Grundy County IL Marriage Index 1841–1900

The sources for this index include original county clerks’ marriage records, such as marriage registers and licenses, as well as publications of county genealogical societies and private individuals. For each marriage, the index includes the names of the groom and bride, the date of the marriage or issuance of the license, and a citation to the original record—file number for licenses. All columns are sortable, and the search will enable you to check for all instances of a search irregardless of column.

The date shown in the data returned as a result of a search will be the date the marriage license was issued depending upon the source from which the information was extracted.

View Data in "Marriage Index 1841–1900" Table


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1 Comment

  1. darcy

    I am looking for a family. Josie (Josephine) Kafton married Domenico Colombatto (Dominic Columbus) in 1894. She had 3 children with him: Anna (b. 1895), Mary (1896), and John (1898). Dominic died I think as a result of lifting something for the railroad work or maybe coal mining work. She married John Stuhar or Stuhr in 1900 and moved to Hammond Lake IN. Any news about this family? I can’t find a cemetery where Dominic would have been buried.


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