Morris Herald – July 11, 1890

Excerpts from the Morris Herald for July 11, 1890.


An extremely cool 4th here.

Geo. DeBrise put in the 4th here.

M.G. Dawkins, of Chicago, spent the 4th here.

Miss Hannah Lloyd is on the sick list at present.

Eb. T. Reese came here the 4th and spent a few days at home.

W.P. Bartlett and wife passed the 4th and 5th at Wauponsee.

Ex Judge A.R. Jordan, of Morris, was here on Wednesday.

T.T. Smith and D.R. Anderson were at the county seat on the 3rd.

Chas. Shalen moved his family back here from East Chicago on Monday.

Mrs. Z. Bailey has moved into the house which she has just built on Merrill street.

Mrs. W.B. Sadler and children visited in Joliet from Thursday of last week till Monday of this.

Rev. J.B. Bartle left on Monday for his home in Evanston to see his mother who was then quite sick.

Mrs. Geo. Dyer was taken suddenly ill on Thursday evening of last week; at this writing she is much better.

Miss Rachel Cumming, having completed her spring term of school at Normal, returned home on Monday evening.

Levi Thomas, a driver in No. 2 shaft, had his nose mashed on Monday morning by a chain flying up and striking him.

All accounts of Dr. Roe, not arranged to be paid to him personally, will be collected by F.S. Watkins or D.R. Anderson.

Rev. George Carter, of Streator, has been chosen as resident pastor of the P.M. church of this place, and began his regular work on Sunday.

T.J. Emmons, freight conductor on the K.J. & R.R.R., had the thumb and index finger of his left hand mashed on Monday forenoon while coupling cars.

Wm. E. Sadler moved last week into the house on Merrill street that was formerly owned by Thos. Cassiday, but was recently purchased by Mrs. Joseph Yarley.

Griswold’s Uncle Tom’s Cabin Co., played to a tent full of people on the evening of the 8th. After the performance they sent off a lot of fireworks in front of the tent. It certainly paid them to show here, but, for all that, we learn that several of our citizens are mourning its departure.

Several of our enterprising young men thought it would be a good speculative scheme to hire Uncle Tom’s Cabin Show Co. to play here on Sunday night for a stated sum, they, the boys, to share the surplus receipts. There was no surplus and the speculators had to “reach down in their jeans” and make good the deficit, which would have been no mean sum had not the show manager magnanimously granted them a rebate for a portion of the loss. The result of the enterprise was as it should have been. Braceville has no need of Sunday shows.

The trustees of the Welsh Congregational church, of Eureka, recently donated their church building to Rev. G.R. Evans, of this place, and he has moved it here on to the lot on Mitchell street lying next south of the Braceville church, which lot he has bought of the Coal Co. The Rev. is converting the edifice into a residence and will occupy it as soon as completed. The Eureka membership has nearly all moved away from that place, so that there is now no need of a church there. This generous action of the Eureka brethren is a fitting tribute to the faithful service of Mr. Evans, who has been their pastor ever since the church was built there, working and preaching for them for whatever they could afford to pay him, which was a very meager amount. May he live long to enjoy his new home.

The 4th and 5th passed off pleasantly here, there being no casualties reported except that the catcher of the second base ball nine, a young man from Dwight, was struck by a passed ball and severely injured. He died on Monday. The races were not what we had expected they would be, but were the best the management could procure.


A.J. Robb was down from Lorenzo Tuesday.

J.C. Keltner spent the 4th with his wife in Chicago.

Mrs. D.W. Francis is visiting here from Iroquois.

Geo. Phillips and wife spent their 4th in Channahon.

Uncle Tom’s Cabin was well patronized on Monday night.

There was a large crowd at Wauponsee Grove on the 4th.

Eighty-three tickets were sold at this place for Seneca on July 4th.

C. Carle still holds forth at the Santa Fe depot with two assistants.

J.B. Mecham, of Joliet, spent several days here the latter part of last week.

Rev. Devineaw, of Kankakee, occupied the M.E. pulpit at this place last Sabbath.

Observe the change in the Santa Fe time card which took effect Sunday, July 6th.

J.W. Moreland spent last Sabbath at J.K. Ely’s, and Mrs. M. was here over the 4th.

The race track on A.H. Foster’s farm has been recently leveled and is now in good condition.

Mr. and Mrs. G.B. Smith bade adieu to Mazon last Saturday and returned to their home in Princeton.

Notice – Those having an account with me will confer a great favor by paying part of same now. Please call on L.R. Murray.

Dennis Strouse, who went from here and took with him a thrashing machine to Abilene, Kansas, writes to Delos Jones that the machine was destroyed by fire last Sunday, the work of an incendiary. Mr. Jones owned ½ interest in the machine. The loss is about $700.


Miss Mamie Vance is at home this week.

Miss Mary Cantwell was in Joliet Monday.

Sam Ferguson, of Joliet, was down Friday.

Mrs. Frank Carrier is reported much better.

Mr. and Mrs. A.K. Knapp were in Chicago Monday.

Robert Moore went to the Garden City on Tuesday.

A. Dahlem and F. Gedelman were in Joliet Tuesday.

Miss Frankie Watson was in the Stone City Saturday.

Mrs. Williams is visiting her son in Chicago this week.

Mrs. Stafford, at Morris, called on friends here Tuesday.

Miss Smith, of Joliet, spent Sunday with Miss Emma Bell.

John King, our worthy shoemaker, went to Joliet Tuesday.

Fletcher Dirst shipped two carloads of sheep Tuesday night.

Miss Annie Vance left on Tuesday for Chicago for a week’s vacation.

Rufus Churchill, Charles Bly and Willie Kaffer spent the 4th in Chicago.

Fred Gedelman, of Chicago, is the guest of his cousin, Adam Dahlem, this week.

Dannie Dahlem left for Chicago last Thursday where he will visit friends for a few weeks.

Miss Nannie Kaffer’s school closed on last Thursday, and she is attending the Institute at Morris this week.

Mr. and Mrs. Townsend left on Monday for the East. They will visit friends at Thousand Islands, Canada, and other places.

The residence of George Colleps was the scene of attraction in our little village on the evening of the 4th. The display of fireworks was grand.

J. K. Snider and Mrs. J.C. Lawrence, of Canton, Ill., came up to attend the funeral of Mr. Snider’s father, and spent a few days visiting friends and relatives.

Died, at her home west of town on Monday night, July 7th, Mrs. Wilson Henderson, after a tedious illness. Funeral Wednesday at the Aux Sable M.E. church, Rev. Chapman officiating. Burial at Aux Sable cemetery. The bereaved family have the sympathy of all.

Died, at his home in Troy, July 2nd, Mr. Wm. Snider, aged 81 years. Funeral was at Chapman’s church July 4th.


H.K. Avery has a new safety bicycle.

John Lightner was sick Monday night.

Miss Maud Bradford is visiting in Chicago.

Martin Finch has the frame up for his new barn.

Miss Norton, of Chicago, is visiting at Weldon’s.

Beal & Renne have commenced work setting up harvesters.

Miss Nellie Cockeram is getting very weak and at times her mind wanders.

Christ Schori’s mother, a very old lady, came to visit him, arriving on Monday.

Miss Flossie Slawson is visiting her aunts, uncles and cousins. She is at G.D. Smith’s.

Ben Mayward and wife came up from Streator Saturday and remained until Tuesday evening.

Geo. Smith now has fifty stands of bees and they are all the kind that do not improve on acquaintance.

Geo. Waterman is now home visiting his people.  He is fireman on a passenger engine on Iowa division of the Q.R.R.

John Dolan returned from Chicago with a crippled foot, which was hurt by letting a bar of iron, which he was handling, fall upon the instep.

The Sabbath School or Epworth League picnic at Harford’s grove was a financial success. The crowd was not large but very liberal with their cash.

Joseph O’Leary, a young man brought up by James O’Leary, is home on a visit, his home being in Southern Arkansas, where he has a position as bookkeeper.

W. W. Ward’s little boy, after a long illness, is out again, but is not as yet entirely well, although able to get around. He was at M. Finch’s fireworks entertainment 4th of July evening.

A young man from Kansas, a preacher in the Dunkard church, held services in the Maxwell schoolhouse last Sabbath. After the services they went to the creek where Sherman Reed was baptized in the Dunkard faith. During the evening he talked to the people in the M.E. church.

HERE WE ARE – Having established myself in Verona permanently I am ready to do any work in boot and shoe repairing or new work. Am also prepared to do anything in the line of harness repairs. Give me a call, next door to meat market. John G. Gerstenberger.

The platform dance at Verona on the evening of July 4th was a success. There was a large attendance and the platform was in fine shape to dance six sets at a time, and the music by Wilkinson’s string band was decidedly good. The only drawback was the weather which was cold, the thermometer reached 26 degrees above zero during the night.

Dr. L.L. Tinsman, of Smithshire, and Miss Cassie Bedford were married at the residence of Dr. Bedford Wednesday at 8:30 a.m., Rev. Rogers officiating. After the ceremony the newly wedded pair took a train to Hammond, Ind., where they will remain a few days when they will go to their future home at Smithshire. The best wishes of their Verona friends go with them.

The Catholic church society, of Kinsman, held their 4th of July picnic at the old E.S. Kinnie farm, owned by Pat McCambridge. There were sports in abundance, ice cream, soda water and a multitude of temperance drinks. Horseracing and baseball were among the principal attractions. After the orations by Lawyer Donahoe, of Joliet, followed by M.B. O’Maley, of Vienna, dancing commenced on a very nice platform large enough to dance three sets at a time. The attendance was very large.


A refreshing shower is badly needed.

Henry Waters and family ride in a new carriage.

Some of Geo. Nicholson’s little ones have the whooping cough.

Johnnie Bagley has carpenters at work repairing his residence.

Mr. and Mrs. Clate Nichols spent the 4th in Gardner with Mrs. N.’s folks.

J.B. Mecham, of Joliet, spent the 4th in this vicinity with his parents.

J.K. Johnson, of Wauponsee, made a business trip to our ranch Monday last.

D.R. Doud has recently erased an old landmark by tearing down his old cattle barn.

Miss Jessie Slusser spent last week with friends in Kankakee, returning home Saturday.

The fellow that predicted the 4th to be the hottest day of the season, hit it within one, as well as we could have done.

Our two old bachelors, Nate and Wallie, celebrated their 4th in the woods, with only the flies and mosquitoes as their company. Too bad, girls.

Grandpa and Grandma Haskins, with their youngest son, Jerry, celebrated the 4th, in Gardner with as much vigor and enthusiasm as the youngest.

Miss Ella Traver visited relatives and friends in this locality the past week, preparatory to her going west in about two weeks, where her parents now reside.

The inhabitants of Mazon Creek and vicinity are respectfully requested to meet at the Parker schoolhouse at 8 o’clock p.m. Sunday, the 20th inst., with the view of starting a Sunday school at that point.

Hurrah! For Gardner, as her Fourth of July celebration was a success in every sense of the word. The day, had it not been quite so cool, could not have been better, had it been made to order. The parade, with its two bands of music and four and six horse teams, was beyond the expectation of its visitors.


Mack Carr is a Normanite again.

J.M. Vanderpool spent the 4th in Earlville.

Miss Nettie Whitton, of Mazon, visited her mother Sunday.

Miss Ida Martin, of Harding, is the guest of the Misses Renne.

Strange Misner and family, of Mazon, visited in Norman recently.

Henry Marsh visited cousins in Brookfield Saturday night and Sunday.

Miss Martha Holderman, of Morris, rusticated at M. James’ this week.

Mrs. Chas. Rogers, of Morris, was a guest at Edgar Overocker’s Sunday.

Misses Sarah and Esther Winsor, of Morris, were guests in Norman Sunday.

Miss Messie McCrosky, of Morris, ruralized in Norman from Saturday until Monday.

Frank Roland, of Chicago, was visiting at Wm. Croft’s from Friday until Monday last.

Miss Emma Pyatt, of Morris, visited her parents and other relatives in Norman recently.

Misses Ella Bargo and Clara Carpenter visited at home in Wauponsee several days recently.

Brother D.S. Small, of Mazon, was looking after his interests in this locality the first of the week.

Contrary to report C.I. Haynes is still among the living. Stories got a little mixed somehow.

Will and Burt Ashton, of Morris, attended church at Zion Sunday and called on old friends. The boys still have a lingering affection for Zion Sabbath School.


Henry Leach was in Joliet on Tuesday.

Howard Leach was home during the 4th.

Geo. Goodson shipped a car of hogs Monday night.

Dr. Joel Underhill has moved into R. Atkinson’s house.

Mr. and Mrs. S.B. Stanley have moved into their new home.

Mrs. C.D. Cunningham, of Braidwood, was in town Tuesday.

Wallace Cassingham and wife spent the Fourth in Gardner.

Mrs. John Leach, of Dwight, was in Iowa a few hours July 4th.

There are several good houses around town now which are vacant.

Mrs. Medau, of Sedalia, Mo., returned to her home on Wednesday.

C.C. Underwood and son, Harvy, of Morris, were in town Wednesday.

John Weldon passed through Gardner on Wednesday on his way to Dwight.

W.O. Magee has broken up house keeping and with his wife will move to Indianapolis.

It is reported that W.D. Whitmore has bought Eli Eldred’s residence in the south part of town.

Bert Eldred and Bernard Lutz, of Chicago, spent several days at home last week, returning Monday evening.

Typed and submitted by Kathleen Berner Groll.

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