Excerpts from the Morris Herald for June 9, 1876.
Gen. Hayes was at Wilmington on Decoration Day, May 30th.
Rev. Mr. Montgomery and wife have been visiting friends in Dwight during the past week.
On June 3rd Anthony Watson made application for and received his final papers of naturalization.
Rev. Mr. Longley, of Dwight, preached in the Congregational church last Sabbath, morning and evening.
At the Decoration on the 30th, some of our ladies were anxious to decorate the grave of Shabbona, but were unable, at first, to find it. Finally, however, after calling to their aid a couple of gentlemen and searching for some time, they discovered it and proceeded to strew it bountifully with flowers. This was a very appropriate thing to do, but it strikes us that it would be a much more appropriate thing for the people of this locality to erect a suitable monument over this grave, so that every one, visiting our cemetery, could at one and without difficulty ascertain where it is. That the grave of this staunch friend of the whites has been so long without a monument is certainly a reflection upon our gratitude. We owe much to this brave old chieftain, and we should at once proceed to erect some sort of a monument to his memory, even though it be but a plain marble slab. We might raise sufficient money for this purpose by subscription, or the ladies of the place might get up a festival as has been suggested to us by one of their number. Let something be done, and at once.
Marriage Licenses
Licenses have been issued to the following persons during the month of May:
- Avery W. Thatcher and Carrie E. Pattee.
- Alexander Culbert and Marie? Ann Hardy.
- Thomas Louch and Eliza Collins.
- Lewis C. Strasburger and Helen Benjamin.
- Aldrick Spolding and Effie M. Rogers.
- Simon P. Stoner and Katie Hanson.
- Walter Adam and Mrs. Mary C. Thiry.
All persons indebted to me, are requested to call and settle by the 1st of July, 1876. All accounts not settled by that time will be placed in the hands of a collector. August Stalp, Mazon, June 5th, 1876.
A good single, open buggy for sale, or will trade for a work-horse. F. T. June
James Galloway and wife, of Wilmington, were in town last Sabbath. James looks as happy and contented as can be all owing to the fact that he has a wife.
A lad, named Elmer Hoffman, had one of his fingers mashed last Sunday. He had his hand over the back part of the buggy, when the tongue of a wagon was driven against it, crushing the finger in a fearful manner.
Morris was visited on last Monday by Judge J. M. Tibbets, of Harrodsburg, Ky., N. B. Ruppleye, G. M. McConnell, R. H. Buckley and O. P. Chase, of Chicago. These gentlemen were attending the sale of claims of the Chicago Railway Construction Company.
Mrs. M. H. Fisher sent a dozen eggs to our office the other day, two of which were quite remarkable for size, considering that they were laid by ordinary hens. One of these eggs measured 6 inches in diameter one way and 7 ¼ inches the other, while the second measured 6 inches one way and 7 ½ inches the other.
Scott Armitage, of Gardner, will be a candidate for the nomination for Sheriff of this county subject to the decision of the Republican County Convention.
List of Letters
Remaining in the Post Office at Morris, Grundy County, Ills., for the week ending June 5, 1876, and uncalled for. Persons calling for any of the following letters will please call for Advertised. I. Whitney, P. M.
- Jenson, Mr. Gulbrand
- Onarhelis, Jens Larsow
- Walton, John
- McLean, Mrs. J. (Scotland)
Adams-Thiry At the residence of the bride in this city, June 3rd, 1876, by N. McBride, J. P., Mr. Walter Adams to Mrs. Mary C. Thiry.
Paul-Stoughton On June 6th, 1876, at the residence of the officiating clergyman, Rev. Dr. Webb, of Morris, George Paul and Miss Mary Ann Stoughton, both of Will county.
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