History of Aux Sable Illinois

Of all the townships of Grundy County, Aux Sable possesses the most natural beauty, for its scenery is unsurpassed by any in this portion of the state. The prairie rolls gently and originally was fringed with fine timber along the Aux Sable Creek and the Illinois...

Coal Mining Fatalities in Grundy County Illinois

The following men have died in a variety of mining accidents in the coal mines of Grundy County Illinois. Biographic details of their accident are included in each report. Dominico Ariano July 16 Dominico Ariano, a miner, 24 years of age, was instantly killed by a...
The Diamond Mine Disaster at Braidwood

The Diamond Mine Disaster at Braidwood

The most conspicuous event which has occurred during the year, or which has ever marked or marred the annals of coal mining in this State, was the calamity which befell the Diamond Mine, and the miners in it, at Braidwood, in February last. At this place, by the...
Photos of Historic Grundy County Businesses

Photos of Historic Grundy County Businesses

The following are photographs of historic businesses in Grundy County Illinois. Grundy County businessman by last name of Stough Rutherford Barn Rutherford Barn Chicago Telephone Company Building, 115 E Main St, Morris, 1913 Coleman Hardware, 100 Nettle Street, Morris...

Morris Herald – July 7, 1876

Excerpts from The Morris Herald for July 7, 1876. LOCAL NEWS THE FOURTH On Monday evening we had one of the heaviest rain storms that has visited this section for a long time, and which greatly dampened the ardor of some of our citizens who had made preparations for...