Malcomb Family Newspaper Articles

Morris Advertiser, Oct. 27, 1866, p. 3

Wm. Ryan and C. Smith have purchased the stock of groceries owned by S. V. Malcomb. Smith & Co. have moved their stock into the Malcomb store, and will hereafter carry on the business under the firm of Smith & Co. at Malcomb’s old stand. The new firm have a very large stock of goods, complete in every line. They will make it their duty to spare no pains in furnishing our citizens with the best of groceries and provisions at the lowest possible prices.

Our young friend Isaac Benjamin, has just returned from a trip to Chicago, where he purchased a very pretty assortment of notions and toys for the edification of his young friends. Ike, has a choice lot of goods, and is determined to sell them at very reasonable prices.

Benjamin is building a large cistern at the back end of their store building, capable of holding 300 barrels of water. It is so constructed as to be easy of access to the fire engines, in case of fire, and in an emergency of this kind, would be of great utility.

Grundy County Herald

Sept. 13, 1865, p. 3: No firm in Morris keeps up better with the times, in their particular line of business, than Evans & Clow, photographers. Continually making improvements in their apparatus and machinery, they are producing better pictures with every change, and now exhibit in their rooms as fine photographs as any Chicago gallery can show. Give them a call.

January 4, 1868, p. 1: EVEN’S FINE ART GALLERY, over Grinton’s Store, on Liberty Street, Morris, Illinois. Where all kinds of the modern improved sun-light pictures are taken, as Ambrotypes, Photographs, Opalotypes, etc., not to be outdone both in workmanship and prices by any artist in the country. Special attention given to copying pictures of deceased persons, either reduces in size or enlarged and colored life-like if desired. Keeps always on hand a large assortment of oval frames and albums for sale at the lowest market price. All are invited to call and examine his work.

April 25, 1868, p. 3: Evens’ Art Gallery Re-opens. We are requested to inform our readers, that Mr. Joseph Even will re-open his Daguerrean gallery in this city, on Monday next, when he will be prepared to take, and copy, all kinds of photographs and other pictures. His rooms will be found over Locke, Barber & Co.’s boot and shoe store, on Washington.


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