Morris Daily Herald Excerpts – Dec. 12, 1893

Excerpts from the Morris Daily Herald for December 12, 1893


Thos. Hoyle is on the sick list.

J.C. Horrie took the morning train for Chicago to transact business.

Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Hall were Chicago visitors today.

County Mine Inspector Alex Morton had business at the county seat today.

Mr. W. L. Sackett returned this morning from Amboy after attending the funeral of his father yesterday.

Mrs. Levi Whipple, formerly of Morris fell and dislocated her shoulder while sleigh-riding in Joliet Friday.

Dr. Peairs is slowly but surely improving according to the indications up to the present time and it is hoped that he will speedily be his old self again.

Mr. and Mrs. R. Petty will tonight move into their new store in the “burnt” district.” They have splendid quarters and will make a good showing with their added facilities.

Regular meeting of C.L.S.C. on Saturday, 2 p.m., at Dr. Palmer’s, Lesson, first and second week’s readings for November in Economics, with review of preceding lesson. Author, Phoebe Cary.

The fortieth annual meeting of the Illinois teacher’s association will be held at the capitol building Springfield the 26th, 27th, and 28th inst. On the 27th Supt. Anderson will take part in the discussion on “Caring for school Finance.”

John Westgarth, the farmer in Kane county who recently issued a call for 10,000 armed men to meet him at the Lake Front, Chicago, and who was later arrested and tried, is well known to one of our business men who used to see him goods in Kane county.

Stylishly Cut Trousers: Trousers might just as well be handsome as not. You’ll think it easier for them to be handsome than not when you see our new styles and note the prices. The cut and finish, too, are things that will increase your satisfaction. Skilled work all the way through. John Bonar & Son


Ryan Made a Supervisor from Highland. Father Reed Makes a Vain Struggle

Mr. Ryan of Highland appeared before the Board of supervisors at this morning’s session with a certificate of legal appointment signed by the Highland town clerk, which Mr. Ryan had secured since yesterday’s session. This was considered sufficient by the Board and he was accordingly inducted to office as a full-fledged member. It was found on investigation that the Herald’s statement as to the legal status of the case was not according to latest acceptance of the law’s meaning. Although a full town board did not appoint Supervisor Ryan, Mr. Stough could find nothing to prove the illegality of his appointment by part of a Board. The attorney general recently said in this connection that he did not know of anything in the statutes either for or against such a step as the Board has just taken, and the candidate was, therefore, given the benefit of the doubt, and the clerk’s appointment certificate accepted without question.

Father Reed has been making much noise of late about the extravagance of the present republican board of supervisors, showing his two score and ten readers how the action of the board in making a loan smaller than that of last year was indicative of a lavish expenditure of the people’s money.

The Board had gotten an inkling of this charge and determined to look into Father Reed’s case. The supervisors were not so disturbed about the sweeping charges of the great Sentinel as they were anxious to know why the Father had omitted publishing the financial statement which was a part of the proceedings of the Board’s last meeting three month’s ago, and contained some facts which if published alongside the Sentinel’s charge of extravagance would make the “two score and ten” wonder at Father Reed’s sagacity. The Father seemed to have a sort of intuitive knowledge of the impending judgment which would be passed upon him to not carrying out his contract with the county to print all the proceedings of the Board for a certain price, so he collected his few scattered thoughts and wrote a short communication to the Board this afternoon saying that he thought he had printed the financial statement on this last year’s contract with the Board at $75 per year, before the September meeting “because” quote he, “the county clerk had given me the statement prior to the September meeting of the Board.” He says, however, that on looking the files of the Sentinal over he could not find it and would therefore only charge the Board $12.50 for the first quarter’s printing on the $50 a year contract which he said he would take instead of the $18.75 to which he would have been entitled had the statement been printed.

Of course the majority of the Board know this is the stuff and nonsense and only an attempt of the wily Father to make up with the Board after having broken his contract in order to make a few political points in his Irish sheet.

After the reading of the communication Supervisors Pattison, Stine and Nelson took their turns at telling the Board that they discredited any such yarn as Reed tried to foist upon them, and when a motion was put to table the communication until Father Reed and his broken contract could be taken up and summarily disposed of, it was passed with but one dissenting vote. Supervisors Renne, Stucker and Peterson made a vain endeavor to defend their indiscreet fellow democrat; and the Board went on with the regular business.

It is thought that the matter will soon come up for settlement, when it will be seen whether the Father and Bishop can use the people’s records to further their own political ends or not.

George Fey Fined $10 Dollars and Costs

This morning George Fey was brought before Justice Pike on a charge of having created a disturbance in Mitchell’s saloon last evening about five o’clock. Mr. Mitchell and Deputy Alsdorf appeared as witnesses and Attorney Huston as prosecutor. The evidence tended to prove Fey guilty of disorderly conduct and threatening the life of the saloonkeeper. Of course he was intoxicated and this operated somewhat in his favor. In the fracas Marshall had appeared on the scene and attempted to arrest him, when he was struck and met with the resistance of the prisoner. For some reason this testimony was not heard and the justice fined Fey $10 and costs, amounting to $19.95. The fact that Fey had been arrested on similar charges before was taken into account by the justice. He remitted half of the fine, making the total $14.95 on condition it was paid immediately; and Mr. Alsdorf accompanied him home to get the money.


For Sale – 7 room house in good repair cellar, cistern in the best location in the city also a high and dry building. Lot for sale on the west side. Call at the first house east of Joe Pattison’s on Canal street. Call at the front door.

Business for Sale – On Liberty street. Cheap for cash. Apply to O.J. Nelson.

Lost – A Mantham No. 10 bore gun, one half mile south of Claypool’s corner south of river. Finder will be suitably rewarded by leaving same at this office.

For Sale – A 1 year old brown colt, 950 pounds, will be sold for cash or approved security six months. Apply to Simeon Riggs.

To Rent – A good little house on Canal street. Inquire of J.H. Pattison.

For Sale Or Rent – The Reading property on west side. House barn and outbuildings, complete: one of the best locations in city.  Apply to Mrs. N.N. Reading at L.B. Ray’s.


Typed and submitted by Kathleen Berner Groll.

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