Morris Herald – July 4, 1890

Excerpts from the Morris Herald for July 4, 1890.


Money to Loan – Inquire of H. H. Pettit.

Great assortment of dress ginghams at Henry H. Baum’s.

Judge A.R. Jordan will be the orator at Gardner on the 4th.

Some excellent seersuckers at 5 cents per yard at Zens and Erickson’s.

Sprague Sawin, now of Chicago, was here a portion of last week.

To Loan – $1,100 school funds. Enquire of Henry Stocker, treasurer.

Miss Anna Kerns and Miss Della Buroughs are visiting at Ft. Madison, Iowa.

Eldorado machine oil is the best for the price in town. Sold at Ridgway’s.

Mrs. Robt. C. Auld, of Chicago, is visiting Mrs. F.B. Handwerk and other friends in this city.

Dr. Ridgway’s Blackberry Balsam is useful in diarrhoea or summer complaint in children.

Business will be very generally suspended here on the 4th. The dry goods and grocery stores will be closed.

Geo. W. Robinson, formerly of the Hopkins House, in this city, is now mine host of the St. Nicholas, in Joliet.

Black embroidered cashmere fishues, crochet wool shawls, and other light summer wraps, at Henry H. Baum’s.

Dr. M.C. Sturtevant and wife left on Tuesday for Kenosha, Wis., and before they return home will visit Janesville and other points.

Mrs. Ambruster is recovering from the shock to her nervous system occasioned by the wreck of last Saturday, and will be all right in a few days.

Pete Effting, of Chicago, and John Effting, of LaSalle, were here last Sunday in attendance to the funeral of their little niece, Helena Anna Effting.

E.W. Leach, of Braceville, candidate for superintendent of schools, has been making the acquaintance of the people in this vicinity during the past two weeks.



D.R. Anderson delivers the oration at Coal City today.

Miss Mary Phillips has been quite sick for the past week.

D.H. Cumming and family moved to Gardner on the 26th ult.

Miss Hattie Barker, of Braidwood, is the guest of Mrs. F.E. White.

Mrs. Joseph Harrison is visiting with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Rob’t Raisbeck.

R. Azzizoat has again opened a restaurant in the Huston building on Main street.

Bear in mind the fact that Braceville will continue its sports through tomorrow.

W.H. Popejoy left on Monday to act as night operator at the tower near Summit.

Mrs. Simonson, of Chicago, visited her daughter, Mrs. Dr. Kline, during the week.

Frank E. Griswold’s Pavilion Uncle Tom’s Cabin Company, will exhibit in Braceville tomorrow evening.

Hugh Miller, who works for H.H. Smith, was done up by Saturday’s heat and is yet laid up for repairs.

Fredrick Schultz has moved into the house next to the hotel which was recently vacated by Rev. Cunningham.

Charles Shalen went to East Chicago this morning. He intends moving his family back here early next week.

Mrs. R. Phillips returned home from Elgin on the 26th ult., where she had been visiting her daughter, Mrs. Sexaner.

Mrs. H.L. Beltzhoover and daughter left on Monday for central Pennsylvania where they expect to spend the heat of summer in visiting relatives and friends.

The race between Harry Smith’s horse and the Morris one was not run. The Morris man paid Smith the forfeit money, claiming that his horse was too sick to run.

Persons who desire to subscribe for the Herald or pay back subscriptions are requested to call on H.L. Beltzhoover, who is authorized to receipt for all payments of money.

Marshall Allison was around shooting unmuzzled dogs early in the week. The law which requires dogs to be muzzled in the summer went into effect on the 1st inst., and any dog now found going around without being muzzled will be liable to be shot.

About two weeks ago Martin Guiney was severely injured by being thrown out of his buggy while driving home from Wilmington of a dark night and has been confined to his bed until Wednesday of this week when he began sitting up, and is now slowly improving.

Attorney D.R. Anderson returned home to Braceville on last Friday. He has just graduated at the law department of the University of Michigan and expects to soon open a law office here. Our village needs a lawyer and we welcome Mr. A., believing that he will satisfactorily fill a long felt want.

Wm. Roy was overcome by the heat while at work in his shoe shop on Saturday afternoon. Early in the evening he was taken, in an unconscious state, to his home in Central City and did not regain his senses until about 12 o’clock that night. He is at work again as usual, but says he still feels badly.

Robert Clark lost a valuable horse last week from the effects of the extreme heat. We are informed that several other farmers, who live near here, have had horses die for them from same cause. It is not to be wondered at when for several days in succession the mercury registered from 89 degrees to 102 degrees in the shade in this region.

Geo. Cragg, of this township, has been very unfortunate lately. Just last week he was nearly overcome by the heat, and on Wednesday morning, as he was hitching his team ready to go to the fields, one of the horses kicked him in the breast, leaving the marks of both feet. It is thought no bones are broken, but the hurt is very severe.

Last week Fred Oesterling, a single man of this place, was robbed of $80 in gold while he was at work in the shaft. He had $160 in a purse which he kept in his trunk, but the thief was generous enough to share with him, leaving the balance as a solace for Fred. As the trunk was not broken into, but was opened by the key belonging to it, which was in a pocket of Oesterling’s clothing hung up in the room, circumstances would indicate that the thief was family with Mr. O.’s habits and cash repository.  One man was arrested on suspicion, but released for lack of evidence.

William Gill died suddenly on last Saturday afternoon from the effects of the excessive heat. He became unconscious at about 3 o’clock, when death ensued. The deceased was born in England about 37 years ago, and came to this country in 1883, together with his nephew, Irwin Gill, who is, as far as we know, the only relative in this country. Irwin resides here. The body was cared for at the residence of H.H. Smith and was buried on Sunday afternoon at three o’clock in the Braceville and Gardner cemetery by the K. of P. lodge of this place, of which the deceased was a member. Mr. Gill was a man of great physical strength and had quite a reputation as a wrestler and quoit pitcher. Only last week our readers will remember of reading a challenge issued by him to pitch quoits with any man in the State. It is thought that the heat and exertion, which he endured recently at Streator, when he pitched quoits with a man there, was too much for him, for he has not been the same man since. In the death of Mr. Gill the sporting fraternity of Braceville has lost a valuable member.

Live Stock Bought and Sold: Wm. Mason and Co. are prepared to buy and sell all sorts of Live Stock for which they will always pay the highest market price. Shipping days, Mondays and Thursdays of each week. Office with Levi Pierce, Washington street, opposite the Court House, Morris, Illinois.

For Sale or Rent: Ten improved farms in Central and Northwestern Iowa. Also for sale cheap, 40,000 acres of wild land in Iowa, 50,000 in Nebraska, and a few improved farms in Southern Kansas, by C.M. Carpenter, Morris, Ill.


W. S. Allison was in Chicago Tuesday.

Geo. W. Booth was in Kankakee Tuesday.

Mrs. H.E. Snyder returned from Colfax last week.

Wm. Gallagher will spend his 4th in Willow Springs.

Mrs. I.O. Mallory and children started for Canada Tuesday.

News very scarce this week on account of the hot weather.

W.S. Allison has finished the enumeration of Greenfield township.

I.O. Mallory was on the sick list last week, but is able to be out again.

Several horses have been idled by the warm weather the past week.

Wm. D. Whitmore has sold his farm to S.E. Hartley and will move to town this fall.

Miss Amanda Edmunds commenced her summer kindergarten school on Monday.

Uncle Tom’s Cabin Co. will play in Gardner on the 4th, and a large attendance is expected.

Henry Leach, Scott Armitage, Samuel Christy and Jeff Smith attended the races in Kankakee Tuesday.

Mrs. Belle Hess and children, of Aurora are here visiting her father, Amos Clover, and will remain until next week.

Mrs. Gallagher was on the sick list last week and on this account was not able to be present at the Blue Ribbon Club to speak to the children.

Extensive preparations are being made for the 4th of July celebration to take place in this village today. Judge A.R. Jordan, of Morris, is to be the orator. There will be a fine display of fireworks in the evening.


W. H. Bell was in Morris Monday.

Frank Clark went to Chicago Thursday.

Miss Matie Eneix spent Sunday in Joliet.

John Boyd, of Joliet, was in town Sunday.

Prof. E.F. Adams left on Monday for Delaware, Ohio.

Miss Grace Griswold left for her home in Henry Friday.

Mrs. J.C. Partridge, of Chicago, is visiting at Analow Bell’s.

Mrs. Hoge and Mrs. Morfa, of Chicago, are visiting at Rob’t Moore’s.

Mr. and Mrs. Conant, of Marseilles, called on their many friends here Monday and Tuesday.

Adam Dahlem went to Chicago Tuesday to attend the funeral of his cousin, Jake Showalter.

Mr. and Mrs. Patton, of Chicago, spent a few days the past week with A. Bell and family.

Mr. and Mrs. Fred Townsand, of Anita, IA., are here this week guests of Dr. Watson and family.

Miss Lizzie Gedelman, who has been attending school in Chicago, received the first prize for best essay in her school.

Miss Bertie Bly and Miss Mason came down from Chicago Sunday. They will spend a few weeks with Bert Hampson and other friends.

A number of our young people attended a social at Mr. Belfield’s, north of town, on Thursday evening of last week. They report a good time.

N.J. Comerford and the Misses Brannock attended the closing exercises at the Notre Dame University. Henry Brannock graduated with highest honors and is now at home.

Mr. and Mrs. Gould, guests at Mr. James Vance’s, received a dispatch on Saturday that a nephew of Mrs. Gould had been sunstruck. They left for their home in Chicago on first train.

Mrs. Ed. Holt went to Chicago on Thursday of last week to attend the high school commencement; Miss Sadie was one of the graduates. She also won the bronze medal, awarded to the essayist who ranked second. They came home on Monday. Sadie’s many friends will be pleased to have her at home again.


Mabel Waite is home from school.

Mark Emple lost a horse last Thursday.

George Ash lost his best horse last Thursday.

Tom Smith and son of Nebraska, visited his brother Pat last week.

Tom Trimmer and wife went to Morris to the circus on Wednesday.

O’Neil lost a horse last Wednesday and several others had to leave the fields. John Flanigan rested through the day and took lanterns and worked all night.


Mrs. Alex Lea is quite poorly.

F.H. Clapp and Fred Hume made business trips to Chicago Monday.

Wood and Weston have already sold 16 Esterly Harvesters this season.

Mrs. N. Burnham stepped on a rusty nail Tuesday, causing her much pain.

Wm. and Austin Keltner visited their mother in Chicago Sunday. Mrs. K. is improving quite rapidly.

Thos Smith, of Nebraska, stopped off here the first of the week for a few days. He had been visiting in Canada.

A.O. Murray is putting the material on the ground for his new house on the lot just north of F.T. Benton’s new house.

Henry Gorham drove over from Wauponsee Monday and took the accommodation to Chicago, returning home in the evening.

F.E. Griswold’s Mammoth Uncle Tom’s Cabin Show will hold forth here next Monday night. Their tent has a seating capacity of 2,000 people. They come highly recommended.

Arthur White, who has been gathering cream for Clapp & Rankin, has accepted a position in a hardware store in Coal City, and a Mr. Miller, of Channahon, takes his place here.

J.H. Burke and wife are stopping at the Bogart Hotel for a short time. Mr. B. came here with a good recommend as a jeweler and is being well patronized. He lost his hearing about 11 years ago and Mrs. B. is both deaf and dumb.

Owing to some misunderstanding between Rev. Van Patten, of Joliet, and the M.E. church of this place, there was no preaching in the M.E. church last Sabbath. Mr. Van Patten returned home on the accommodation Sunday morning. Owing to conflicting rumors we omit making any comments.


Mrs. Thos. Layman is very sick.

Jas. White was in town last Sunday.

Chas. Kiplinger is still in a critical condition.

Jas. Cooper returns to Parkville college on the 3d.

A.J. Smith has purchased a machine for making egg shake.

Chas. Mercier went to Chicago last Thursday and returned on Tuesday.

Mrs. Ed Young returned home on Monday last from Chicago where she has been visiting for two weeks.

Quite a number of our citizens expect to celebrate in the country, in Alex Trotter’s timber, situated on the Mazon Creek.

A sociable was held at Geo. Trotter’s last Monday evening for the benefit of the M.E. church, a large party was present, and a good time had by all.

Born to Mr. and Mrs. John Berwick, a daughter. Several of our readers are acquainted with the above persons, who left this place about one year ago to go farming to Nebraska.


Corn tending will soon be a thing of the past.

Mrs. S.E. Hartley visited her daughter the past week in Henry county.

Carter, Walker, Piffer and Unze lost valuable horses last week with the heat.

Chas. Wilson was so unfortunate last week as to loose three hogs with the heat.

Dug. Carter’s children have been having a siege of the whooping cough recently.

Lyman Hawley was somewhat affected with the heat last week, as also was one of his horses.

J.B. Hart harvested his fall wheat the first of the week, which has the appearance of quite a good yield.

108 and 110 in the shade is about as warm a country as we care about inhabiting; such was the case in these parts last week.

Aunt Caddie Booth and her two little granddaughters, Maude and Eddie, visited several days recently with H. Waters and family.

Little Mildred Hart tried the experiment of drinking several swallows of kerosene last Tuesday, which made her deathly sick for a time.

Several of the Mazon Creek young people gave Frank Esgar a surprise last Monday evening, it being his 17th birthday. A very pleasant time was had by playing games on the lawn.

Last week was hot enough to roast eggs, did you say? Shucks, that’s nothing; It was hot enough out our way to roast horses, so several of them got cooked, and a number of others that were at work got nicely parboiled.

John Slusser is having his cottage nicely painted up.

S.E. Hartley has commenced tilling his recently purchased farm. “Stave” is so disgusted with farming untiled land that he nearly boils over every time he thinks about how long he has done so.

Mrs. Ella Seeley, closed her spring term of school in District No. 3, Mazon, last week Friday, with a picnic in the woods near Geo. Waters’ residence. Quite an enjoyable time was had among the little folks.


Miss Nellie Cockeram is no better.

John Young has been quite sick for a week past.

Josie Dondanville and Miss Nina Browning are both out again.

Mrs. A.S. Gilden is having a coat of paint put onto her barns and cribs.

Martin Finch has been canvassing Verona the past few days to raise money to buy a supply of 4th of July fireworks.

Dick Bedford, Geo. Van Dusen and Sherman Bunch commenced work Monday morning preparing the platform for the 4th of July dance.

A workman on Robert Lindsay’s barn fell from a scaffold eighteen feet to the ground. No bones were broken, but he was badly shaken up.

The little son of W.W. Ward, who has lockjaw and diphtheria, is better and Dr. Bedford now expects him to recover. He has had a long siege of sickness.

Mrs. W.T. Hamilton and Miss Maggie McNabb went to Lisbon Sunday morning to visit Mrs. Hamilton’s sister, Mrs. Morrison. They returned Monday morning.

It has been desperate work for the section men on the Santa Fee the past week. Foreman Hoag has a complement of twelve men. He was able to muster but three on Saturday.

A wreck on the Santa Fe between Verona and Kinsman Sunday morning delayed trains nearly four hours. A train of loaded coal cars broke in two and the two pieces of train collided, piling up about 29 coal flats.

The hot wave of last week when the thermometer run up above the nineties did not cause any sun strokes in this vicinity, but several horses were overcome with the heat. Owing to the two weeks’ rain farmers were backward with their work in their corn and overworked their horses. One hundred degrees in the shade was considered reasonably cool.

A son of Mr. Reynolds, Kinsman’s city constable, was struck by the vestibule train at 5 o’clock Thursday morning, the 26th ult. He drives the team that hauls cream to Mazon for D.F. Meagher & Co. The horses were both killed and the wagon demolished. The boy was thrown about twenty feet and his skull crushed by striking a rail of the side track.

The fifth Demorest silver medal contest will be held in the M.E. church, Verona, on Friday evening, July 11. In our previous contests, the younger members of our community have not been represented to any extent, in this however all the contestants will be under fifteen years of age. We think we can furnish as good a programme as this, as at any previous contest, and extend to all a cordial invitation to be present and judge for themselves.


Mrs. E.J. Hull spent a day or two in Coal City last week.

Florence Haynes arrived home Saturday to spend the vacation.

Martin Johnson was over in Norman Sunday visiting his sister.

Miss Ella Harper is spending a few weeks with her aunt in Morris.

Leon Keras, of Marseilles, attended the Epworth League meeting at Zion Sunday night.

John K. Johnson finishes a fine barn for John Winsor in place of the one damaged by the cyclone.

The Misses Phronsie and Delia McCrosky, of Morris, visited in this locality Saturday and Sunday.

Rev. I. Willet Puffer, of New Boston, is making his uncle, Rev. I. W. Puffer, a week’s visit in this place.

Mrs. Reniff left last Thursday for a two months’ visit with her daughter, Mrs. Clara Van Atta, in Iowa.

Mr. and Mrs. Wardell, of Joliet, were guests at J.M. Vanderpool’s Tuesday and Wednesday and were calling on the sick and afflicted.

Men and horses were stricken down last week with the heat. We heard of but one horse dying in Norman, but a number were sick.

Miss Elma Moore and Luella Newport visited from Wednesday of last week until Monday with the family of Al. Holderman in Morris.

While C.I. Haynes was taking off the shoes from a horse which was in the pasture Sunday the beast kicked him, cutting a hole about an inch long over the eye.

Dr. McLish delivered a very fine lecture to the people at Zion last Friday evening. Owing to a previous engagement, he was not able to remain and preach on the Sabbath as it was wished he might.

We omitted, unintentionally however, to mention the fact of the illness of Lida Funk last week. Miss Funk was compelled to quit teaching and rest. Also the state of her health deprived the members of the League the pleasure of listening to the paper, written by her, last Sunday night, but we hope to be able to read it July 6th.


Estate of David M. Hughes, deceased, will ordered of record, letters issued to T. R. Hughes as executor.

Same day, estate of Harriet Freeman, deceased, proof of death, relinquishment of right to administer approved; petition of A. G. Woodbury as administrator approved and letters issued; claim day, 1st Monday in September.

Same day, in the matter of estate of Lewis Gebhard, deceased, inventory approved.

Same day, in matter of estate of Richard Richardson, deceased, report approved.

On the 27th, in matter of estate of Henry Eaverson, deceased, will filed; on the 30th, will proven and admitted of record.

On the 28th, in matter of estate of A. F.? Hardy, deceased, will filed.

Same day, in matter of guardianship of LaFountanie G. Brundage, Sa_________________, guardian, file report which was approved.

Administrator’s Sale of Real Estate: By virtue of an order and decree of the County Court of Grundy County, Illinois, made on the petition of the undersigned, J.H. Rogers, administrator of the estate of Jacob Rogers, deceased, for leave to sell the real estate of said deceased, at the June term, A.D., 1890, of said court, to-wit: On the second day of June, 1890, I shall, on the twelfth (12) day of July next, between the hours of 10 o’clock in the forenoon and 4 o’clock in the afternoon of said day, sell at public sale, at the north door of the Court House, in Morris, in said county, the real estate described as follows: The north twenty feet (20ft) of lot number one (1) in block number nine (9) and the east half (e1/2) of the north twenty feet (20ft) of lot number two (2) in block number nine (9) of Chapin’s addition to the city of Morris as per plat of same now on record in the Recorder’s office, in Grundy County, Illinois, on the following terms, to-wit: Cash. J.H. Rogers, Administrator of the Estate of Jacob Rogers, Deceased. Geo. W. Huston, Att’y for Administrator. Dated this 13th day of June, A.D., 1890.

Typed and submitted by Kathleen Berner Groll.

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