Morris Herald – July 11, 1890

Excerpts from the Morris Herald for July 11, 1890. BRACEVILLE An extremely cool 4th here. Geo. DeBrise put in the 4th here. M.G. Dawkins, of Chicago, spent the 4th here. Miss Hannah Lloyd is on the sick list at present. Eb. T. Reese came here the 4th and spent a few...

Morris Herald – July 4, 1890

Excerpts from the Morris Herald for July 4, 1890.   Money to Loan – Inquire of H. H. Pettit. Great assortment of dress ginghams at Henry H. Baum’s. Judge A.R. Jordan will be the orator at Gardner on the 4th. Some excellent seersuckers at 5 cents per...

Morris Herald – June 13, 1890

Excerpts from the Morris Herald for Friday, June 13, 1890. THE CITY DADS John Thorson was granted a special permit as city auctioneer, he paying $5 for the privilege. Mayor Cronin called attention of council to the new road scraper which has been exhibited here...
Morris Herald – June 20, 1890

Morris Herald – June 20, 1890

Excerpts from the Morris Herald Friday, June 20, 1890. Frank Fey is at home to remain until after commencement. Will Spark is “just as happy as a big sun flower.” He is the proud parent of a boy baby. David Nickel returned on Saturday from a very...

Morris Herald – November 2, 1888

Excerpts from the Morris Herald for November 2, 1888. VERONA Mrs. Adams was out from Morris Thursday. I have for sale a good farm containing 120 acres. H. K. Avery James O’Leary has built quite a large addition to his residence. M. Abbott went to Joliet Tuesday...

Morris Herald – Feb 14, 1890

Excerpts from the Morris Herald for February 14, 1890. MINOOKA Miss Emma Bell spent Monday in Joliet. Rev. Chapman and son spent Monday in Chicago. Dr. Watson went to Morris Monday on business. Mrs. Stratton and family spent Saturday and Sunday in the country. Geo....

Morris Herald – September 29, 1876

Excerpts from the Morris Herald for September 29, 1876. LOCAL NEWS OBITUARY – Daniel Ferguson Our village was thrown into a state of mourning and sadness last Wednesday, by a telegraphic message announcing the death of Dan’l Ferguson, Esq., merchant and...

Morris Herald – January 3, 1890

Excerpts from the Morris Herald for January 3, 1890. Lonie, William, license to marry Lisabeth Ann Nawley, Morris Herald, page 5, column 3, roll #19   Typed and submitted by Kathleen Berner...

Morris Herald – April 27, 1888

Excerpts from the Morris Herald for April 27, 1888 MAZON Mrs. O. E. DAVIS still continues very poorly. Mrs. Allan HAZZARD will move to Chicago this week. Mrs. ELERDING, of Morris, is rusticating at Z. ISHAM’s. Miss Susie SADDLER, of Wauponsee, spent the Sabbath...