First Annual Catalogue of Classic Institute, Morris, Illinois for the Academic Year 1871-2, Chicago: Goodspeed’s Empire Steam Printing and Publishing House, 51 South Carpenter Street, 1872.
Transcribed and submitted by Terri Clemens
N.C. Dougherty, Teacher of Latin and Greek.
D. Webster Francis, Teacher of Mathematics and Reading.
Miss L.U. Goss, Teacher of French and English Grammar.
- Allerton, Ella Morris
- Bagley, Alice Mazon
- Baird, Mary Morris
- Baker, Minnie Morris
- Barbour, Carrie Morris
- Barker, Jennie Morris
- Barr, Nellie Morris
- Benton, Alice Morris
- Benton, Mary Morris
- Black, Gracie Fulton
- Black, Katie Fulton
- Booth, Mattie Morris
- Brown, Annie Morris
- Bullis, Carrie Morris
- Campbell, Fannie Morris
- Chapin, Henrietta Morris
- Clapp, Ada Morris
- Claypool, Nellie Morris
- Collins, Annie Morris
- Collins, Hattie Morris
- Collins, Lettie Morris
- Collins, Lila Morris
- Collins, Mary Morris
- Davidson, Belle Morris
- Dewey, Allie Morris
- Dowd, Florilla Morris
- Flanders, Ella Morris
- Fletcher, Martha Lisbon
- Fletcher, Sarah Lisbon
- Goodrich, Minnie Morris
- Harkness, Annie Morris
- Harrison, Hattie Morris
- Henry, Irene Morris
- Hinchman, Sarah Mazon
- Holderman, Caddie Morris
- Holderman, Lottie Morris
- Hunt, Fannie Morris
- Jordan, Katie Morris
- Lord, Clara Morris
- McFarlane, Hettie Morris
- Perkins, Sarah Morris
- Peterson, Annie Morris
- Peterson, Maggie Morris
- Pierce, Minnie Morris
- Pummill, Sarah Morris
- Ray, Julia Morris
- Redfield, Malvina Morris
- Redfield, Mary Morris
- Robinson, Lavina Morris
- Sanford, Ella Morris
- Scott, Emma Morris
- Sherrill, Carrie Lisbon
- Slosson, Emma Morris
- Stevens, Helen Morris
- Stevens, Hettie Morris
- Tetlow, Fannie Morris
- Thompson, Lettie Seneca
- Thomson, Allie Morris
- Tilden, Eva Morris
- Todd, Olive Morris
- Watson, Mary Morris
- Anderson, Wm. Morris
- Atherton, Perle Morris
- Barr, Robbie Morris
- Baum, Eddie Morris
- Bethel, Emerson Morris
- Bingham, Frank Morris
- Booth, Fayette Morris
- Clayport, Henry Morris
- Collins, Cryder Morris
- Collins, Joshua R. Morris
- Collins, Oscar Morris
- Collins, Philip Morris
- Coy, Halbert Morris
- Daly, William Morris
- Dewey, Milton Morris
- Dix, Orville E. Morris
- Dowd, Lee Gardner
- Durby, Milton Morris
- Ellerdin, Geo. Morris
- Engsly, Chas. Morris
- Ericson, Ephraim Morris
- Gardner, Theo. Morris
- Gifford, Chas. Morris
- Gifford, Howard Morris
- Goold, Haddie Morris
- Gorich, John Morris
- Hand, Ollie Morris
- Hand, Truman Morris
- Harrison, James Morris
- Helms, J.E. Morris
- Holderman, Chas. Morris
- Holderman, James Seneca1
- Holderman, Wm. Morris
- Hotchkiss, Edgar Morris
- Hotchkiss, Chas. Morris
- Humphrey, David Morris
- Hynds, Daniel Morris
- Hynds, Thos. Morris
- Johnson, J.W. Morris
- Johnson, Scott Morris
- Jones, Fank Morris
- Loy, Edgar Morris
- Loy, Wm. Morris
- McCabe, Wm. Morris
- Marion, Augustus Morris
- Martin, Frank Morris
- Matthews, Olie Morris
- Miller, Chauncey Morris
- Moody, Geo. Morris
- Murphy, Robt. Morris
- Parker, Volney Morris
- Perkins, Judson Morris
- Pierce, Wm. Morris
- Pummill, Rufus Morris
- Pummill, Wm. Morris
- Reardon, Cornelius Morris
- Reardon, John Morris
- Robb, Tressire Morris
- Rodd, Geo. Morris
- Rockwell, Eddie Morris
- Royal, Albert Mazon
- Sandford, Edward H. Morris
- Seers, Benj. Morris
- Sibley, Hermann Chicago
- Sparr, Joseph ” or Morris
- Spencer, Arthur ” or Morris
- Spencer, Dewitt ” or Morris
- Spencer, Frank ” or Morris
- Sutherland, Jas. Morris
- Stocker, Henry Morris
- Taylor, Geo. Morris
- Urich, Edward Morris
- Widney, John Morris
- Wilcox, Henry Lisbon
- Wilkinson, Geo. Morris
- Wilkinson, Edward Morris
p.10 Course of Study
Elementary Course
Junior Year
D Class – Orthography, Reading, Mental Arithmetic, Written Arithmetic, English Grammar, Geography and Penmanship.
C Class – Higher Arithmetic, Higher Grammar, Geography, Elementary Algebra, Vocal Music, Constitution and History of the United States.
Senior Year.
B Class – Mental Philosophy, Geometry, Rhetoric, Natural Philosophy, Astronomy and Elementary Algebra.
A Class – Etymology, Botany or Geology, Physiology, Book-Keeping, Review of Studies
p. 11 Scientific Course.
Junior Year.
First Session – Higher Algebra, Trigonometry, Geology, Chemistry, General History.
Second Session – Higher Algebra, Spherical Trigonometry and Surveying, Zoology, General History.
Senior Year
First Session – Mental Philosophy, Analytical Geometry and Differential Calculus, English Literature, Study of English Classics.
Second Session – Logic, English Literature, Astronomy, Analysis of English Classics.
p. 12 Classic Course
First Year.
First Session – Rhetoric, Algebra, Latin Grammar and Reader, Elocution.
Second Session – Physiology, Algebra, Latin Grammar, Reader and Elocution.
Second Year.
First Session – Political Geography, Geometry,Caesar, English Literature.
Second Session – General History, Geometry, Virgil, English Literature.
Third Year.
First Session – General History, Trigonometry, Virgil, Greek.
Second Session – Natural Philosophy, Political Economy, Cicero Orations, Anabasis.
Fourth Year.
First Session – Chemistry, Natural Philosophy, Horace, Anabasis finished and Illiad commenced.
Second Session – Geology, U.S. Constitution and Illiad.
Substitutions. – Pupils may substitute for Latin and Greek an equivalent amount of French and German.
p. 13
This Institution is designed to be a Select School, in which shall be afforded, to a limited number of students, opportunities of thorough instruction in English, Classical, and Mathematical knowledge. In the accomplishment of this purpose, pupils are prepared for admission into any specified college in our State or country; or they are taught in regular course in such branches of study as will fit them for immediate entrance upon business pursuits.
The School consists of Two Departments, The High School and the Preparatory Department. Each of these is divided into classes, according to age and attainment of the pupils.
The government of the school is mild, yet firm; the general rules are not many, but they are strictly maintained. The Principal, without foregoing his own rights, as sole judge in all matters of school management, recognizes the claims of parents and guardians to be consulted regarding these; his endeavor at all times will be, to control and direct those entrusted to his educational care in such manner as may be just and satisfactory to his patrons and to himself.
p. 14
Sessions – The school year is divided into two sessions of twenty weeks each. These, for convenience, are again subdivided into Terms of ten weeks each.
Terms. – Tuition per term, in each course, $10, payable in advance. Boarding can be procured in private families at $3 per week. Students who wish to board themselves can procure rooms at very low rates.
Deductions. – No deductions will be made for a less time than ten weeks, unless by express agreement made at the time of entering. Tuition pre-paid will be refunded in case of absence caused by personal sickness.
p. 15
Calendar, 1872-73.
Fall Term, commences August 26th
Winter Term, commences November 4th
Christmas Holidays, from December 23rd to the 28th
Winter Examination March 20th and 21st
Spring Vacation, from March 24th to the 28th
Spring Term, commences March 31st.
Final Examination June 4th and 5th
Pupils’ Reunion June 6th
At the end of the booklet are ads for:
Parmelee & Co. Dealers in Books Stationery Wall paper Drugs, Medicines, Chemicals, Perfumer, Fancy and Toilet Articles, Alcohol, Pure Wines and Liquors for Medicinal Purposes, Glass, Putty, Paints, Oils Varnishes, Dye-Stuff, & C. Washington St. Morris, Illinois.
Jacob Geisen, Dealer in Hardware, Stoves – Iron, Steel Nails, Copper and Tinware, Pocket and Table Cutlery, and Farmers’ Tools. Having bought my stock before the late advance I am enabled to sell at a bargain. Don’t forget that I keep the best and largest assortment of Cooking and Heating Stoves, such as will suit this market. Come and see for yourself and examine my goods before purchasing elsewhere. Cash paid for old Copper, iron and rags. Store on Washington St. North of the Court House.
E. Sanford, Attorney, Morris, Ill. Money Loaned.
The Elements of the Natural Sciences, Valuable Manuals for Teachers from the Press of Scribner, Armstrong & Co., NY. O.S. Cook, Agent 136 State St. Chicago
Nos. 90 & 92 Liberty St. Morris, Ill. New Furniture Store and New Furniture, at Clarke & Cody’s Furniture & Upholstering Warerooms. Handsome Chamber Sets, Walnut and Ash. Bureaus, Washstands & Bedsteads, of all kinds, Union, Turkish, French and Oriental Lounges. We would call the attention of the public, particularly to our Wonderful Woven Wire Mattress, of which we are the sold Agents, and selling them at reduced prices. The most perfect sleeping arrangement ever made, and which for Cleanliness, Comfort and Durability, has no rival. They are guaranteed NEVER TO LOSE THEIR SHAPE, NEVER TO NEED A REPAIR AND NEVER TO MAKE A NOISE. We would respectfully refer the public to the following persons now using them:
Prof. N.C. Dougherty, Principal – Morris Institute
E.S. Sandford, Attorney, Morris, Ill.
Judge S.W. Harris, Attorney, Morris, Ill.
Sam’l P. Thomas, Co. Clerk, Morris, Ill.
L.P. Lolt, Esq., Morris, Ill.
William Hogo, farmer, Nettle Creek, Ill.
A.C. Brown, Proprietor of Forest City House, Morris, Ill.
John Duckworth, of firm of McEwen & Duckworth, Morris, Ill.
Jas. R. Combs, Clerk of Circuit Court, Morris, Ill.
H. Nadin, Lisbon, Ill.
Elegant parlor sets, Maple and Walnut, Hat racks, sofas, Chinese Gondolas, Tete-a-tetes, Draw lounges, What-nots, Breakfast tables, cribs, extension tables, centre tables and chairs, in every variety. All kinds of Furniture Work and Upholstering done promptly and on reasonable terms. Please remember the Place. No. 90 and 92 Liberty St. Morris, Ill.
The following names to “Royal” all have ditto marks under Seneca, but I’ve changed them to Morris based on common sense and girls with the same last names. ↩
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