in the fan of a threshing machine at Charles GREEN’s on the SHEPLEY farm last Monday. No bones were broken but the fore arm was badly cut and the wrist and hand were mashed. Mr. MURLEY will be laid up for some time. He was one of the hands with the machine.

The usual prices governing old and new oats are reversed this year. New oats a day or two ago were listed at 32 cents and old at 28. Last year’s grain was of very poor quality and nearly all of it would not grade at all. Considerable of the grain weighed as light as twenty pounds to the bushel. This year most of the oats test out about thirty pounds and some run up to a full thirty two, the standard weight.

Several committees of St. Mary’s congregation have been appointed to carry on the work of providing a new church to replace the edifice destroyed by fire last week. The committee to solicit subscriptions is of course the one that will have the most important preliminary work and upon their efforts in large measure depends the nature of the new church. There is a strong sentiment in favor of changing the site of the church and there is no doubt that the change will be made although the cost will be somewhat greater.

Ezra TABLER was injured in a shocking manner, and perhaps fatally, last Monday afternoon at the home of John BLY at Sand Ridge, where he was assisting in threshing. He was mounting the separator when he missed his hold in some way and jumped backward to the ground in order to clear himself of the machinery. In his descent he struck on the top of the handle of a pitchfork that was stuck in the ground. The handle entered his groin and was forced in through the flesh and along the bone a distance of several inches. The handle was withdrawn by the men at hand and Dr. BRINCKERHOFF hurried to the injured man’s aid. The injuries are very serious but it is thought the chances are good for Mr. TABLER’s complete recovery.

August 20, 1903, Vol. 28, No. 34

Mr. and Mrs. George BELL spent last Monday in Joliet.

Markets – Corn 49; oats new 32, old 29; eggs 17; butter 17.

The little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Bert ERICKSON is ill this week.

Mrs. John CONNELL returned last Thursday to her home at Swan Lake, Iowa, after visiting here for some time with her mother, Mrs. E. KINSELLA.

Some of the ladies of the M. E. church are planning an entertainment to be given Friday and Saturday evening, Aug. 28 and 29, at Masonic hall. There will be a supper and some other desirable features.

The growth of corn the past two weeks has been unusually heavy and about all that remains to be desired for a satisfactory crop is a late fall and frost. Some of the corn will soon be out of the way of harm but most of it would be badly nipped by a frost before the middle of September.

The site of the new St. Mary’s Catholic church will probably be decided upon next Sunday. The committee who will report with recommendations in composed of M. L. KAFFER, John CARLIN, and J. P. McEVILLY. Several sites are under consideration but it would be difficult at this time to state which is likely to be accepted. It is practically assured that the church will be built in town and not on the former site.

The Young Ladies’ Sodality of St. Mary’s church is entering upon an active campaign for funds for rebuilding the church that was recently destroyed by fire and will start things to going by giving a grand picnic at Conroy’s Park at Channahon next Wednesday, August 26, 1903. Elaborate arrangements are being made for the event which promises to be one of the most successful and pleasant ever held in this section. Stahl’s orchestra will furnish music. The park has a fine dancing pavilion and is finely adapted for the entertainment of a large crowd. Everyone is invited to attend and help along the worthy cause. The admission tickets are but 25 cents.

Mr. G. T. SMITH, the veteran Minooka merchant, has a complete record of all the transactions in the building of the St. Mary’s church which was destroyed by fire a few weeks ago. He also has the original invoices of all the lumber and other material used in the building. The record shows all the subscriptions to the building of the church and the amounts received and expended in connection therewith. The record was kept by Mr. SMITH himself, who took the lead in the work at that time and frequently advanced money to meet the bills when funds were scarce. The record was a convenient thing to have when the insurance was lately adjusted as it accurately showed the size and value of the property. The record is kept in most excellent shape and Mr. SMITH is certainly to be congratulated on its possession at this late day.

Ezra TABLER, whose injuries in an accident we chronicled last week, died at his home Thursday evening after three days of intense suffering. Mr. TABLER fell on an upright pitchfork handle while assisting in threshing, Monday, Aug. 10, and the handle entered his groin and penetrated up into his lungs. There was no possibility for his recovery although he received prompt medical attendance. The shocking accident cast a gloom of sorrow over the whole community and the family that is bereft has the sincere sympathy of all. Mr. TABLER was 59 years of age last October and had resided here nearly all his life. He was a good neighbor and citizen and kind husband and father. He leaves a widow, two daughters, Mrs. Charles CALVIN, and Mrs. Henry LADDAMORE, and one son, Henry TABLER, all of Aux Sable. The funeral took place Sunday at 1 o’clock from the home, conducted by Rev. BEDDOES of the Seward Congregational church. The interment was at the Aux Sable cemetery. The bearers were six brothers, E. B. TABLER, of Minooka, Jerome, of Channahon, Nathaniel, Lewis and William, of Aux Sable, and Farady of Chicago. The eldest of these is 67 and the youngest but 22. The funeral was one of the most largely attended ever seen here, there being 106 teams in the cortege. Mr. TABLER’s was the third accidental death in his family. One of his brothers went through the whole civil war and came out unscathed to be kicked in the head by a mule a few months later and he died from the blow. Another brother was killed by a train at New Lenox ten years ago. There are two sisters living, Mrs. John McCLOUD, of Indiana, and Miss Anna TABLER, of Chicago.

August 27, 1903, Vol. 28, No. 35

Markets – Corn 47; oats new 32, old 29; eggs 17; butter 17.

A. K. KNAPP continues to grow stronger very slowly.

The intensely warm weather of this week has been the proper thing for corn.

Considerable oats is now coming to the market and some corn is being marketed also.

Miss Julia KREIN, of Joliet, was a guest of relatives here a few days of the past week.

Mrs. Richard PALMER residing two miles north of town has been quite ill for a week or so.

Mrs. W. J. CAMPBELL arrived home last Tuesday from a visit of several weeks with relatives in Iowa.

Dr. J. J. BRINCKERHOFF’s house and new barn are receiving fresh coats of paint. Charles and John DREW are the artists.

W. H. MURPHEY, of the Dinet store in Joliet, is enjoying a vacation which he is spending among kindred and friends here and in Seward.

It is expected that W. L. DOUGLAS, the Boston shoe manufacturer, is soon to establish a branch retail store in Joliet at 323 Jefferson street.

Mrs. Agnes SPERRY, of Joliet, is spending a vacation of two weeks among Minooka friends. Miss SPERRY is a stenographer for a firm in the Stone City.

Miss Tillie VANCE, formerly of this place but for several years holding a position with the Pure Ice Co. in Joliet, has been very ill there for a few weeks but is not convalescent.

Miss Alma BELL, who holds a position as stenographer in Chicago, is enjoying a two weeks; vacation and is visiting here at the home of her parents, Mrs. and Mrs. Alex BELL.

Mrs. C. B. CHASE returned a few days ago from South Dakota and will again make her home here occupying their old quarters in the HOLT house. Miss Ellyn NELSON, the teacher, will board with her. Mr. CHASE remains in South Dakota where is engaged in brick making.

The ladies of the Minooka M. E. church will give a “Rainbow Tea” at Masonic hall Friday and Saturday afternoons and evenings, August 28 and 29, and are planning to entertain a large crowd. A souvenir will be given to everyone attending. There will be music in the afternoon and a program at 8:30. The price will be 35 cents.

The infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. D. H. ANDREWS died last Sunday morning at 3 o’clock of inflammation of the bowels after an illness of but a few days. The little one was but six months of age. Funeral services were held at the home here Tuesday morning at 8:30 o’clock, conducted by Rev. BEDDOES, of the Seward Congregational church. The remains were taken on the 9:43 Rock Island train to Seneca for burial.

There will soon be a new business firm in Minooka and the young men who will compose it are George COULEHAN and Henry DWYER. They will embark in the grocery and meat business and expect to get started soon after the first of the coming month. Their location will be in the old CHASE stand. Mr. COULEHAN and wife have resided in Chicago for several months past, but will henceforth reside here according to the present calculation.

The CAMPBELL property where W. J. CAMPBELL and family reside will undoubtedly be the site for the new St. Mary’s Catholic church. The committee last Sunday decided to accept Mr. CAMPBELL’s proposition to sell the property for $1500 and the only thing that might interfere with a conveyance to the church would be the refusal of Mrs. CAMPBELL to concur in the transfer. She has been visiting in Iowa for several weeks and up to yesterday had not been consulted in the matter, but it is not at all probable that she would not concur with her husband in the sale. The site thus chosen by the committee is in a fine location, being only two to three blocks from the business part of town and only a block from the public school. There are two lots making a tract 145×160 feet, with an old frame dwelling which will be moved away to give place to the new buildings. The committee of three appointed to secure options secured options on seven different sites ranging in price from a donation to $3,500. M. L. KAFFER, J. P. McEVILLY, and John BRANNICK offered to donate the FOSTER lots southwest of the public school and only a little over a block from the site chosen, but the full committee deemed the CAMPBELL property at $1500 preferable. The high priced property was that of J. H. MURPHEY for $3500. The price paid for the CAMPBELL property is generally considered to be more than the property would bring for any other purpose, but Mr. CAMPBELL was not anxious to sell. The church will certainly have an excellent site there and in the long run the committee has probably acted very wisely in accepting it. The new church will be of brick and the cost will be limited to about $15,000. Further than this no specifications have yet been drawn.

September 3, 1903, Vol. 28, No. 36

Markets – Corn 49; oats new 33, old 29; eggs 17; butter 17.

Miss Mattie TRIMBLE returned last week from an extended visit in Ohio.

Mrs. M. KAFFER and Mrs. W. H. KAFFER were visitors to Chicago Monday.

J. P. CLENNON left Tuesday on a trip to Dakota, where he owns a tract of land.

Mr. and Mrs. Matthew PAUL left for Chicago Tuesday to spend a few days in the big city.

Martin BUELL, of Normal Park, came here Tuesday and went on to Channahon to visit relatives.

Mrs. Edward OAKS was called to Morris Monday by the sickness there of her mother, Mrs. M. REDMOND.

M. T. HENNEBRY returned to Chicago Tuesday after a visit here at the home of Thomas MURPHY and family.

Mr. and Mrs. W. H. KAFFER and daughter, Katherine, leave today for Atchinson, Kansas, to visit with relatives.

Mrs. Edward PATTEN and children who had been visiting relatives at Wilmington, returned home Tuesday and Officer PATTEN no longer is the lord of bachelor’s hall.

Anson GOODWIN, Fred McCAULEY, John EDMONDS, Jr., and Ead McCAULEY, made a trip to Chicago last Monday and the last named gentleman will make an extended stay in the Windy City.

The little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Edward LIBERTY captured the prize in the baby show at St. Mary’s picnic at Channahon last week and the parents are duly proud of the little maiden’s feat.

James SHIELDS and Mrs. Thomas SHIELDS left last Tuesday for Dakota where they will visit the lady’s brothers, Jerry and John SCHNEIDER, and Mr. SHIELDS will also look after some land.

Dr. R. W. BOWERS, of Sheridan, Ill., Dr. and Mrs. George BOWERS and daughter, Helen, of Galesburg, Ill., and Mr. and Mrs. Fred SHERER, of Messopotamia, Ohio, were guests the past week of Mr. and Mrs. W. A. CLARK.

Fred MURPHEY came home Saturday night from St. Louis where he had been employed for several months past in electrical work on the world’s fair buildings. He is suffering with malarial fever and his condition has been somewhat serious.

The Misses Norma and Margaret WALSH, returned to their home in Chicago last Monday after a pleasant visit of three weeks at the home of Edward OAKS and family. Their father is cashier for Pope & Elkhart, the commission merchants.

Mrs. George TINDER and Miss May TINDER intend to reside in their cottage in the eastern part of town after giving up the restaurant business which they have about sold to George KROGNESS. It is not yet certain whether or not the telephone central will be moved.

The wedding of Miss Marie NELSON and Mr. George KROGNESS occurred at the home of the bride’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Christ NELSON, in this place Wednesday evening, September 2, 1903, Rev. BEDDOES, of the Seward Congregational church, officiating. The bride and groom are highly popular young people and have the best wishes of a large circle of friends. They intend to conduct the TINDER restaurant which they have purchased and Mr. KROGNESS will also operate a bakery. They will reside in the building.

The prospects for the opening of a big stone quarry at Divine to supply stone for the Joliet steel mills seem to have flattened out until they are very thin. The tests failed to satisfy the requirements and all work has been stopped. The gang of men employed, seventeen in number, with C. C. YOUNT, the foreman, have gone to St. Louis to engage in similar work. Louis EMILY, of this place, is one of the number and John EDMONDS, Jr., may go down with the gang a little later to keep in touch with the World’s Fair City.

The picnic given last week by the Young Ladies’ Sodality of St. Mary’s church at Conroy’s park at Channahon was a grand success in every way and great credit is due the young ladies for originating and carrying through to a successful conclusion an even that netted over $450 for the new church building fund. The weather was quite unfavorable but the program of sports was carried out and there was a big crowd present throughout the afternoon and evening. In the ball game the Plainfields defeated the Manhattan team by the easy score of 15 to 1.

September 10, 1903, Vol. 28, No. 37

C. E. DAVIS was in Morris on business Tuesday.

George COLLEPS was in Chicago on business last Tuesday.

Markets – Corn 47; oats 30 and 33; eggs 17; butter 17.

Sir Thomas LIPTON (Oaks) sailed his yacht to Joliet last Tuesday.

Miss Mand THAYER has been visiting with relatives in Joliet the past week.

Mrs. S. A. FERGUSON has been visiting with relatives at Wilmington, Ill., for ten days.

I. H. HOOPER and Wm. PAUL took in the Labor Day doings in Chicago last Monday.

Labor Day passed without any observance here. All the business houses were open as usual.

Charles SHEIFILDT, residing a few miles north of here who has been quite ill with pneumonia, is better.

A. K. KNAPP continues to improve slowly and was able to be taken out for a drive last Monday.

Lost – A valuable coat. The finder will probably be cheerfully rewarded for returning the coat to Teddy SHEPLEY.

Mrs. Charles WYETH, of White Willow, underwent a successful operation last Tuesday for the removal of a tumor.

Mr. and Mrs. George KROGNESS are now in charge of the TINDER restaurant and have also embarked in the bakery business.

Gorge COULEHAN and Henry DWYER expect to open their new store and meat market for business before the close of this week.

William PAUL visited the “STORKS” in Joliet last Tuesday and perhaps one of the storks will some day return the visit to William.

A few hot days and nights this week have been worth a dollar a second in developing and maturing the corn crop of the country.

A traveling harpist and two youthful violinists discoursed the orchestral strains of “Hiawatha”, “In the Good Old Summer Time” and other popular selections on our streets last Tuesday.

N. J. COMERFORD, who was suffering severely with tonsillitis last week, has nearly recovered from that and is able to be out again. He is still weak, however, and will devote his attention now to building up his strength.

Michael WHALEN has bought out the interest of his partner, Wm. PAUL, in the saloon business here and will henceforth conduct the saloon alone. We have not learned what Mr. PAUL’s intentions for the future are.

Miss Olive THAYER went to Normal, Ill., last Monday and entered the State Normal University there for a year’s course. Her father, W. A. THAYER, accompanied her to Normal and returned home the same day.

Charles Raemond DAVIS entered the township high school in Joliet last Tuesday for a post graduate course and everyone knows that “Butch” will ably represent Minooka at the big educational institution of Will county.

The married ladies of St. Mary’s church are planning to give a lawn party for the benefit of the building fund Oct. 7. It has not yet been definitely decided where the party will be held and announcement will be made later.

The Minooka schools opened last Monday with good attendance and Prof. A. E. ROSS is in charge as principal. Mrs. Florence STRATTON is again teacher in the primary division and Miss Ellyn NELSON is in the intermediate.

The Home Insurance Company, represented here by H. P. BRANNICK, last Friday paid over to the trustees of St. Mary’s church the sum of $2885, being payment in full of the policy of $2900 on the church which burned recently. The $15 deduction was made for interest for 30 days to which the company is entitled under the insurance contract.

Peter JORSTED expects to remove from his 160 acre farm a mile and a half north of town and will henceforth reside in Morris. He has rented his farm to “Dr.” GRINDLE who now resides on the PETERSON farm and who will move in the spring to the JORSTED farm. The PETERSON farm of 160 acres was recently bought by Henry DWYER who, Dame Rumor says, will ere long end his bachelor days and take possession of the farm.

C. B. CHASE returned last Friday from the Black Hills in Dakota where he had charge of the construction of some brick works as the representative of the Chicago Brickworks Co. Mr. CHASE is well pleased with life in the west and says the country is booming and that everyone there seems to have plenty of money. Nevertheless he thinks Minooka is all right and the nearest to paradise for him and he intends to spend the fall and winter at least in this vicinity. Next summer he may go elsewhere again to follow the brick work which cannot be successfully prosecuted during the winter months.

September 17, 1903, Vol. 28, No. 38

Markets – Corn 48; oats 31 and 34; eggs 19; butter 17.

Little Claude PATTEN is quite ill this week.

Mrs. M. L. KAFFER was a Joliet visitor Monday.

John McEVILLY was a visitor to Chicago Monday.

W. J. CAMPBELL was in Morris on business Monday.

Will BOLTON, of Joliet, spent Monday with friends in Minooka.

Miss Ethel WATSON is attending the university at Lake Forest.

SHEPLEY Bros. are having their livery barn reshingled this week.

Summer BELL, of Joliet, spent Sunday of this week with relatives here.

Born: Friday, Sept. 11th, 1903, a son to Mr. and Mrs. E. E. CAMPBELL.

Quarterly conference was held at the M. E. church last Saturday, Elder HOLMES presiding.

About a dozen Minooka A. F. & A. M.’s attended lodge in Channahon last Saturday night and all report a fine time.

Murray BAKER and Miss Ethel NADEN, of Seward, have again taken up their school duties at the Joliet high school.

Geo. COULEHAN and Henry DWYER have their store about ready for the opening. A meat market and shoe department will be kept in connection with the groceries.

John GATONS, Sr., who is held for the murder of his son a short time ago and is at St. Joseph’s in Joliet, continues to grow weaker and may die at almost any time. It is almost certain that no early court will be called to pass upon his crime.

September 24, 1903, Vol. 28, No. 39

Markets – Corn 44; oats 31 and 34; eggs 19; butter 17.

Mrs. W. J. WALSH, of Joliet, is spending this week with relatives here.

J. H. MURPHEY and Peter BRISCOE are serving on the grand jury in Morris this week.

George RAYMOND and Charles HANDWERK, of Morris, spend Sunday with friends here.

Mrs. Geo. TINDER is having an addition built at the rear of her dwelling in the east part of town.

Miss Mamie PAUL, of Troy, has been quite sick with rheumatism for some time and is unimproved.

The CAMPBELL house situated on the lot recently purchased by St. Mary’s church was sold at auction yesterday.

Mr. and Mrs. W. H. KAFFER arrived home last Monday from a two weeks’ visit with relatives at Atchison, Kansas.

The ladies of the M. E. church will soon hold a bazaar and sale of the various articles which the sewing society has made during the past few months.

Miss Mae ANDREWS who was employed as a clerk at the Joliet Dry Goods store in Joliet for several weeks has been at her home here the past two weeks.

Frank WILSON, the meat merchant, is a lonely man at present and is temporarily the lord of bachelor’s hall. His better half is visiting with relatives at Hoopeston, Ill.

The farm of the HENDERSON estate was sold at auction last Saturday and brought $9300. John HENDERSON was the purchaser. The farm consists of 160 acres and the purchase price is a little under $60 per acre which is regarded as very low. Down in the central part of the state good farm land is selling for three time this price.

Daniel BRADBURY, one of the old residents of Minooka, died quite suddenly Friday, Sep. 18, 1903, at his home in the west part of town, aged 73 years. He had been ill with dropsy for a year but his condition did not become serious until a day or two before his death. He was a native of England and came to this country and to this vicinity years ago. He leaves a widow, one son, Robert, and one daughter, Mrs. William FITZPATRICK, all of Minooka. The funeral took place Sunday at 2 p.m. from the home conducted by Rev. L. P. WARRINGTON. Burial was in the Chapman cemetery.

October 1, 1903, Vol. 28, No. 40

C. K. DAVIS was in Chicago on business Tuesday.

A. K. KNAPP continues to gain strength slowly.

George COLLEPS was in Chicago on a business trip Tuesday.

M. L. KAFFER was billed for the state fair at Springfield Tuesday night.

Thomas KETTLESON is having a large barn erected on his farm in Seward.

N. J. COMERFORD is helping out in the building line by having a barn erected on his farm near town.

A fine little daughter arrived at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew FEENEY Tuesday, Sep. 21, 1903.

The corn cutting festival is now on with the farmers and they will have short time for any other proposition for a few weeks.

John BRANNICK’s new house, a mile south of town, is receiving the attention of the plasterers and will soon be at a state of completion.

The Knights of Pythias of Minooka lodge will give a grand Thanksgiving ball at Union hall on the eve of the festive holiday, Wednesday, November 25.

The ladies of the M. E. church held a fair and gave a supper at Masonic hall Wednesday afternoon and evening. The weather was decidedly unfavorable but there was a fair attendance.

Several Minooka people have been in Joliet this week to deliver up their dimes for a glance at Wild Minnie, Speedy, the high driver, Diavolo looping the loop and the carnival congress of artistic grafters.

N. J. COMERFORD and M. L. KAFFER were in Chicago on business Tuesday. It was Mr. COMERFORD’s first trip to the city since his illness. He is still gaining strength and all hope for his early recovery to perfect health.

At the sale of the CAMPBELL house last week on the lot recently purchased by St. Mary’s church, the purchaser was Patsy DWYER who paid $37 for the property. He has been negotiating with N. J. COMERFORD for the purchase of a lot near by and if he buys the lot will at once move the building thereto.

Miss Mae ANDREWS, of this place, and Mr. Harry JOHNSON, formerly night operator for the Rock Island to Joliet, made a voyage to the Gretha Green across the lake from Chicago last Thursday, Sept. 24, and when they returned from St. Joe it was as husband and wife. They will reside in Chicago.

Mr. and Mrs. John BUCKLEY, Mr. and Mrs. A. L. HOLBROOK, Mrs. C. E. DAVIS, Miss Lottie WATSON, Miss Ella ANDERSON and W. H. RANDALL went to Joliet last Monday night as members of Minnehaha Chapter of Eastern Star, of this place, to attend the 12th anniversary of Marguerite Chapter of that city. They might also have taken in the carnival sights but this they disclaim.

C. B. CHASE has been offered a proposition to go to Seattle, Washington, to superintend the erection of a brick plant and will probably accept the situation and soon be westward bound. Mr. Chase is much impressed with the possibilities in the field of brick manufacture and at some future time may embark in the business himself. Out at Deadwood from whence he lately returned he says that paving brick from Galesburg, this state, are being freely used. The freight considerably more than equals the cost of the brick.

John GATONS, who shot and killed his son, John GATONS, Jr., at his farm in Troy Township a few weeks ago, died at St. Joseph’s hospital in Joliet last Friday morning. Since the appalling tragedy the aged homicide had been filled with remorse and refused nearly all sustenance. Age, grief and repining combined led steadily and surely to the end and before the indicting body of Will County reached his case the slayer of his son expiated his crime in a death produced by greater agony than the scaffold gives. The funeral was held at the old farm home in Troy Saturday morning at 10 o’clock, the services being conducted by Rev. Dr. D. C. MILNER, the Presbyterian pastor, of Joliet, for whom the dying man had sent to comfort him in his last troublous days. The burial was in Oakwood cemetery.

The remains of Rev. Father WELSH were taken up from their long resting place beneath St. Mary’s church last Monday and were taken to Joliet and buried in Mt. Olivet. Father WELSH was the second resident priest here and died in 1878. In accordance with his request his body was buried beneath the sanctuary where he had so long and faithfully taught his people. The burning of the church some time ago and the decision to rebuild on another site led to the removal of the remains which are only the bones. The clothing is said to have been in a fair state of preservation. Father WELSH’s predecessor, the first resident priest in St. Mary’s parish, was Rev. Father SHEEDY. There have been only three other priests here, Rev. Father MOLONEY, the first Father McMAHON, now at Rockford, and the present clergyman, Rev. Father Joseph McMAHON.

October 8, 1903, Vol. 28, No. 41

Markets – Corn 41; oats 33; eggs 30; butter 18.

Miss Mattie COLLEPS now officiates as the operator at the Chicago telephone central.

Mrs. HUTCHINSON, residing near White Willow, has been quite seriously ill for several days.

Miss Lulu BELL will spend next Saturday and Sunday with kindred and friends in Chicago.

Mr. SHAUGHNESSY, representing the Joliet Bridge & Iron Co., was in town on business Tuesday.

Considerable grain has been coming into market here the past week. The price on corn is now considerably off.

A few from here went to see “When Johnny Comes Marching Home”, at the Joliet theatre Tuesday night.

Contractor George SICKLES has finished the work of remodeling the residence of George BAMFORD, five miles northwest of town.

Mr. and Mrs. Harry JOHNSON, nee Miss Mae ANDREWS, have been visiting among their relatives and friends here this week. They will soon take up their residence in Joliet.

John DWYER is preparing to erect a 36×64 barn on his farm and the contract has been awarded to George SICKLES, of Lockport. Work will be commenced in a few weeks.

In response to an invitation to attend the grand ball Wednesday evening for the benefit of St. Mary’s church here, John McKERMAN, of Chicago, sent a check for five dollars and expressed his regret at being unable to come to attend.

Account convention Brotherhood of St. Andrew, at Denver, Colo., Oct. 7-11, the Santa Fe will sell excursion tickets to Denver, Colorado Springs or Pueblo and return for one fare plus 50 cents. Tickets on sale Oct. 4th to 8th. Good to return leaving Colorado convention points Oct. 31.

C. B. CHASE and Fred WEESE left Tuesday over the Rock Island and Great Northern for Seattle, Washington, where Mr. CHASE will superintend the erection of a brick plant for the Chicago Brick Works Co. Mr. WEESE will work with him on the job. They will travel about 2,500 miles and four and a half days is required to make the trip.

Harvey PORTER, one of the well known residents of Channahon, died at his home there last Saturday and the funeral took place from the house Monday with burial in Joliet. Mr. PORTER was worshipful master of the A. F. and A. M. lodge at Channahon and was also a member of the Eastern Star. He was highly respected for his sterling qualities of character and had many friends.

The grand platform dance given by the married ladies of St. Mary’s church Wednesday evening at the park at Dr. BRINCKERHOFF’s, was attended by nearly 700 people and was a fine success in every way. The weather was a little cool but very delightful and the must by Stahl’s orchestra was superb. The net proceeds of the event as nearly as can now be figured will reach $600. This will be a handsome accretion to the building fund of the church.

For comfort, good service and low rates, patronize the Nickel Plate Road. Good road-bed, splendidly equipped trains and first-class dining-car service, meals being served on American Club Plan, ranging in price from 35c to $1; also service a la carte. Three through trains daily, in each direction. Rates always the lowest. No excess fare on any train on that line. Chicago City Ticket Office, 111 Adams St. Depot LaSalle St. Station, corner Van Buren and LaSalle Sts., on the elevated loop.

W. A. THAYER, J. H. MURPHEY, W. J. CAMPBELL and Nelson WEESE went to Joliet Tuesday to attend the funeral of Mrs. Jerold DAHLEM, who died at her home in that city Sunday. The funeral took place from the house and the burial was in the Channahon cemetery. Mrs. DAHLEM formerly lived here and her husband was postmaster in this place about twenty-five years ago. He was suddenly stricken on the street here in 1883 and expired within a few minutes. Mrs. DAHLEM was the mother of Adam, Daniel and Jacob DAHLEM, all of Joliet, and two daughters also survive.

Al PATTEN was not sure for a little while last Tuesday morning whether he was a dead man or a live one and it required several minutes of serious thinking and a little muscular exercise to convince himself that he was really not more dead than alive. Al was driving on the road and near Dr. WATSON’s farm, west of town, when the wheel of the wagon struck a cobble stone in the wheel track in such a way that Mr. PATTEN was thrown head first out of the wagon. He was not expecting anything so sudden and he was not in Roosevelt’s favorite idea condition of preparedness for trouble. Hence he landed on his shoulders and made what might be described as a very poor “getaway”. He sustained no broken bones and fortunately his team stopped and made no more trouble until Al was able to climb into the wagon and return to town. No damage whatever was done except to Mr. PATTEN’s anatomy, and his injuries are not so severe as they felt at the time.

An important change in Minooka business circles is to be chronicled this week. The firm of KAFFER Bros. composed of M. L. and W. H. KAFFER, the well-known hardware merchants, have bought out N. J. COMERFORD’s grocery and dry goods store and the invoice has been completed and the new proprietors are in charge. W. A. CLARK who has been with Mr. COMERFORD for several months past will remain under the new management and Miss Agnes McEVILLY and Thomas OAKS will also be retained in the positions they have hitherto filled. John KAFFER who has been at Atchison, Kansas, for some time past, will return to Minooka and will assist in the hardware business which will be under the immediate supervision of W. H. KAFFER while M. L. will personally have charge of the COMERFORD store. Altho still a young man, Mr. COMERFORD began his mercantile career in Minooka with his father twenty-eight years ago and has been in the business continuously since with the exception of a year and a half at school. He has well earned a year or two of rest from business and it is a matter of regret to all that his health demanded it. He has been uniformly successful in business and enjoys the confidence and esteem of all. Mr. COMERFORD will remain in the store for a week or two to get his accounts straightened, and of course will be pleased to receive settlements of as many outstanding accounts as possible.

October 15, 1903, Vol. 28, No. __

Markets – Corn 41; oats 35; eggs 21; butter 17.

Dr. J. J. BRINCKERHOFF was in Joliet on business last Tuesday.

Harry THAYER expects to leave within a few weeks on a trip to Colorado Springs and other points in the west and if finds things to his liking he may decide to remain there.

Fred McCOWAN leaves today for Los Angeles, California, and if he likes the country he will remain there. Fred has been employed in FERGUSON’s blacksmith shop here the past six months.

John JOHNSTON, the civil war veteran, left Tuesday for the National Soldier home at Milwaukee, Wis., and that will henceforth be his address. Last week he received back pension accounting upwards of $700 and everybody received cigars, et cetera at John’s expense for a few days.

John KAFFER arrived home last Saturday from Atchison, Kansas, where he had been employed as manager of a drug store for five months. He was well pleased with the West but still _____ Minooka ____ as good as anything on the map. John will now assist KAFFER Bros. in the hardware business.

October 22, 1903, Vol. 28, No. 43

Corn husking has been begun.

Markets – Corn 40; oats 33; eggs 22; butter 18.

Jas. BRADY was in Chicago Wednesday.

Mrs. H. GORHAM was in Joliet Saturday.

Mrs. Charles COOP is on the sick list this week.

Mr. and Mrs. NIELSEN visited in Joliet Thursday.

M. L. KAFFER and Harry A. THAYER went to Chicago on business Tuesday.

W. A. THAYER has erected a new brick chimney at his blacksmith shop.

C. A. TROWBRIDGE and family visited with relatives near Plattville last Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. Peter BRISCOE spent Thursday in Morris with their daughter Mrs. WHALEN.

Fred McCOWAN left last Thursday evening for Los Angeles, California, where he expects to spend the winter.

Mr. Carl PUTNAM, of Mt. Carmel, Ill., has been spending a few days as a guest of Dr. J. S. WATSON and family in town.

Mr. and Mrs. Martin WICKES were made happy last Friday, Oct. 16, 1903, by the arrival of a fine son at their home.

I. V. HOOPER has improved the appearances of the interior of his tonsorial parlor by the liberal use of fresh paint.

Rev. Father WALSH, of Joliet, visited here last Tuesday with Rev. Father Joseph McMAHON and also with Frank MILLER and family.

Mr. and Mrs. Richard COOP went to Chicago Wednesday and will visit there for several days with their son, Daniel COOP and family.

A fine son of Mr. and Mrs. John DWYER is among the new residents of the vicinity of Minooka. He arrived Friday, October 16, 1903.

Frank FITZGERALD, who had been visiting friends and relatives here for a few days, returned to his home in Chicago Monday evening.

Rev. JAGGARD, the new M. E. pastor for Minooka, who comes from Englewood, was ill last Sunday and on that account was unable to conduct services.

John J. EDMONDS spent last Sunday among friends and kindred here. John is now employed in the shipping department of a big wholesale house in Chicago.

Dr. RICHARDS, of Joliet, was called Monday in consultation on the case of Mrs. Robert FEENEY, who was very dangerously ill and passed away that evening.

About twenty of the Morris K. I’s attended lodge here Wednesday evening. Some new members were initiated. Refreshments were served at 12 o’clock and a pleasant time was enjoyed by all.

We have the finest line of calendars ever brought to town. Do you want calendars for the coming New Year’s greetings. The PHOENIX ADVERTISER will be pleased to supply you with the artistic kind at the right price.

Rev. A. H. KISTLER, of Norwood Park, Ill., a former pastor of the Minooka M. E. church, spent last Monday among old friends and parishioners here. He is now pastor of the Norwood Park M. E. church.

The wedding of Miss Katherine BRANNICK, of this place, and Mr. Edward J. DUFFY, of Joliet, was solemnized a few days ago. Mr. and Mrs. DUFFY will reside in Joliet and have the best wishes of a large circle of friends.

Miss Edith BLY left Tuesday for Los Angeles, California, to visit her aunt and may remain permanently in the Golden State. She went first to St. Louis and thence with her aunt over the Burlington route to Salt Lake City and California.

Rev. L. P. WARRINGTON and wife loaded their household furniture last Tuesday and departed for Dakotah, Ill., where Rev. WARRINGTON is assigned to the pastorate of the M. E. church. Rev. and Mrs. WARRINGTON are well liked by all the people here and there is general regret at their going.

Several Minooka friends attended the funeral last Sunday of Mrs. Sarah SHUFELDT, widow of William H. SHUFELDT, at Aux Sable M. E. church. Mrs. SHUFELDT was 80 years of age last March. She died Friday leaving two sons, John and Norman. Rev. BEDDOES conducted the funeral. The burial was in the Aux Sable cemetery.

Mrs. Mary FEENEY, wife of Robert FEENEY, died at her home four miles south of here in Channahon township, last Monday afternoon, Oct. 19, 1903, aged 58 years, 11 months. The decedent had been ill with kidney trouble but a few days and her death came quite unexpectedly. She was a lady of fine christian character and was beloved by all. The sorrowing relatives are the husband and six children. Of the latter four are sons and two daughters, James, of Morris, Bernhard, Andrew, Edward and Margaret of this vicinity, and Mrs. Mary SWAIN, of Morris. The funeral took place Wednesday forenoon from the home, and burial was in the Dresden cemetery.

Nov. 5, 1903, Vol. 28, No. 45

Markets – Corn 40; oats 32; eggs 22; butter 18.

Miss Mary BRADY spent Monday in Joliet.

Mrs. E. N. WEESE visited Joliet last Thursday.

Mrs. James SHIELDS called on Joliet friends last Friday.

Charles O’BRIEN made a business trip to Chicago Monday.

Mrs. Fannie NEWMAN visited with friends in Joliet Saturday.

A number from here attended the races in Morris Saturday.

Mrs. William FITZPATRICK visited in Joliet last Wednesday.

Mrs. Frank WILSON called on friends in Joliet Thursday.

George COLLEPS and daughter, Miss Bessie, spent Monday in Joliet.

E. N. WEESE visited with his son Charles in Morris Wednesday.

W. J. WALSH, of Joliet, called on kindred and friends here Thursday.

Mrs. L. Van DOLSON spent Wednesday and Thursday with friends in Joliet.

Mr. and Mrs. William GRUETT visited with relatives in Chicago last Sunday.

Mrs. D. H. ANDREWS and son Garnet visited friends in Seneca the past week.

L. A. WARD, otherwise known as Bert, was a business visitor to Joliet Tuesday.

A new dwelling is being erected on the south side for Malachi DEMPSEY and family.

John Van ZANDT, of Iowa, is visiting among Minooka friends and relatives this week.

Mrs. and Mrs. George THAYER and little daughter, of Joliet, are visiting here this week.

Mrs. P. DWYER and daughter, Miss Anna DWYER, are visiting relatives in Chicago this week.

Mrs. James FEEHAN is quite seriously ill at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Ambrose BRANNICK.

Dr. J. J. BRINCKERHOFF attended a meeting of the Will County Poultry Association held in Joliet last Monday evening.

Mrs. Olin SAGE, of Chicago Heights, and Mrs. A. M. WESTON, of Joliet, have been visiting here this week with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. I. J. KNIGHT.

Mrs. John CROOK and her son aged about five years are both suffering with diptheria. The disease appears not to be of a virulent form.

Charles E. DAVIS and Mrs. Frank MILLER went to Mazon last Sunday to attend the funeral of their mother who died there Friday, Oct. 30, 1903.

The approaching wedding of Mr. Charles O’BRIEN and Miss Mary BRADY was announced in St. Mary’s church last Sunday and the wedding will take place Wednesday, Nov. 18.

Owing to a little discrepancy in the specifications no bids were received Monday night for the building of the new St. Mary’s church and the opening of bids was postponed until Wednesday evening.

The building committee of St. Mary’s church have decided on the brick to be used in the building. They will come from Hobart, Ind., and are of dark reddish color. They will cost $10 per thousand delivered here.

N. J. COMERFORD left Tuesday noon for Chicago and thence over the Northwestern for Plankington, S. D., where he will spend three weeks with relatives and friends. Mrs. COMERFORD accompanied her husband as far as Chicago Tuesday.

School district No. 51 in Seward township, of which Miss Edna M. BELL is teacher, secured one of the ten U. S. flags presented by the Youths’ Companion for the best work done by schools during the year in improving and beautifying the school grounds.

D. A. HENNEBRY has sold out his interest in the grain business here to Henry TRUBY of Bird’s Bridge who proposes to erect a new elevator at the “J”, forthwith and expects to have it completed by the first of the year. Mr. HENNEBRY will remain with A. K. KNAPP.

A class of sixteen girls and fourteen boys made their first communion last Sunday in Central hall where the services of St. Mary’s church are held pending the erection of a new sanctuary. Rev. Father Joseph McMAHON officiated at the communion service. The girls were all dressed in white and wore white veils and the boys wore bows of white.

Several Minooka members of the Masonic fraternity attended the meeting of Mt. Joliet lodge in Joliet last Friday evening and witnessed work in the third degree. Nearly 200 from Chicago were also present and nearly _00 people sat down at the banquet which was one of the pleasing surprises in store for the guests. The Minooka Masons who attended state that it was one of the best functions they ever attended.

Last Saturday night was Hallowe’en and what the Minooka youths didn’t think of doing would appear very tame compared to their doin’s. They decorated Charles FOSTER’s building with three or four carts and buggies, placed saloon signs on private dwellings, transferred the McCORMICK implement sign from THAYER’s drug store and removed from Frank WILSON’s meat wagon a wheel which has not yet been discovered. The following morning a man from Chicago stepped off the train here and being possessed of a well developed thirst for a glass of Budweiser he stepped over to the residence opposite the depot where the boys had placed a saloon sign the night before. Before he knew he was on the wrong tack he asked the man at the house if it would be possible for him to get a glass of beer there that (Sunday) morning. He was briefly but firmly directed to go to.

November 12, 1903, Vol. 28, No. 46

Markets – Corn 30; oats 32; eggs 33; butter 17.

Will BOLTON spent last Sunday in Joliet.

Charles O’BRIEN was in Chicago on business Friday.

Mrs. William GRUETT was a visitor in Morris Monday.

Anslow BELL, of Maywood, is visiting with relatives here.

Michael WHALEN went to Wilmington on business Tuesday.

Mrs. I. V. HOOPER paid a visit to Joliet friends Wednesday.

John SHEPLEY is able to be out once more after a short illness.

Julius Owen(?), the leading jeweler, was in Joliet on business Tuesday.

Daniel FEEHAN, of Chicago, visited with relatives here last Thursday and Friday.

Mrs. Charles PARMENTER and daughter, Miss Hattie, spent last Friday in Joliet.

William WELCH, of Chicago, is visiting among relatives and friends here this week.

The weather reversed itself somewhat Wednesday and reminded us that November is here.

N. J. COMERFORD has been heard from in Dakota and he gives a good account of himself.

Theodore KREIN and family contemplate removing from this place to Chicago in the spring.

Miss Frances FEEHAN, of Odell, visited over Sunday with her grandmother, Mrs. P. CANTWELL.

A. R. BLY and family expect to remove to Joliet in the spring to become citizens of the Stone City.

A. K. KNAPP was not quite so well a portion of the past week but at present seems to be gaining a little again.

Mr. and Mrs. Roy SAGE returned to their home in Chicago Heights Sunday evening after a pleasant visit with kindred here.

The marriage record at Joliet shows the issuance of a license to wed Gus HUGENT, of Washington, and Miss Alice M. HELSABECK, of Minooka.

John CONNELL, of Storm Lake, came here to attend the funeral of his father, James CONNELL, Saturday and is visiting among relatives and friends for a few days.

Mrs. Henry NEWMAN and Mrs. Ida DIRST were in Joliet last Sunday to attend the funeral of their aunt, Mrs. Joseph PAUL, who formerly lived in the country north east of here.

John CONNELL and daughters, Mrs. NOONAN and Miss Nellie CONNELL, of Odell, attended the funeral of James CONNELL here Saturday. The Odell gentleman is a brother of the deceased.

There was no school in the schools here last Friday and all the teachers attended the Northern Illinois teachers’ meeting in Joliet. The meeting is said to have been the largest ever held in the state.

The members of Minooka Lodge No. 460, Knights of Pythias, will give an invitation Thanksgiving ball at Central hall Wednesday evening, Nov. 25. The music will be by Stahl’s orchestra and a fine supper will be served.

A Morris wielder of the bow billed a dance for Union hall here Wednesday evening but the weather was bad and the attendance at the dance considerably worse so the Morris gentleman has erased Minooka from his list of money makers.

Harry THAYER left Wednesday night for Colorado Springs, making the trip on the Rock Island “Rocky Mountain Limited.” Harry will see how he likes the west and may decide to remain there. His place as night operator for the Rock Island here is temporarily filled by Harry JOHNSON.

Teddy SHEPLEY had his weight registered by Frank WILSON’s scales Wednesday and we being present were sworn to maintain secrecy else the result would be recorded here — if there was room enough for the figures. It is stated on good authority that Teddy lost a pound or two worrying about the loss of a favorite coat recently.

Walton CROOK, aged 9 years, son of Mrs. and Mrs. John CROOK, died of diphtheria at the parents’ home four miles north west of here last Thursday. The funeral took place the following morning with burial in the Chapman cemetery. Owing to the nature of the disease no public services were held. The decedent was an only child and the grief of the parents is great. The little fellow was sick about a week.

James CONNELL, a well known citizen of Minooka and this section of the state, died at his home in this place last Thursday afternoon, Nov. 5, 1903, aged 71 years, 6 months, 12 days. Mr. CONNELL was born in Ireland and came to America in 1851. In 1861 he married Miss Sarah HAYES and in the same year they moved to a farm near this place where Mr. CONNELL resided until about a year ago when he moved into town. Mrs. CONNELL died about twenty years ago. The funeral of Mr. CONNELL took place Saturday morning from the home to St. Patrick’s church in Joliet. The burial was in St. Patrick’s cemetery.

November 19, 1903, Vol. 28, No. 47

Mrs. B____ O’BRIEN who came here recently from Seattle, Wash., and expected to go to St. Louis for the winter has changed her plans and leaves this week for Dayton, Ohio, where she will remain for some time.

The social event of next week will be the Thanksgiving ball to be given by Minooka Lodge No. 626, Knights of Pythias, at Union hall in this place. Over two hundred invitations have been issued and there will undoubtedly be a large attendance at the function.

Mr. and Mrs. William BUCKLEY arrived here a few days ago from Seattle, Wash., where they had lived the past five years. Mr. BUCKLEY is suffering from a pulmonary affection which the damp climate of the coast seemed to aggravate and for that reason he will not return. If he finds that the climate here agrees with him he expects to remain here or near here, but if not he intends going to New Mexico where the climate is just the reverse of the Seattle brand. In New Mexico it is very dry and the altitude is fairly high.

Work on the construction of the new St. Mary’s church was begun last Friday. Contractors FOSTER, of Morris, and POWERS, of Joliet, have the contract for the entire work. About four feet of earth will be excavated for the basement which will be used as a furnace room and other purposes. The heating plant will consist of two hot air furnaces each supplying a single register located near either end of the church. This is now regarded as the most practical way of heating. The grade floor will be about four feet above the sidewalk grade.

The wedding of Mr. Charles O’BRIEN and Miss Mary BRADY, two highly popular young people of Minooka, was solemnized at St. Patrick’s church in Joliet Wednesday morning, Nov. 17, 1903. The bride has always lived here and is well known for her many graces and accomplishments. The groom came here from Iowa three years ago and established a reputation for honesty and sobriety that is second to none. Mr. and Mrs. O’BRIEN will reside here and they are attended by the best wishes of all of the many friends who know them.

A telephone message was received by the relatives here last Sunday from N. J. COMERFORD at Storm Lake, Iowa, announcing that he was ill at the home of John CONNELL in that place. Mrs. COMERFORD and N. J.’s brother, Thomas COMERFORD, left the same evening for Storm Lake and arrived there the following forenoon. Later advices state that Mr. COMERFORD is greatly improved and that there is no danger to be apprehended. The trouble seems to have been a nervous attack. Mrs. CONNELL is a cousin of Mr. COMERFORD and he stopped there for a short visit on his way home from Dakota where he went two weeks ago.

I. V. HOOPER, the well-known and popular Minooka tonsorialist, has been the victim of a very sad attack of mental aberration since last Saturday night about 10 o’clock. Mr. HOOPER conducted his usual work at the barber shop during the day Saturday and his customers noticed nothing unusual until late in the evening when two or three noted that the man handling the razor was extremely nervous and they were considerably alarmed until their work was finished and were released from the chair. No demonstration was made by the affected man, however, until he went home when suddenly he gave a scream and started from the chair where he was sitting, seized his wife by the arm and pulled her out into the street, all the while shouting incoherently something about being good if the constable would leave him alone. Down the street he led his wife and with the children following until two or three men were aroused and took charge of the deranged husband. They succeeded in getting him back to his home and he attempted no violence although he was quite demonstrative. Medical attendance was summoned and opiates were administered to induce sleep. He remains in a rational state nearly all the time now with an occasional aberration of the mind that indicates that all is not yet right. The patient in his rational periods remembers all that has transpired and seems to understand his condition. He has confessed to having lately indulged in drinking and gambling to a mild extent and his seems to be a highly nervous temperament that cannot endure dissipation. Mr. HOOPER is highly esteemed for his honesty, integrity and industry and his affliction enlists for himself and family the sincere sympathy of all. The physicians in attendance hold out hope that a complete recovery may soon take place.

November 26, 1903, Vol. 28, No. 48

Markets – Corn 36 and 33; oats 33; eggs 25; butter 19.

M. L. KAFFER and C. E. DAVIS were in Chicago on business Tuesday.

Miss Mary CANTWELL is on the sick list this week with an attack of fever.

Mr. and Mrs. W. H. MURPHEY and Atty. and Mrs. Louis LAGGER, all of Joliet, attended the funeral of Mrs. WALLING here Monday.

N. J. COMERFORD arrived home last week from his western trip and has almost recovered from the attack of illness he suffered at Storm Lake, Iowa.

Mrs. Thomas SCHIEK, returned to her home in Keokuk, Iowa, a few days ago after a visit here with her step-daughter, Mrs. J. J. VANA of the Union hotel.

Mr. and Mrs. W. B. KAFFER went to Joliet Monday evening to attend a reception at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John W. D’ARCY to commemorate their twenty-fifth wedding anniversary.

Miss Mable FRECKLETON, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James FRECKLETON, was taken ill with diphtheria a few days ago. She is not in a dangerous condition and her recovery is confidently expected.

Henry TRUBY has awarded the contract for the construction of his new elevator on the E. J. & E. at this place to Contractor DAVIDSON, of Joliet. The building is to be completed by January first. It will have a capacity of 25,000 bushels. Mr. TRUBY himself furnishes the material and the builder mill merely do the work for which the contract is about $350.

Harry THAYER arrived home Monday evening from his trip to Denver, Col., and will probably accept a position as agent on this division of the Rock Island. He reports things rather dull in his line in the west and for this reason he returned to Illinois. He enjoyed the trip greatly, however, and took in some of the most picturesque scenes of the Rockies.

I. V. HOOPER was taken to a private sanitarium at Geneva, Ill., last week and it is hoped and confidently expected that he will soon be fully restored to health. A noted specialist of Chicago was consulted in the case and his opinion is that the apparent mental derangement is entirely due to extreme nervousness, which under proper conditions will soon pass away.

Mrs. Nellie WALLING, a sister of Mrs. Edward HOLT, of this place, died at the home of her brother in Chicago last Friday and the remains were brought here Monday. Funeral services were conducted at the HOLT home that day and the interment was in the Aux Sable cemetery. Mrs. WALLING leaves no children and her husband died several years ago. She was known to but few here and had never resided in this vicinity.

Mrs. Mary E. CRYDER died at the home of her son, Frank A. CRYDER, in Aux Sable township last Thursday, November 19, 1903, after an illness of two weeks. She has lived in Joliet since 1894 but a short time ago came to her son’s home near here on a visit and was taken ill there. Mrs. CRYDER was born at Sand Town, New Jersey, Dec. 15, 1833 and came with her parents to Seward in Kendall county in 1836. She was married there March 19, 1858, to Henry CRYDER who died Nov. 17, 1870. Three sons, Frank A., William H. and Israel V. and one daughter, Mrs. Ella VanDYKE, survive. The funeral took place Sunday from the home. The burial was in Aux Sable cemetery.

December 3, 1903, Vol. 28, No. 49

Robert COOP was a visitor to Joliet Monday.

Markets – Corn 38 and 33; oats 33; eggs 27; butter 19.

D. A. HENNEBRY was a business visitor in Joliet Tuesday.

Miss Maber FRECKELTON, who has been ill with diphtheria, is improving.

Miss Ellen NELSON, the teacher, entertained her sister from Morris Sunday and Monday.

John O’BRIEN, of Iowa, has been visiting here for a few days with his son Charles O’BRIEN.

I. V. HOOPER, who is at the sanitarium at Geneva, Ill., is reported to be improving a little.

Daniel HALL returned Tuesday evening from a two weeks’ visit with his sister in New York City.

The little son of Mr. and Mrs. E. E. CAMPBELL has been ill for a few days with tonsilitis and seems to have narrowly escaped an attack of diphtheria.

Miss Mary CANTWELL resumed her position in Ward’s confectionery store Monday morning after a two weeks’ vacation. Miss CANTWELL has recovered from a short illness.

Frank THAYER and bride, of Chicago, spent Thanksgiving and the succeeding days until Monday among kindred in Minooka and vicinity. They were married the day before Thanksgiving. The bride was Miss Nellie CONNELL, of Chicago.

Mrs. William WYLIE died at her residence at Sand Ridge in the township of Na-au-say last Sunday afternoon, Nov. 29, 1903, aged 66 years. She leaves a husband and there were seven step-children. The funeral services were held at the home Tuesday forenoon and the remains were taken to Plainfield for burial.

December 12, 1903, Vol. 28, No. 52

M. J. WHALEN was in Joliet Saturday.

Miss Millie FLUENT spent Tuesday in Joliet.

Mrs. H. P. BRANNICK visited in Joliet Tuesday.

Markets – Corn 33; oats 23; eggs 26; butter 18.

Bert WARD was in Joliet on business Monday.

Robert BRADBURY called on Joliet friends Friday.

Mrs. Geo. BELL was a visitor to Joliet Saturday.

Mrs. Chas. O’BRIEN called on Joliet friends Monday.

Miss Ellyn NELSON spent Saturday and Sunday with her parents in Morris.

Wm. O’BRIEN, of Odell, spent Tuesday here with his nephew Charles O’BRIEN.

Miss Margaret BRADY went to Joliet Tuesday to visit her cousin, Mrs. M. CONNORS.

Mrs. Charles FOSTER went to Joliet Tuesday to visit her sister, Mrs. Joseph Johnson.

Mr. and Mrs. J. H. MURPHEY visited over Sunday in Joliet with their son William H. MURPHEY.

Robert MILLER and Charles CHARLSTON drove over from Newark Monday and called on Minooka friends.

Mr. and Mrs. Geo. H. KROGNESS took in the play at the Joliet Theatre Saturday evening. The attraction was “Zaza”.

M. KAFFER left Tuesday for Bloomington, Ill., to attend the state convention of the Retail Implement Dealers’ Association.

Miss Emma FRECKLETON is quite ill with tonsilitis this week. Her sister Mabel has fully recovered from an attack of diphtheria.

KAFFER Bros. have installed a new gas lighting plant in their general store and now the place is the most brilliantly illuminated spot in town.

I. V. HOOPER, who is at the sanitarium at Geneva, Ill., is not doing so well as at first and it is now feared that his recovery will require a long course of treatment and care.

TRUBY’s new elevator at the E. J. & E. is beginning to loom up in the north and a grand hustle will be made to complete the building within the time specified, which expires Jan. 1.

Mr. and Mrs. Arthur COOP, of White Willow, are the happiest citizens out in that section. A twelve-and-a-half pound son is the cause of their rejoicing. Born Thursday, Dec. 3, 1903.

Will FERGUSON was in Chicago Tuesday and secured a position as clerk in a drug store at 738 West Van Buren street. He begins his duties there today and all wish “Will” well in his new field of employment.

Mrs. Michael FEEHAN, of Joliet, came here last Sunday to visit her husband’s mother, Mrs. James FEEHAN, who is seriously ill at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Ambrose BRANNICK. There seems to be little hope of Mrs. FEEHAN’s recovery.

Harry THAYER spent Tuesday in Joliet. He is again filling the position of night operator for the Rock Island here. Henry JOHNSON, the former night operator, has gone to his parents’ home at Monica, Ill., where he will recuperate. His health is very badly impaired.

A grand ball will be given this Friday evening in Union hall. The committee to charge is composed of James PAUL, R. E. BRADBURY, Oliver PAUL and Alex. MOORE. The music will be supplied by Jesse James’ orchestra and supper will be served by Caterer KROGNESS.

The foundation for the new St. Mary’s church is about completed and the brick work will soon be in progress. A glance over the ground work of the structure impresses one with the idea that the edifice will be a particularly fine and spacious one for a parish of this size and it is the intent of the committee to build for the future as well as for the present.

John KAFFER enjoys the distinction of being the champion rat catcher of Minooka, barring the palace traps. Frank WILSON set one of the aforesaid traps to his shed one day last week and the following morning eighteen of the rodents were as securely behind the bars as the car barn bandits. The post office lobby is a tight room and free from furniture and thither the rats were taken for execution. Several persons were present including John, ready to act as executioners. The first rat out made a bee line for John and darted out of sight in his trousers’ leg quicker than anything ever happened before. John had a few bad moments but declares that as soon as he got the black cap adjusted properly he strangled the critter in a jiffy. Anyway the rat fell dead from the other leg of the trousers indicating, that it had made quite a trip into the interior.

Oliver BELL, son of Mr. and Mrs. William BELL residing between here and Channahon, lies in a critical condition at the home of his parents as the result of injuries received by falling, from a wagon last Saturday. Oliver was enrolled as a student in the Joliet high school and came home last Friday evening to remain until Monday. Saturday he decided to assist in the corn husking and just after dinner climbed into the wagon used in the work. His mother and brother were also in the wagon and all were laughing and joking when the team started to run. Oliver was at the rear of the wagon and a sudden lurch threw him out headlong. His head struck some object and the skull was fractured just behind the ear. He was rendered unconscious and up to the present time has not recovered his senses. He is delirious continually and it is feared that he cannot possibly recover. Dr. WATSON was summoned as quickly as possible after the accident and word was dispatched to Dr. James LATTIMER, of Chicago, a relative of the family who hurried here to attend the injured young man. The accident is one of unusual sadness and the sympathy of the whole community goes out to the family. The victim is 19 years of age.

December 17, 1903, Vol. 28, No. 51

Markets – Corn 34; oats 33; eggs 30; butter 20.

Charles O’BRIEN was in Morris Thursday.

Edward McEVILLY was in Chicago on business Saturday.

Joseph GEARY, of Chicago, called on friends here Tuesday.

John McEVILLY was in the county seat on business Monday.

Christmas turkeys are selling at the market at 18 cents per pound.

Michael WHALEN made a hurried trip to Morris Thursday morning.

Daniel HOOPER, of Wilmington, visited with relatives here over Sunday.

Attorney LAGGER, of Joliet, called on friends and relatives here Thursday.

The Misses Audrey and Lulu BELL and Mrs. John HOLT were in Chicago Saturday.

Mrs. D. GREEN was called to Joliet Monday to attend her mother, Mrs. BULL, who is quite ill.

A fine son was born to Mr. and Mrs. Thomas BARGO north of town last Saturday, Dec. 12, 1903.

The winter weather of this week has been of the old-fashioned brand, fifteen below, and ten inches of snow.

Miss Blanche KNOWLES and Miss Vanita ROSE, of Morris, are spending this week with their aunt, Mrs. Frank JONES.

I. V. HOOPER’s barber furniture and business was sold at auction last Tuesday afternoon at 1 o’clock at Mrs. HOOPER’s direction.

James BUCKLEY, one of the old residents here, seem to be at death’s portal. He is suffering with paralysis and has been failing for a long time.

Mrs. Annie HOOPER left here on the noon train Thursday for Essex, Ill., to attend the funeral of her father-in-law, who died suddenly Wednesday evening Dec. 9.

N. J. COMERFORD has purchased Lon HEATH’s farming implements with the intention of conducting farming operations the coming year. Mr. HEATH expects to move to town.

Edward PATTEN, Al PATTEN, Wm. PAUL, Dr. J. J. BRINCKERHOFF, Mrs. I. V. HOOPER, and Daniel HOOPER, of Wilmington, were called to Morris Monday in the insanity trial of I. V. HOOPER.

Miss Colette COULEHAN is very seriously ill with diabetes and her recovery is regarded as extremely doubtful. Miss COULEHAN passed away Tuesday night and the funeral took place today.

Oliver BELL, the young man who was seriously injured by a fall from a wagon last week, is doing better than any one had hoped for and is in a fair way to recover. He recognizes the members of the family but his mind is not yet clear. He suffers very little and eats and sleeps fairly well. It is thought that his mind will gradually be restored.

George PETERSON almost deprived some Chicago people of their Christmas turkeys a few days ago. He was bringing in a big load of the dressed fowls to town Tuesday morning for shipment when his sled tipped over and landed the big boxes in about two feet of snow. He came into town, and reported his disaster and Frank WILSON gathered a few recruits and marched out and righted things up again. The load was brought in time for shipment as intended and the country and Mr. PETERSON were saved.

I. V. HOOPER was adjudged insane in the county court in Morris and Tuesday morning was taken to the state hospital at Kankakee. Mr. HOOPER had been at a sanitarium at Geneva, Ill., but was brought to Morris Saturday. He is almost entirely rational most of the time and realizes his condition. He declared to the judge that his mind was not right and that he did not think it safe for him to return to his wife and children. He recalled everything from the time he was first attacked by the mania and rehearsed all that he had done at the sanitarium, including an attack on the attendant for not permitting him to do as he wished in some regard. Mr. HOOPER has grown very haggard in appearance but he eats very well and seems to suffer little. He had a severe attack of frenzy about every third day and at such times completely loses control of himself. It is hoped that the treatment at Kankakee may restore his mind.

December 24, 1903, Vol. 28, No. 52

Thomas COULEHAN is on the sick list.

Oliver BELL continues to slowly improve.

Robert BRADBURY spent Friday in Joliet.

Markets – Corn 32; oats 33; eggs 29; butter 20.

Mrs. Annie HOOPER spent Thursday in Joliet.

Mrs. James SHIELDS called on Joliet friends Tuesday.

Teddy CARLIN, of Joliet, spent Sunday with friends here.

Mr. and Mrs. William COOP called on Joliet friends Friday.

Joseph KELLY and Thos. KINSELLA were in Joliet Saturday.

Squire EDMONDS is installing a fine gasoline reading lamp at his home.

Mrs. Wm. COULEHAN and daughter, Miss Maggie, were in Joliet Friday.

Mrs. KNOWLES, of Morris, visited with her sister Mrs. Frank JONES Monday.

Miss Mae TINDER is assisting in the clerical work in Dr. BRINCKERHOFF’s drug store.

W. J. WALSH, of Joliet, spent Sunday at the home of Frank MILLER and family.

Thos. MURPHY, who was on the sick list for a few days, is able to be out again.

Thomas COULEHAN has been sick during the past week and attended by a physician.

The children of Mr. and Mrs. Ambrose BRANNICK are undergoing a siege of the mumps.

Misses Maggie and Lizzie COULEHAN and Mrs. Geo. COULEHAN were in Joliet Monday.

Thomas NADEN returned last week from a ten days’ prospecting trip in Oklahoma and Kansas.

Mr. CURTIS and son Fred, of Michigan, are visiting this week with William and Albert ECKHART.

Frank WILSON and L. A. WARD were in Joliet on business Thursday.

Bert WARD was in Channahon Friday.

Mrs. John WEIDNER and her pupils in instrumental music gave a fine recital in Masonic hall last Friday evening.

Mr. and Mrs. Joseph GEARY and children returned to their home in Chicago Thursday evening after a visit here.

A fine little daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. George NEWSAM, northwest of town last Tuesday night, Dec. 22, 1903.

D. A. HENNEBERRY and Mr. and Mrs. William GRUETT are spending Christmas with the former’s relatives at Lorenzo, Ill.

Mr. and Mrs. George GALLINGER returned to their home in Oshkosh, Wis., last week after a pleasant visit with relatives and friends here.

Miss Alma BELL, who is a teacher in the Richard’s street school in Joliet, spent last Sunday here at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. William BELL.

The Eastern Star gave a pleasant party at Masonic hall last Tuesday night. The music was by the Minooka orchestra and luncheon was served by the ladies.

The wedding of Miss Margaret COULEHAN and Mr. James MEAD was called in St. Mary’s church last Sunday and the nuptials rites will occur Wednesday, Jan. 6.

Michael WHALEN Monday bought the stock of liquors and cigars formerly owned by William BOLTON and sold at the Sheriff’s sale that day by Sheriff FRANCIS. The price paid was $548.

The members of the Court of Honor will give a grand New Year’s ball at Union hall, Thursday evening, Dec. 31. The music will be by Stahl’s orchestra. Supper will be served by KROGNESS.

A large crowd attended the supper and musical given by the ladies of the M. E. church, assisted by Mrs. John WEIDNER, of Morris, and pupils Friday. The net proceeds of the entertainment were about $30.00.

The recently elected officers of Minooka Lodge No. 528, A. F. & A. M., were duly installed last Thursday evening, E. N. WEESE acting as installing officer. Following the installation an oyster supper was enjoyed by the members.

Samuel GOODSON met with an accident last week while returning from Minooka to Devine on a railroad speeder on the E. J. & E. In some way he fell from the machine when about half a mile west of here and sustained a fracture of the collar bone. He received medical attention here and was taken home.

At the auction sale of the HOOPER barber shop last week Robert MILLER was the high bidder and took the property at $250. Mr. MILLER has been conducting a shop at Newark. Mr. MILLER has not yet disposed of his shop at Newark and is still there. Joseph PAUL will remain in the shop here until the new proprietor is ready to take charge.

The members of Summit Camp No. 715, M. W. A., recently elected the following officers and they were installed last evening: V. C., A. S. McCOWAN; W. A., L. J. REED; clerk, F. B. McCOWAN; banker, Wm. NEILSON; escort, Wm. FITZPATRICK; watchman, Wm. GREENBACK; sentry, Wm. GREEN; manager, C. NEILSON; physician, Dr. J. J. BRINCKERHOFF.

Mondamin lodge No. 971 District Court of Honor held the annual election of officers last Thursday evening Dec. 17 and the following were chosen: Chancellor Sadie COOP; vice-chancellor, Laura McCOWAN; recorder, Mrs. Marie KROGNESS, conductor, Guy FERGUSON; treasurer, Chris NEILSON; chaplain, Mamie ENEIX; guard, Wm. GREENBACK; sentinel, Harry ENEIX.

James BUCKLEY passed away at his home in this place Wednesday morning, Dec. 23, 1903 aged about 83 years, after an illness of several months with Bright’s disease and paralysis. Mr. BUCKLEY was a native of England but had resided in Minooka and vicinity for fifty years or more. He leaves two sons, John and William, of this place, and one daughter, Mrs. C. A. TROWBRIDGE, also of Minooka. The funeral will take place Saturday at 10 o’clock from the M. E. church, conducted by Rev. JAGGARD. The interment will be in the Chapman cemetery.

A certain young gentleman of Minooka, whose initials are the same as those of Brigham Roberts, the former polygamous congressman, enjoyed an impatient wait at the Rock Island depot here on a recent Sunday evening. He had been informed by telephone that his “true and only” would come on the midnight train, but when the train passed and no vision of angels appeared he walked slowly away sadly saying, “She cometh not, She cometh not.” B. R. may not dream until he reads this that the owner of the feminine voice that beguiled him has a decidely masculine form. B. R. is strong with all the fair ones and that makes him lower than deuce with the boys. Hence his troubles.

Notice: I desire to have all accounts due me settled by Jan. 1, 1904, and hereby request all owing such accounts to call and settle same at once. D. A. HENNEBERRY

December 31, 1903, Vol. 28, No. 55

William COULEHAN is on the sick list.

Mrs. Geo. COULEHAN was in Joliet Monday.

Markets – Corn 34; oats 33; eggs 31; butter 20.

Charles TINDER is recovering from an attack of tonsilitis.

B. LAGGER, of Joliet, called on friends here Saturday.

Robert CARROLL, who has been on the sick list, is much better.

Thomas COULEHAN is much improved from a severe illness.

Richard WILSON, of Marengo, Ill., visited friends here over Sunday.

William MURLEY has been quite sick with stomach trouble for several days.

Miss Easie FEEHAN, of Chicago, is visiting her sister Mrs. Ambrose BRANNICK.

There is no doubt that December has been one of the winter months this year.

Miss Alice ECKHART, who has been on the sick list for the past week, is on the gain.

Miss Lizzie COOP of Chicago, visited over Sunday at the home of her parents Mr. and Mrs. Chas. COOP.

Mr. and Mrs. Charles COOP and daughters Emma and Lizzie spent Christmas at the home of William COOP south of town.

W. H. KAFFER has been absent for a few days attending an annual gathering of the representatives of the Deere Manufacturing Co. at Moline, Ill.

Dr. J. J. BRINCKERHOFF has been in Joliet a few days this week attending the poultry and pet stock show where he has some fine chickens entered.

Mr. and Mrs. G. H. KROGNESS, Mr. and Mrs. Chris NELSON, Miss Daisy STEARNS, Wm. STEARNS, and Wm. NELSON attended the theatre in Joliet Christmas night.

Miss Myrtle BELL, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George W. BELL and Miss Alma BELL, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Alex BELL, spent Christmas here with their parents.

Oliver BELL has so far recovered from his late injuries that he is able to go about the place. His mind is almost completely restored but he has no recollection of being hurt or of the events succeeding for several days.

One of the workmen employed on the county line bridge across the Kankakee river near Lorenzo, fell one day last week and sustained a broken arm and leg and the loss of several teeth. The injured man is being cared for at the home of Mr. HENNEBRY, father of D. A. HENNEBRY of this place.

Mr. and Mrs. Fred DIRST entertained the threshing company and their families at their home last Friday evening with a fine oyster supper and a royal good time. Those present were John BRANNICK and family, James McEVILLY, Sr. and family, James McEVILLY, Jr., and family and William BELL and family.

Mrs. Grace PYLE, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James PYLE, three miles north of town, is suffering with blood poisoning. She accidentally pricked her finger with a needle the day before Christmas and immediately the wound became very sore and gave great trouble. The poisoning is being controlled now and the patient is improving.

Mrs. JEFFRIES, who was employed as housekeeper for James BUCKLEY prior to the latter’s death, slipped on an icy walk in front of W. A. THAYER’s residence last Thursday and sustained a fracture of the bone of the left arm below the elbow. Mrs. JEFFRIES is now staying at the home of W. J. CAMPBELL and family. Her home is in Morris.

Notice: I desire to have all accounts due me settled by Jan. 1, 1904, and hereby request all owing such accounts to call and settle same at once. D. A. HENNEBERRY.


  1. Sallie Wald

    Thank you so much for posting copies of these newspaper! So helpful to those of us who don’t live in the area. Does anyone know of a newspaper in Grundy County more specific to Aux Sable in 1903? I am looking for an obit for a “Mrs S.Severson (or Severtson) who died on 20 Jun 1903 in Aux Sable. I’m trying to find out her maiden name as it’s not shown on her death certificate. I don’t see anything here in the Phoenix Advertiser for her. Hoping to find an obit for a Malinda (nee Fatland) Severson. Suggestions would be appreciated.

    • GrundyILGW


      The Abraham Lincoln Presidential Library and Museum holds microfilm copies of the Grundy Herald from 1896-2000 (plus some earlier years). You can order a genealogical lookup for those records from their website:

      Unfortunately, I am not in Illinois so I cannot assist you with a free method of getting at these records. At this time they charge a flat $10 for the look up and that includes up to 10 microfilmed pages.

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