Morris Herald – June 20, 1890

Excerpts from the Morris Herald Friday, June 20, 1890.

Frank Fey is at home to remain until after commencement.

Will Spark is “just as happy as a big sun flower.” He is the proud parent of a boy baby.

David Nickel returned on Saturday from a very successful business trip through the West.

Otto Ludwig, who for several years has worked for Hynds Bros., is now with Fred Greenwald.

Samuel Longacre, telegraph operator at Guthrie Center, Iowa, is here on a visit to his parents.

Dr. J.H. Miller, of Dixon, was a caller upon his classmate, Dr. Schoeleber, of this city, the past week.

Geo. A. Wilson and Al Darby have purchased the business of J. H. Alsdurf and will hereafter attend to all calls in that line.

Rev. J. A. Montgomery, formerly pastor of the Morris Congregational church, officiated at the funeral of Dr. Hand last Tuesday.

Miss Fern Wilson left on Tuesday for Fairbury, where she will visit during the summer. The little Miss went from Joliet to Fairbury alone.

Rev. Binnell returned home on Tuesday evening from St. Louis, where he had been the week previous attending the National Convention of the Christian Endeavor Association.

At the meeting of the Sons of Veterans on Monday evening, E. Z. Sattler was elected a delegate, and Irving Danley alternate, to the State encampment to be held at Jacksonville.

D. C. Wilson, formerly of this city, now a resident of Joliet, was among the unfortunate at the time of the storm in that city a week ago. His house was washed away with all of the contents.

Johnnie Booth, at one time in the employ of Wm. Jones, of the City Meat Market, now a denison of Pullman, Ill., was a visitor here a portion of the past week. He is the same Johnnie as of yore.

Last week we received a program of the ???class of graduating class at the Olin, Iowa, graded school, of which our old friend, Prof. F.W. Ford, formerly of Minooka, is principal. He graduates a class of eleven pupils.

Miss Winnie Whipple left on Tuesday for Amboy to visit with her friend Miss Alta ???, who will graduate from the public school of that city on Thursday evening of this week. Miss Minnie will remain in Amboy for a couple of weeks.

Chas. B. Neilson, of Marseilles, started on Monday of last week from Chicago to ride to New York on his bicycle. He goes as the Inter O___ champion, and expects to make the distance of 1,180 miles in seventeen days, or about seventy miles per day. At last accounts he was considerably ahead of time.

Ed Buckman, for a time in business with Charlie Rogers, is in jail in default of bond, charged with forgery of a note bearing the name of John J. Sprague.  He claims that the note came to him from his father, who resides in Kentucky, and that on next Tuesday he can prove his innocence.  We hope he may.

Miss Lena Taxis is here on a visit, the guest of Miss Emma Nelson.

Mrs. Owens, of Plainfield, has been visiting her mother, Mrs. H. D. Hitchcock, for the past week.

Chape Weed has finished the allotted time of his vacation and returned to Chicago Monday morning.

Gussie Miller left for Chicago on Monday morning, where he will take a position in the store of his brother Harry.

Mrs. Mary Corbus, of Millersburg, Ohio, is here on a visit to her son, G. A. Corbus, foreman of the Herald office.

Mr. and Mrs. John Robb were called to Benton Harbor, Mich., on Saturday to attend the funeral of a sister of Mr. Robb.

We are indebted to Mr. E. Murphy, of this city, for a box of fine strawberries, of the Crescent variety.  They were extra large and of very fine flavor.

The family of A. D. Morrison moved to Joliet on Thursday of last week, where they will in future reside.  Mr. Morrison has a good position at the Rolling Mill.

Rev. Julius Armstrong, of Chicago, son of Hon. Wash. Armstrong, is to visit England, Ireland and Scotland this summer, taking about three months for the trip.

Last Monday evening Mrs. Sarah Opdyke left here for Ft. Lewis, Colorado, to visit her son, George.  She will be gone some time, but just how long she does not know.

A Miss Houghton, of Chicago, represented the Anchorage Mission in this city, at the Baptisy church on Sunday evening.  The Mission is doing a good work in Chicago.

Last Wednesday morning Dr. Sturtevant went to Waukesha, Wis., to attend the meeting of the national Homeopathic medical society which is being held there this week.

Clement Regan, of Englewood, arrived in this city on Saturday on a visit to his many young friends. Clement is employed in the wholesale house of Marshal Field, in Chicago.

Last week Thursday the corner stone of the new Masonic building at Joliet was laid with imposing ceremonies. The building is to be 88 x 110 feet, four stories and basement, and will cost $61,000.

Mr. and Mrs. Cohn, uncle and aunt, and Miss Annie Harris, niece, of Mrs. C. H. Kusel, came down from Chicago, on Saturday. On Sunday the family of J. A. Kusel, of Ottawa, came here and quite a reunion followed at the domicile of Charlie.

Dick Bowerwise came down from Chicago on Sunday afternoon, returning on Monday morning. He came in the day time, not again desiring to encounter the night watch of this city. He is the young man who was fired upon by the police some few weeks ago.

Johnnie Stinchomb returned home from Jacksonville last week. He is employed in the printing office at the Deaf and Dumb Institute and is making repaid advancement in his studies. Johnnie is a fine young man and his friends will be glad to learn of his progress.

The family of Mr. E. Dwight arrived in this city on Saturday and for the present are stopping with Mrs. S. R. Hitt, mother of Mrs. Dwight. Mr. Dwight is running the shop of Mr. Hitt, who is now in Minneapolis under contract for one year, in charge of an establishment manufacturing street cars and omnibuses.

Miss Eliza Haley, formerly of this city, has reached the second place in the contest for the prize offered by the Chicago Herald.  Next Sunday will decide the issue, and all readers of the Herald are requested to scour the campus and send the votes in before Wednesday, when the tickets will be counted and the winner announced.

Mrs. Geo. Resseguie, of Warrenville, who has been visiting his daughters, Mrs. Ed. Prince and Mrs. Angie Larsness, returned to his home last Tuesday morning. Mr. Resseguie was a brother of the late Mrs. George Parmilee and was a resident of this place about twenty-five years ago. He thinks our city has improved very much since that time.

On Thursday evening of last week officers were elected by Morris Lodge No. 175, K. of P., as follows: W. E. Viner, C.C.;  M. F. Small, V.C.;  John Bell, Prelate;  W. D. Baker, M. of E;  Alex Bonar, M. of F.;  Fred S. Johnson, K. of E. and S.;  James Derenzy, M. at A.;  U. C. Davis, representative to Grand Lodge; G. C. Ridings, P.C. The installation will take place on the first Thursday evening in July.

Father Bruton, of Kinsman, was in Morris last Friday.

Miss Maud Brach, graduated with honor at the Knoxville Seminary on Tuesday of this week.

Mrs. P. A. Armstrong has returned home after a visit of two weeks with her son, Dr. Frank Armstrong, at Richmond, Ill.  The doctor is enjoying a good practice.

The many friends of Al. Schoch, of Ottawa, residing in this city, will be glad to learn of his promotion to the position of vice president of the National City Bank, of Ottawa.  Al. has worked his way from office boy.  He is one of the finest young men in the city and deservedly popular.

Robert McKinley, a brother of James McKinley, of Coal City, was here on Wednesday, the guest of Deputy Sheriff John Bonar and family.  Mr. McKinley is a resident of Socory, New Mexico, where he has resided for eight years, and is now here on a visit to relatives and friends.

Frank, son of Fred Page, who left here some four years ago, will return home on next Saturday, after a three years cruise on the United States man-of-war “Marion.”  Since leaving here he has seen much of the world, having visited every prominent port of entry open to United States vessels.

FOR SALE – A good brick house and twenty acres of land, 1 mile east of Morris. Ten acres underlaid with coal, land all improved, and good young orchard, for sale cheap. Inquire of Maxwell Davidson or at this office.



R. Ramsay was at Chicago on the 12th, inst.

Benjamin and Albert Peterson Sundayed in Chicago.

Max Zimmerman and wife were at Morris on Friday last.

Jacob Webber came up here from Gardner on the 12th inst.

H. L. Beltzhoover, wife and little child visited the city last Friday.

E. DeBriae, Sr., spent the fore part of the week here with his family.

Geo. Reay went to Wilmington on Monday to enjoy a rest of about one week.

George Scharf was here on Saturday and Monday hustling around as of old.

T. J. Tracy has quit the barber business here.  He left on Monday for Chicago.

Arthur Dobbs is assisting O. C. Lewis in keeping the books of the Company Store.

D. J. Hughes and wife left for the east on Tuesday to visit at Utica, N.Y. and vicinity.

John White, of Wilmington, visited with his sons, William and Frank, on the 16th and 17th.

John Chamberlain was badly bruised by a fall of stone while at work in No. 2 shaft on Friday.

J. A. Sawyer, T. T. Smith and E. W. Leach were at the county seat on Saturday on political business.

A terrific rain storm struck our village last Friday night, which caused much damage to trees and garden vegetation.

Dr. Roe was here on Monday and Tuesday.  He looks well and reports encouraging prospects in his new field of practice.

W. Small has sold his milk business to Wm. Jenkins, who lives on the Littlejohn farm.  Mr. J. took charge of the route on Tuesday.

On the 26th inst. There will be a race in Morris between Harry Smith’s horse, “Peter Jackson,” and Wm. McCabe’s, mare, “Mollie Feehan.”  The race will be half mile heats, best two in three.

Rob’t Morris left on Saturday for his home in Kansas City after visiting relatives and friends here for about one week.  Mr. Morris’ sister, Mrs. Hugh Davis, had not seen him for twenty-five years.

E. C. Needham, of Oskaloosa, Iowa, spent a couple of days last week in visiting friends here.  He went from this place to the east to take in the beauties of Niagara, the Hudson and Washington.

Bob Lewis, of Braidwood, and John Phillips, of Godley, trotted their ponies on the Braceville race course last Saturday afternoon.  The race was a single half-mile dash and was easily won by the Lewis poney.

The many friends of Thos. S. Jenkins will be pained to learn that his son Eddie, a bright boy about 13 years of age, was hurt by the cars on Saturday at his home in Sparta and died from the effects of his injuries on Monday.

O. C. Lewis and bride returned home on the evening of the 19th and were serenaded by the Braceville Brass Band together with the usual coterie of numerous small boys with their medley of inharmonious instruments.

Two of our gents attended the closing exercises of the Gardner public schools last Friday night, and on their way home got caught in the storm.  One of the gents had the misfortune of having his silk tile doused in a ditch full of water, besides losing his silver-headed cane.  The boys braved the elements as far as Mr. Culbert’s farm house, where they put up for the night.  In explaining to their host the reason for their stopping over night, M. G. said: “it would have been all right if it wouldn’t have blown the buggy off its feet.”  The gentleman must have been excited.  Later on in the night while the boys were peacefully sleeping at the farm house they were awakened by the squealing of pigs, which sounds they mistook for the screams of a woman.  Verily our “city lads” had better visit in the country more frequently and become accustomed to its common midnight sounds.


Martin Kaffer went to Chicago Wednesday morning on business.

Dr. Sam Watson, of Elwood, visited his brother Monday and Tuesday.

Miss Emma Murphey, of Ames, Iowa, is visiting at her uncle’s, J. H. Murphey.

Cora Foster, who has been quite sick for the past two weeks is now able to be out again.

Fletcher Dirst received 2,000 head of sheep last week, which he is feeding for the Chicago market.

Mr. and Mrs. A. K. Knapp, who have been visiting friends in New York State, returned home Wednesday.

The Misses Watson, who have been attending the Northern University at Evanston, returned home Tuesday evening.

Dr. Axtell, the presiding elder of this district, who has been very sick for the past few weeks at his home at Morgan Park, is reported as convalescent.

Tom Bedford received notice from Washington a few days ago that his claim for back pension had been granted. The sum that he will received amounts to about $1,800 and he will probably get it within the next ten days.

Mrs. Jennie Conklin, cook at the Shepley Hotel, who had the misfortune to meet with quite a serious accident last week from which she has since been confined to her bed, is rapidly improving and will soon be able to be around again.

Alice Reeder, formerly of this place, died Friday night of last week at her home in Louisville, Ky., aged thirteen years. The remains arrived at this place Monday morning at ten o’clock and were taken to the Chapman cemetery for interment.

There is to be a Delsarte and elocutionary entertainment in the M. E. church Friday evening of this week. Mrs. Sherwood, an accomplished lady of Ottawa, has been engaged to render the principal parts. She will be assisted by other talent. A Joliet orchestra, consisting of eight pieces, will furnish the music. It is neither the desire nor the wish of the managers of this entertainment to realize funds for any object whatever. The small fee of twenty-five cents will be charged for admission in order to defray expenses. Should there be any surplus the proceeds will be devoted in total to purchasing new books for the library at the public school.

The public schools will close on Friday of this week. There will be some exercises in the High School in Friday afternoon to which all are invited. Miss Lizzie Donahoe will be the only graduate this year. The schools at the present time are in a singularly good condition. The work that has been done the past year in all the departments has been very thorough. The attendance has been good and as a rule the pupils have been punctual in their performances of their duties. During the past year a new set of Appleton’s Encyclopedia of American Biography, a geographical chart and a large State map have been added to the library and apparatus. It is the intention of the Board to keep on improving the condition of the schools in this place until they have no peer in any town of the size in the State.


Little Otto Lightner is sick.

Mrs. Adams and children are at C. Bradford’s.

John Coughlin was able to come to town last week.

Thos. Naden, of Plattville, is visiting at Dr. Bedford’s.

Miss Ida Berguson, of Mazon, spent last Sabbath in Verona.

Josie Dondanville is sick and threatened with typho-malarial fever.

Master Wilbur Avery has been quite sick with tonsillitis the past week, but is out again.

Thos. Sawyer was called back to New Jersey to attend the sick bed of his aged mother.

Mrs. Mary Ann Young returned from her western trip Tuesday morning, making a few weeks instead of months.

Bert. Martin has bought and has put up in his market a cooler.  It is a fine one.  The one built into the shop was but little good except to melt ice in.

Sam Tinsman has applied for an evener, calculated to use three or four or five horses abreast without walking in grain, on a harvester, or without walking on plowed ground in plowing.

Mr. ———- Newell and Miss Sadie Hinch were married at the residence of the bride’s parents at 8:30 Monday morning, Rev. Puffer officiating.  The bride and groom departed on the 11 a.m. train on their wedding tour.

The young son of W. W. Ward who was taken with lock jaw caused by running a stub into his foot, is in a bad condition.  He now has diphtheria in connection with his other trouble, and his physician pronounces his case incurable.

Edgar Mooney arrived from the west last week.  He has been away about nine years, part of which he spent in Dakota and the last two in Nebraska.  He brought his little son about five years old with him, and will remain during the summer, having gone to work for Joseph Dondanville.

The sociable at G. W. Carpenter’s was largely attended, but owing to the storm a great many went home early, which interfered very much with its financial success.  A vote of thanks is due the Verona male quartet for their share in the entertainment of the people;  also the organist, Miss Harford.  In fact it was a very enjoyable time.


F.H. Clapp is quite poorly.

M. Johnson is having his residence newly painted.

Stanley L. Sanford is visiting here from Springfield.

I. Teachout has just recovered from a severe sick spell.

Abe Moyer arrived here about a week ago from California.

Mrs. Geo. Turner, of Joliet, spent part of last week in Mazon.

Andrew S. Peterson, of this township, died last Wednesday morning.  We were unable to get particulars.

Zulia Eulert, of Lemont, who has been a guest of Miss Blanche Foster the past week, returned home Wednesday.

Volney Parker, Jr., arrived here on the vestibule from Denver, Colo., on Tuesday morning and will stay at least two weeks.

O. J. Nelson of Morris, passed through our burg last week on his way to Goodfarm where he was working after his political interest.

Volney Parker, after a long illness, departed this life on Thursday morning, June 19th at 3o’clock, aged 75 years.  Particulars next week.

Sawyer Clapp left on the accommodation Tuesday morning for Pottsdam, N.Y., his old home.  He expects to be gone about six weeks.

Rev. McAllister preached his farewell sermon last Sabbath evening.  It must have been very consoling to some of the chronic kickers of this week.

Mrs. Mit. Isham went to Chicago Tuesday to stay a few weeks with Mrs. J. C. Keltner who is being treated for her cancer.  Aunt Keltner accompanied her, returning home in the evening.

Mrs. Orin Gibson, of Cleveland, Ohio, accompanied by her uncle, Dr. Fuller and wife, arrived here one day last week.  They had been visiting Pueblo, Colo., and left for home on Monday.


Wm. Jenkins and son have gone into the milk business.

Wilson Small has sold his milk route to Jenkins and Jenkins.

Joe Melbulsh, of Gardner, Sundayed at home with his mother.

Louis Ving now puts up with Halver Munson on the prairie.

Chas. Hansen and wife were the guests of Peter Harmunson last Sabbath.

Mrs. Jennie Wheeler is such a lover of the grip that she recently took a second dose.

D. R. Doud has again taken to singing lullaby songs.  Who’d have thought it?  Not I.

John Bagley is building an addition to his house in the shape of a porch and a couple of bed rooms.

The young people of Mazon Creek passed a pleasant evening at the residence of H. Waters, lately.

The mercury stood 100 in the shade the three first days of the week.  In consequence our items have nearly all dissolved.

S. E. Hartley has bought W. D. Whitmore’s farm of 90 acres, one mile west of Gardner.  Stace couldn’t muster up courage to leave the mud.

Central City and Braceville girls are pining for the daily visits of Clarence Small, as he has turned over the milk route and the girls to the other fellow.

Nate Slusser returned a short time ago from Bloomington where he attended school, also where he learned to be canvassing agent.  He is now on the road and will shortly make you a call.


Lin Isham went to Joliet on Wednesday.

Mrs. Moehler, sister of C. K. Snyder, is here on a visit.

Howard Leach is home from Evanston for his vacation.

D. F. Gibbons is at home this week at Geo. F. Spencer’s.

H. C. Goold spent several days in Morris the past week.

Miss Grace Germain is home from Evanston for her vacation.

George and Charley Mallory are spending a few days in the country.

Rev. Dickenson will fill the pulpit at the Presbyterian church next Sabbath.

Mrs. Mallory and son Frank spent two or three days of this week in Indianapolis.

Prof. Wertz and wife, of Morris, attended commencement exercises on Friday evening.

C. D. Cassingham and wife, of Braidwood visited her parents Sunday, returning on Monday.

John McGinnis was the only one of the delegates who attended the convention last Saturday.

The Greenfield creamery, we are told, has closed its doors and in all probability will not reopen again.

Thos. Strongman returned with his family on Wednesday from Jacksonville and will occupy C. C. Underwood’s house.

Bert Martin, who has been visiting old friends in Gardner for a few days past, returned to Morris Monday morning.

George Smith is having his buildings in the rear of his brick store rebuilt which will make a vast difference in the appearance of the place.

H. Rigby counted without his host on Saturday night when he undertook to carry his Jersey cow over the bridge just north of town, for she concluded she was able to run her own affairs, and gave Mr. R. a back shove which landed him full length in the raging torrent below.  Not satisfied with the first round, the Jersey jumped over the railing on to the prostrate form of Rigby, and had he not been an expert in the water there would have been a drowning to record.

Sunday afternoon the people of our village were shocked to hear of the death of Jonas Slutter, who had been near death’s door for several months, but at last death came when no one was thinking of it, at 4 o’clock Sunday afternoon.  He had been a great sufferer all winter.  He was a respected citizen of our town for many years, and leaves an aged wife at home to mourn his loss.  He was in his 85th year.  The funeral took place at his home Tuesday at 2 p.m., after which the remains were laid to rest in the Braceville cemetery to await the resurrection of the dead.

The commencement exercises on Friday evening were an occasion of rare interest to both old and young.  The room was tastefully decorated and by the time the exercises commenced there were fully 500 present.  Prayer was offered by the Rev. J. F. Barrett, and the graduating class took their seats on the platform.

Prof. Galbraith, in a few well directed remarks to the class, presented the diplomas to the following:  Lulu Hart, Ivy D. Pagel, Jennie Gell, Carrie White, Jake Lutz, Jr., Mary Overton and Ida Stamm.  The “Parting Song” was then sung, the benediction pronounced by Mr. Mallory and another year’s school work was brought to a close.

Married, on Thursday, June 12, 1890, Mable, the beautiful and accomplished daughter of our townsman, Supervisor Louis Germain, to Hida B. Goold, of Morris, which took place at the residence of the bridge’s parents at 12 o’clock.  The ceremony was conducted by Rev. Magner, which was beautiful, and left the impression of the many present that the Rev. gentleman was no new hand at the business. It was intended that the father would give the bridge away, but at the last moment he faltered, as it was more than he could do.  The bride was faultlessly attired, while the manly mate was dressed in the height of fashion, a picture long to be remembered by those present.  They stood amidst a bower of rare flowers.  After congratulations the company was served to a dinner that was simply all that time and money could procure, and after all had partaken of the sumptuous repast a social time was pleasantly spent until trains time.  The presents were many and elegant, besides large cheques and other money contributions to both the bride and groom.  Those present were Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Goold, uncle and aunt of the groom,  ???, McNamara and Hall, of Morris;  Mr. and Mrs. Jordan, of Joliet;  Mr. and Mrs. Walter of Normal;  Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Graff, of Fairbury;  Miss Frank Lewis, of Plattsburg, N.Y., Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Goold, father and mother of the groom;  Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Wilkinson, of Beloit, Wis;  Prof. Galbraith, Wm. and Miss Amanda Edmunds, Burt Parker, Jr., Miss Paulina Parker, Mr. W. O. Magee, Mrs. John Allison, Mrs. Nancy Bookwalter, Master Wade Eversoll.  The newly married couple took the afternoon train for Chicago where they remained a few days, and thence to Morris, where they expect to make their future home.  Miss Mable’s friends here bespeak for them all the happiness there is to be obtained in this life.


Mrs. Albert Walker is in poor health.

Miss Rena Stone has been quite sick of late.

James Feney and Mat Larkin were over to Minooka Monday.

We hear that Walter Crellon is very low with typhoid fever.

W. S. Miller has been taking his berries to Braidwood this week.

Barney Feney, of Minooka, staid with his brother Jim, last Tuesday night.

Rev. McAllister preached his farewell sermon at the Button church last Sunday.

Mrs. Mick Larkin, of Mazon, called on her daughter, Mrs. James Deney, last Monday.

Albert Walker says there was an inch and a half of water fell at his place last Tuesday night.

Misses Etta and Clara Darling, of Felix, have been staying several days at their Uncle Truman’s.

Mrs. David Spencer returned from her trip to Chicago last Friday, without any prospect of getting any help.

Miss Allie Pattison closed her summer term of school last Friday, after which she took her pupils to the timber and gave them an afternoon of pleasure and sweetmeats.


Our librarian, Mrs. M. Rochester, is on the sick list.

Mrs. Ed. Young is visiting in Chicago for two weeks.

Lawyer Stough, of Morris, was on our streets last Monday.

Wm. Anderson has employed a younger brother as a clerk in his grocery.

Wm. Hill, of Hill Park, was here visiting his son and daughter on Monday last.

Mr. Ed Robinson is serving on a jury of the U.S. court in Chicago this week.

Alex Trotter and family, of Brighton Park, have been here visiting the past week.

Your scribe and family, with two other friends, were the honored guests of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Babcock last Sunday.  Mr. and Mrs. B. are very sociable people and all the visitors had a very pleasant time and lots of strawberries.


Augustus F. Hand

Augustus F. Hand

For several months the public had been in expectancy of the death of Dr. A.F. Hand, but nevertheless, when the announcement came on Sunday afternoon, a little after 4 o’clock, it had its effect upon the community where he had so long lived, and where always he had been held in high esteem. For six months he had been failing. The skeleton form which was laid away on last Tuesday bore little semblance of that robust form of but a few short months ago. His malady was peculiar. His appetite of a sudden failed, his digestive organs had ceased their function, and gradually he wasted away, until the man of nearly 300 pounds was left but a bare skeleton. A great generous hearted man has gone out from amongst us, but his memory will long live.

The following biographical sketch was prepared for publication, and graphically describes the man – the friend of the people.


Augustus Frederick Hand was born of a Puritanical family, at Shoreham, Addison County, Vt., July 11, 1816.  Here on the shores of Lake Champlain and at North Ferrisburg among the spurs of the Green mountains, his youth was spent and where he laid foundation of a robust constitution which carried him through a long, useful and eventful life, fraught with hardships under which a less sturdy conformation would have succumbed. Here he had advantages of the common schools and discipline of a stern, unrelenting sad, perhaps, harsh father, who ruled with such iron hand that, at 17, the doctor ran away from home and came west, to Logansport, Ind., walking mostly all the way. Here he remained a few months with a half brother, the late Rev. Martin Post of that city, and then went on to Jacksonville, Ill., where he entered Illinois College under the preceptorship of another half-brother, the late Rev. Truman M. Post, of St. Louis, who, at that time, was a professor in the college. Three years later he graduated from the classic school and entered the medical department from which he graduated in 1845, and at once commenced the practice of his profession in which he has stood at the head here for over forty years.

While at Jacksonville his school class and roommates were men who have since figured conspicuously in the history of our State and Nation, and with whom ties of friendship were interwoven that were maintained through life.  The Rev. Thomas K. Beecher, Gov. Richard Yates, Hon. Newton Bateman and Prof. Samuel Williard being his close associates.

In 1847 he came to Morris, and from that date until shortly before his death, he was one of the best known and most familiar figures here, having maintained an active, vigorous life and practice was not abated until the advent of his last sickness.  When he came here this county was a mere wilderness.  There were no roads nor fences and but few settlers and his practice extended for nearly twenty-five miles in all directions.  The hardships which he endured and took pride in relating in after years, were enough to have overcome a less sturdy constitution; but he was endowed with an unusually strong physique and it carried him through and maintained a robust activity until with a few months past, when his last illness set in – atomic dyspepsia – and he declined rapidly until death closed the scene, and took a kind, generous and just man to his eternal reward.

Attached to one of his pictures he left the following quotation:  “How strange and eccentric seems the man who thinks for himself.”  No expression could better represent him.  He was a man who thought;  who did his own thinking;  who spoke his thoughts;  who thought before he spoke;  a man of brain and intelligence;  a student and scholar in his profession and out of it;  just, honest and God fearing;  somewhat stern and exacting, but with a heart as tender as a woman’s.  His right hand was always open to deserving poor and his left did not know what his right was doing.  Almost every poor family in this city and vicinity has been the recipient of his sympathetic generosity.  He was not a man of the world and took no part in it social and but little in its political affairs, though he had held public offices of trust and honor.  Doctor Hand was one of the most original of men in speech, in dress and in manner; free from vanities of all kinds;  unconventional and did nothing for “policy” sake.  A good birth, good, early and lifelong associates and a good heart carried him to and maintained him in a sphere almost of his own, far above mediocrity.  But he has gone.  No more will his familiar face be seen upon on streets;  his kind, generous hand now lies cold in death;  his soul is in eternity and soon his body will lie alongside many of his companions of half a century who have preceded him to that unknown borne, and the particular sphere which he filled on this earth will never be filled nor his memory lost.  Thus one by one the old settlers are passing away, but few remain who came here contemporaneously with Dr. Hand.  He died in full hope of eternity surrounded by most of his family, consisting of his wife, Sarah Clark, whom he married in this city in 1850, and his daughter, Mrs. A.E. Frost of Chicago, and sons Oliver H. and Dr. Truman A. Hand, of this city, who mourn the loss of a kind and indulgent husband.

The funeral took place on Tuesday afternoon from the family residence, on Main street, and was very largely attended.  In the absence of Rev. Bissell, of the congregational church, Rev. J.A. Montgomery, of LaGrange, for many years pastor of the church in this city officiated.  The remains were interred in Evergreen cemetery.

Obituary of Clarence N. Allen

From the Santa Fe Daily New Mexican, of June 9 and 10, we clip the following:

Clarence N. Allan, aged 26 years, a native of Morris, Ill, died at 12:10 yesterday afternoon at the residence of his uncle, John D. Allan.  He had been sick six weeks, his disease being typhoid malarial fever with a complication of the kidneys.  The deceased was undoubtedly one of the most popular young men in the city, and unusual regret is everywhere expressed that he should thus have been summoned, when life with all its joyous prospects for a noble and useful life was just beginning to dawn upon him.  For the past five years Santa Fe has been his home, and for two years past he has been running on the Lamy branch as brakeman.  His faithful service to the Santa Fe Co. was soon to have brought him promotion to the position of conductor.  He was a young man of perfect habits, fine moral character, and possessed the faculty of making friends readily and keeping them.  Had he lived, he would have been married the latter part of this month to Miss Lily Heach?, one of the fairest young ladies of the south side.

The funeral took place at the residence of his uncle, John D. Allan. Rev. G.G. Smith delivered a feeling funeral address, speaking tenderly of the many virtues of the deceased young man.  His colleagues in the fire department to the number of thirty were present in full uniform, and surmounting the handsome casket that held the remains was a beautiful floral piece, the gift of the Hook and Ladder company, surrounded by a mass of flowers sent by sympathizing friends.  The piece referred to was an oblong wreath, twenty inches in diameter, of white peonies, at the bottom of which was a cluster of red roses upon a large bow of black silk.  Across the wreath were two silken hooks, and crossing these diagonally was a ladder of scarlet and pink geraniums.  Across the wreath, near the top and bottom were stretched white satin bands bearing the company’s motto in letters of purple immoralities, “Valiant and True.”

After the funeral services the body was conveyed to the A.T.&S.F. depot, where at 1:30 it was shipped east, accompanied by a delegation of firemen as far as Lamy, an uncle of the deceased going through to Morris, Ill., with it.

The remains arrived in this city on Friday and a funeral service held at the Presbyterian church, largely attended by sympathizing friends.


The Republican convention to nominate delegates to the State, Congressional and Senatorial conventions was hold at the Court House on Saturday last.  The convention was not as largely attended as usual for the reason that the heavy rains of Friday interfered with the primaries, and the additional rain of Friday night and Saturday morning prevented delegates who had been selected from being present.

The convention was called to order by E. B. Fletcher, chairman of the County Central Committee, and A. Hollenbeck, of Vienna, was elected chairman and J. A. Sawyer, of Braceville, chosen as secretary.

On motion of T. A. Hand a committee on credentials was appointed, consisting of J. H. Pattison, T. A. Hand and M. W. Johnson.

The committee reported as delegates to the convention the following named persons, to wit:

Highland – W. H. Jones, H. Bartholic;

Vienna – A. Hollenbeck, T. S. Coleman, W. T. Pierce.

Mazon – J. C. Keltner, John K. Ely, F. H. Clapp, M. Johnson, D. S. Small.

Morris – 1st precinct – E. B. Fletcher, T. A. Hand, Henry Stocker, M. N. Hull, H. L. Thoreson;  2nd precinct – E. L. Lott, Henry Cooper, P. C. Hayes, Wm. Mason, N. McBride;  3rd precinct – Seneca Tupper, George F. Brown, J. H. Alsdorf.

Saratoga – C. M. Stephen, Eric Johnson, Nels B. Morem, W. P. Peterson, John Hagen.

Greenfield – John McGinnis, Henry Lesch, Robert Caldwell, W. J. Galbraith, D. R. Keepers, W. S. Allison, Wm. Kewin.

Braceville – 1st precinct, Jas. Francis, T. T. Smith, Wm. White, Robt. Glasgow, H. H. Smith, E. W. Leach, Wm. Gleghorn, J. A. Sawyer;  2nd precinct – J. H. Sherry, John Brown, Sam’l Stewart, E. J. Abell, Sam Hunter, F. W. Francis, A. J. Smith, Vincent Bonar.

Wauponsee – J. H. Pattison, Chas. Flanders, J. D. Hill, Thos. Sykes.

The committee reported that the towns of Goodfarm, Norman, Nettle Creek, Felix, Erienna and Aux Sable were without representation.

On motion of E. B. Fletcher Republicans from these several towns present at the convention were recognized as regular delegates to the convention, and C. I. Haynes, of Norman, and A. White, of Felix, were thus made members of the convention.

On motion of Chas. Stephen, the delegates present were empowered to cast the full vote of the delegation.

On motion of T. A. Hand the temporary organization was made the permanent organization of the convention.

On motion of T. A. Hand a committee of five was appointed by the chair, consisting of J. K. Ely, W. T. Pierce, E. B. Fletcher, F. W. Francis and T. A. Hand, to report to the convention a list of delegates to the State, Congressional and Senatorial conventions.  The committee retired, and after deliberation reported the following named persons, which action was ratified by the convention, to wit:

State Convention – Gen. P. C. Hayes, Geo. F. Brown, W. J. Galbraith, Matthew Johnson, J. H. Pattison.

Congressional Convention – J. K. Ely, T. A. Hand, Henry Lease, W. T. Pierce, William Platt.

Senatorial Convention – C. A. Hill, E. J. Abell, Chas. Stephen, J. A. Sawyer, A. White.

On motion of T. A. Hand the several delegates were instructed to appoint alternates in case they were unable to attend the conventions.


At the home of the bride’s parents in Gardner, at high twelve, Thursday, June 12th, inst. In response to the wedding march, Mr. Hida Goold, of Morris, and Miss Mabel Germain, of Gardner, descended to the parlor, and standing in front of a bay window filled with choice flowers, were united in marriage by Rev. W. C. Magner. The words were spoken, the wedding ring exchanged and a fairer and happier couple never received congratulations. Hida is well known in Morris and numbers his friends by the number of his acquaintances. Miss Mabel, the bride, is the second daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Germain, of Gardner.  It is no more compliment to say that the bride was beautiful and that the face was a fair index of the mind. After the hearty good wishes of the guests had been extended a sumptuous wedding lunch was served. The presents were in good taste and elegant. Among the many friends present were the father and mother of the groom, Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Goold, and the uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Goold, of Morris; Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Wilkinson, of Beloit, Wis.; Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Jordan, of Joliet; Mrs and Miss Walker, of Bloomington; Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Graft, of Fairbury; Messrs. Henry Stocker, Thos. Hall and James McNamara, of Morris. The couple left on the afternoon train for Chicago and elsewhere, and will make Morris their future home. We extend to the young couple our hearty congratulations and wish them many years of domestic happiness.

From the Daily News of St. Augustine, Florida, of June 13, we take the following:

Surrounded by relatives and a few intimate friends, Miss May Dawson and Mr. Robert Mills were joined together in matrimony at 7:30 o’clock last night in the parsonage of Grace Methodist church, the Rev. T.M. House officiating. The wedding was quiet, invitations being extended to only a few. The bride looked very pretty in a cream Henrietta, trimmed with moiré ribbons and natural flowers. Miss Agnes Howe, of Kingsley Lake, Fla., the bridesmaid, was dressed in white mull, pink ribbon and Swiss embroidery, with flowers. Those who witnessed the nuptials were Mr. J. F. Davison, groomsman; Mr. L. L. Dawson, Miss Jessie Dawson, Miss Ada Dawson, Fred B. Dawson and Miss Mamie Ponce.

After the ceremony the party drove to the residence of Mr. Ira. S. Manson, uncle of the groom, where a reception was given by Mr. and Mrs. Manson to a few of their friends. The evening was spent in a pleasant social way. Miss Maggie Jackson entertained the company with several artistic violin solos and Mrs. Spencer played several selections on the organ. At 9:30 o’clock the guests enjoyed a repast consisting of salads, ice coffee, ice cream, cake, nuts and confectionery. It was nearly midnight when the guests departed with many congratulations and good wishes to the young couple.

The bride and groom received a number of fine presents, several very handsome and serviceable ones from friends in the northern states, principally from Morris, Grundy Co., Ill., the former home of the bride. Friends of the groom at his old home in Newark, N.J., also remembered the young couple.

Mr. and Mrs. Mills will immediately take on the duties of their new life at their home, ?? George street. Their many friends in this city heartily wish them a smooth and prosperous voyage through life, expressions which the News desires to endorse.


The public schools of our city will close on Friday noon of this week. The graduation exercises will take place in Hull’s Opera House Friday evening. Included names are as follows:

William Frank Buck, Frances Agnes Coleman, Martha Harriet Holderman, Henry Albert Ridgway, Emilie Augusta Scharf, Nellie Sara Sharp, Wallace Gilman Skidmore, Alice Rosalie Turner, Phebe Ella Holderman, Francis Augustus Johnson, Sarah Ann Cryer, Kittie Louise Underwood, Blanche Josephine Coleman, Frank Austin Palmer, Kittie Alice Irving, Mary Minerva Strong, Bertha Louise Gorich.

ST. ANGELA’S ACADEMY – Programme for commencement, June 25th

Names are as follows: Misses M. Hvada and G. Matteson, Misses A. Haitz and L. Turner, F. Laurman, A. Stafford, C. Smith, E. Illg., B Cunnes, and M. Cleghorn, Miss H. Sparr, Misses N. Ryan, L. Hildebrand, E. Dakin, M. Stafford, M. Barrett and M. McCarthy, Misses F. Keirsted, L. Turner, H. Sparr, M. Gilbride, G. Goltra and M. Anderson.

CLOSING OUT SALE – $3,000 worth of Boots, Shoes, and Gents’ Furnishing Goods. To be Closed Out in 30 Days. This is No Sham. As I am going to leave Morris. Now is your time to call and get Bargains. B.P. Riley


Henry Baum to Geo. Baum, w.d., und½ of n20 ft of lots 23 and 24, block 7, Canal Trustees’ add., Morris; $100

A.F. Hand to Sarah Louise Marsh, w.d. , lot 13, block 2, Peacock’s 2d add., Morris; $275

James Suffern to Geo. Phillips, w. d., lots 5 and 6, block 8, Coal Branch Junction; $75

Braceville Coal Co. to Archibald Connell, w.d., lot 10, block 36, Mitchell’s add., Braceville; $140.

Archie Connell to Enoch Wheelright, w.d., lot 10, block 26, Mitchell’s add., Braceville; $150.

Isaac Smith to Marion Marshall, w.d., lot 4, block 41, Mitchell’s add., Braceville; $150.


June 10th, in the matter of estate of Wm. Hoge, deceased, report of executors filed and approved.

On the 12th, on consent of father, letters of adoption of Wm. Sargent were granted to Albert and Emma J. Peterson, and name changed to Wm. Peterson.

On the 13th, the matter of assignment of Max Zimmerman had a hearing before his Honor Judge Wing; report of assignee approved.

Same day, in the matter of estate of Anne Richardson, deceased, proof of death and petition for letters testamentary filed; letters issued to Erick Holland as administrator.

On the 14th, in matter of estate of Harriet Freeman, deceased, proof of death filed; relinquishment of right to administer filed by Mrs. O.N. Pratt.

Typed and submitted by Kathleen Berner Groll.

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