Morris Daily Herald – Jan. 28, 1876

Excerpts from the Morris Daily Herald for Friday, January 28, 1876



The preliminary examination of John Kleimer, charged with shooting Harrold Humes on the night of January 5th, at the residence of one Elizabeth Duncan in the upper part of this city, took place before Justice McBride on last Monday. The parties to the case were all present at the trial, the State represented by A. R. Jordan, and the defense by Haley A. O’Donnell, of Joliet.

The evidence of Humes and Ahern was to the effect, that Kleimer did the shooting as charged, but they failed to agree in several minor points which gave weight to the formation of the opinion of Justice McBride. They disagreed particularly in stating the relative positions in which the parties stood when the shooting was done, Humes claiming one thing and Aheen another, and the testimony of Mrs. Duncan and Kleimer agreeing with that of Ahern. The defendant claimed that he did not do the shooting, but that it was done by Elizabeth Duncan. She also claims the same thing, as she has at all times since the transaction.

The case was ably argued on both sides, and given to the Justice for decision, who immediately discharged the prisoner.

Mr. Jordan, we understand, will not prosecute Mrs. Duncan on the charge as he is satisfied in his own mind that she will be able to make out a case of justification in the act, and the only result will be to put the county to additional costs without any good resulting therefrom.

It may seem strange to some that Elizabeth Duncan was not arrested for the shooting at the time, instead of Kleimer. The reason of this was that Ahern and Humes were the prosecuting parties and they charged the offense against Kleimer. The prosecuting attorney under those circumstances did the best he could. Indeed, in the whole transaction Mr. Jordan has done the best he could to rid the community of a nuisance and to punish crime.

The question now is, what is to be done? The woman has been convicted of keeping a house of ill fame in our midst, a sentence has been passed upon her and on a writ of habeas corpus she has been taken before Judge McRoberts and has shown, satisfactorily to that gentleman at least, that she has not the ability to satisfy the demand of the law, and on that evidence she is set at liberty. Now she comes before the Justice’s Court and confesses to having shot Harrold Humes, and on the strength of that evidence held at liberty but associate in crime, the two go scot free to ply their former vocation and impair the morals, and may be lead to degradation and shame many a young man. Even more: Some of the older heads are apt to be given to passion that would be otherwise restrained were not such a character in our midst, and they too will be led off and cause wretchedness in many homes. We say that something should be done to rid our city of this corrupting influence. If their poverty shields them from the penalty of the law, let some other means be devised by which we may be rid of their baneful influence on society.


Miss Jessie Bartlett, daughter of E. L. Bartlett, Esq., of this city, now with the Richings-Bernard Opera Company is achieving quite a reputation this season. We have on one or two occasions given extracts from the Eastern press of her reception in the large cities where this troupe have given entertainments, and all pronounced her voice matchless. On Tuesday of last week the Richings-Bernard troupe appeared in Farwell Hall, Chicago, before an unusually large audience. The Inter-Ocean of the next morning says of Miss Bartlett: “Among the new ones (of the company) who deserve special mention are Miss Jessie Bartlett, the contralto of the company. She has a very agreeable voice, rich and melodious, and with strong and pure lower tones,” etc. “Miss B. sang Clopisson’s ‘My soul to God, My heart to thee,’ remarkably well. The Music shows just what she can do in the upper and lower register, and she did all well. For an encore she sang ‘Only,’ by Gabriel.” The troupe will appear at Farwell Hall on February 7th, in a costume concert. We believe the Library Association would make a grand thing of it to secure this company here for one night. Many of our citizens would be delighted to hear Miss Bartlett and her associates.


The subscriber will sell at public auction at his residence in the town of Norman, one mile South of the Baptist church, at 10 o’clock a.m., the following property, to wit: Four work horses, two good cows, – one new milch – calf from Newport’s thorough bred bull, 1 fat cow, 5 fat steers, two years old in Spring; 1 estra yearling bull, from Newport’s bull; 3 steers, and one heifer, one year old in Spring; a few good shoats, 1 buggy wagon, 1 Wood’s reaper and mower combined with rake, 1 stalk cutter, 2 riding or walking corn workers, 1 eight tooth cultivator, 1 horse rake, 2 harrows, 2 sets double harness, 1 wood cook stove, and other articles too numerous to mention. Terms 8 months. A. N. Greer, L. D. Ward

For Sale – A good farm near Morris. J. N. Reading, Agt.

Police Court

In the police court last Saturday Morgan Ratlin, a regular tramp, made his appearance for the third time within two weeks, under charge of having been drunk and disorderly. He has frequently made his brads that the city of Morris had to winter him, and that he did not intend to perform any labor by way of remuneration for his keeping. Justice McBride sent to jail under penalty of $50.00 and costs of prosecution, there to remain until fine and costs were paid. On Monday night the matter was brought to the attention of the city council and that body thought it best to give the culprit into the charge of the street commissioner, he to dispose of him as he saw fit. On Tuesday morning a quantity of stone was deposited at the corner of Liberty and Washington streets, the man brought out and told to go to work breaking them up. For this purpose a hammer was handed to him, which he immediately threw away, and again avowed his determination not to work. The street commissioner then removed his charge to the opposite side of the street and fastened him to one of the hitching posts in front of the court house where he remained all of the forenoon amusing himself by playing with a large dog. At noon he was left in the charge of another party while Mr. Bushnell went to dinner, and Ratlin undoubtedly changed his mind about remaining in Morris, for he picked up his ball and chain, carried them to a blacksmith shop near by, freed himself and shook the mud of Morris from his feet. Ratlin is a stout robust young man, about 30 years old and might be in better circumstances but for his depravity. He seems to have entirely lost all sense of shame. If he will only remain away from here we will be content with him.


Adjourned meeting No. 3, of the city council, to consider the subject of gas, was held on last Monday night. Communications were read, received by the Mayor and others of the council, from several cities using gas, from which it was clearly shown to all parties who will reason the matter and are not so bigoted and bull-headed as to believe that no statement but their own possesses truth, that the Morris Gas Company propose to light the city lamps at a far less rate than any other city is supplied for. Much discussion, pro and con, was indulged in by the members of the council, but nothing of importance transacted except the rejection of a proposition by the Gas Company to furnish gas, light and extinguish the same, and keep lamps in order for the sum of $25 per post per year. This offer is from five to ten dollars per post less than two-thirds, if not all, of the cities in the United States are lighted for, but our city dads saw fit to reject that proposition. A motion was then made to discontinue the use of gas by the city but was voted down, and the gas question remains as at first with the bill of E. M. Skinuer & Co. for the month of December unpaid. Other matters of minor importance were transacted and council adjourned.


The rough roads are making business for the people and business for the doctors. We hear of several slight accidents through the county resulting from the rough condition of the roads, and one or two of a serious nature.

On last Friday, Mr. John B. Moore and wife, of Nettle Creek, were on the Lisbon road and the wagon went into a deep rut, breaking a wheel and throwing the occupants to the ground badly scratching Mr. Moore’s face and bruising Mrs. Moore on different parts of the body.

On Monday last Henry Simpson and wife, of Nettle Creek, were on their way to this place, when the wagon broke down by going into a rut, and Mrs. Simpson was thrown to the ground with such force as to break her breast bone and otherwise seriously injure her. She was unable to be removed to her home for a day or two and remained at the house of a neighbor nearby.

Closing Out

Owing to the extreme mild weather of the past fall and winter Strasburger & Meyers have been forced to have a closing out sale, and will from this time forward until the stock is entirely disposed of, sell overcoats and winter clothing generally regardless of cost. An old adage says: “It is an ill wind that blows nobody good.” This is fully demonstrated in the case of Strasburger & Meyers. Expecting a large winter trade their purchases in winter goods were unusually heavy and now the people will reap the benefit of it as the firm are forced to sell at any price to rid themselves of the stock. A better opportunity to buy overcoats cheap was never offered to the citizens of Grundy County.


The following transfers of real estate have been placed upon record since our last report:

  • Stephen Pangburn to Charles Bailey, quit claim, Wauponsee, $1,000
  • R. Gardner to Wm. A. Worthing, Minooka, $150
  • Ishmael G. Smith to Wm. A. Worthing, Minooka, $300.
  • Eugene Starr to Mary J. Starr, Chapin’s addition to Morris, $2,000


I have moved my shop to the corner of Liberty and Canal streets, opposite jail, up stairs. Those intending to build will do well to call and get my figures. C. M. Palmer


The subscriber will sell at public auction at his residence, two miles North west of Minooka, on Wednesday, Feb. 2, 1876, the following property, to wit seven work horses, one colt, two years old, 8 milch cows, 3 steers, three years old; 5 steers, two years old; 6 yearlings, 1 McCormick reaper and mower, combined advance self raker; 2 Kerby Reaper, 3 corn planters, (one Brown, on North-western); 4 riding cultivators, 1 sulky hay rake, 3 plows, 4 drags, 3 lumber wagons, 1 buggy, three springs (new); 1 covered carriage, 2 pale body sleds, 1 farming mill, 3 sets double harness, 18 tons of timothy hay, 1 two horse sheller power; and all articles used on a farm. Terms of sale 12 months. – H.C.& S. Worthing; H.O. Ward, Auctioneer

The subscriber will sell at public auction at his residence, three-quarters of a mile North west of Lisbon, at 10 o’clock a.m. on Friday, Feb. 14th, 1876, the following property, to wit: 3 cows, 1 bull, two years old; 3 heifers, two years old; 3 calves, 3 colts, 1 year old; 1 cow, three years old; 2 work mares, two years old; 1 work horse, 8 years old; 1,800 bushels of corn, 25 bushels of wheat, 5 bushels of oats, 400 feet of hard wood plant, 1 sled (good one), 1 mowing ?? chips, 1 hay rake, 6 acres timber, 300 poles, 100 bushels potatoes, 2 wagons, 5 cultivators, 1 drag, 2 plows, 1 gopher, 4 stoves, 2 sets double harness, etc., etc. Terms ? months. – F. E. Thompson; H.O. Ward, Auctioneer



DIED – On Wednesday, 19th inst., of Congestion of the Lungs, John Littleford, a native of Chesshire, England. He had been sick several weeks and was well aware that his end was near, as his business was all arranged several days previous to his death. He was 73 years of age. Rev. H. U. Reynold conducted the funeral services.

Geo. Comerford, our pioneer merchant, has a novel method of dealing with juvenile thieves. A few evenings ago a lad of about ten summers was sitting in his store with others and remained sometime after the rest went away. Shortly after the lad had gone home, Mr. Comerford missed his pocket knife which he had accidentally left on a barrel in the store. He immediately suspected the boy and the next day, when the lad paid him another visit, he treated him to some candy and said: “You are a nice little boy and strictly honest, but we are all liable to accidents. You remember when you stood by yonder barrel last night that a pocket-knife dropped from the cover into your pocket. I am positive you did not know it at the time or you would have given it to me, but you can do it now and it will do just as well.” The boy at first attempted to deny it, but continued Mr. Comerford: “I am certain the knife dropped in your pocket; look and see; when you return it you can have more candy or peanuts if you like those better.” The boy thrust his hand in his pocket and to his great surprise found the knife. He immediately handed it to the owner and received in return the promised treat, when he walked away feeling quite proud of the good opinion Mr. Comerford entertained of him.

Fred, son of Fletcher Dirst, has been sick for the past six weeks with Typhoid fever. His many classmates are much pleased to learn that he is now convalescent. They miss his punctual attendance in the classroom and his name from the “Roll of Honor.”

Great bargains in groceries at Stauffer & Co’s, east of the postoffice on Broadway. Call in and examine their stock.

Roll of Honor Minooka High School for week ending Jan. 21st, 1876:

Mamie Gorham, Lizzie Hennissey, Mamie Smith, Ida Gorham, Emma Godelman, Anna Tabler, Gracie Griswold, Rosetta Wolff, William Tabler, Chas S. Smith, Eddie Godelman, Maggie Boll, Nettie Smith, Mamie King, Augusta Schiek, William O’Brian, Emma Schick, Maggie Turley, Chas. Heilman, Geo. Schrader, Lewis Tabler, Bertha Bibbins, Ailie Dirst, Lizzie McEvilly. – F.W. Ford, Prin.

Stauffer & Co. are always prepared to receive calls from those who owe them money or who wish to purchase goods at the lowest living prices. Go and see them.


I see in your last issue an article from your Goodfarm correspondent in regard to the Mazon graveyard, located on Mr. Wheeler’s farm. That is very true in regard to the bridge, but another matter needs looking after. We have a beautiful graveyard, well located as to kind of ground and for view, and in it sleep many of our relatives, friends, and citizens not only of Mazon township, but by our sister townships. Likewise many very fine tombstones are standing there, keeping watch over some kind friend or relation. That which mars the beauty and puts it in danger of being less beautiful, is the old rickety fence. It is also annoying to Mr. Wheeler, jr., to keep his stock from trespassing on sacred soil. The fence has been standing some time and many of the posts are rotted off at the ground, and every gust of wind brings some down or twists them out of shape. A new fence is talked of, and we hope it will be put up next Spring or Summer. Some want a board, some a picket, and some a wire fence. The latter, if made with three or four barbed wires, with good cedar posts set right, twelve or twenty feet apart, will stand perfectly straight for years, as there is nothing to catch the wind and stock never rub a post out of line. As Mr. Wheeler has nothing but cattle and horses in his pasture, this kind of fence would be very serviceable.

Mr. A. Eversole, whom we regret parting with, has left us and henceforth will be found at his shop in Gardner. May he meet with success. Mr. Gilbert Fuller takes his place in our Store. – Sucker


The railroad through here is now in running order, and trains pass over it three times a week, Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. The side track is completed, and they are now erecting a depot.

About half a mile east of here, on last Saturday evening, a train was thrown from the track by a hand car. A brakeman was slightly injured, but no serious damage was done.

Z. Isham is selling lots to those who will build upon them. No others need apply.

A.O. Murray has erected a set of scales and is preparing to do business in the coal and grain trade.

Last Sunday a little daughter of Geo. Robinson, living in the northwest part of Mazon, was attacked by a mad dog and bitten several times. The dog was afterward killed.


Business is rather quiet here.

The Methodists are holding revival meetings and the feeling is intense. Several have already found hope in believing. The Presbyterians are soon to commence meetings.

The Congo Starr Troupe gave a concert here this evening.

Wm. Jenkins is running the Commercial House in good style.

R. Price goes to Missouri this week.

Who will be our postmaster as Uncle Armitage says he will resign April 1.

Miss Fannie M. Benson is giving music lessons this winter.


TO THE PUBLIC – My Son, Jacob W. Dahlem, having left his home without provocation, I now give him his time, he being 18 years and a month of age and I will not pay any of his debts from this date of . 14. – G. Dahlem

NOTICE – Mr. J. H. Pettit, of the firm of Irons and Pettit, having disposed of his interest in the stock of hardware, all persons indebted by note or account to the above firm are requested to make immediate payment of the same. Morris, IL, January 1, 1876


Typed and submitted by Kathleen Berner Groll.

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