by GrundyILGW | Feb 6, 2015 | History
Nettle Creek Township gains its name from its principal tributory, which is also known as Little Mazon, which means nettles, this hardly desirable form of vegetation once being found in immense quantities along the rich bottom lands. No longer do they disfigure the...
by GrundyILGW | Feb 6, 2015 | History
Robert Cavelier de La Salle was a native of Rouen, born in 1643. The son of a wealthy family, he was well educated, it is believed with the intention of becoming a priest. But the dull routine of a priest’s or teacher’s life and task illy accorded with his...
by GrundyILGW | Feb 6, 2015 | History
Minooka came into existence in 1852, when the Chicago, Rock Island, and Peoria Railroad came through the area on the recommendation of Surveyor, Ransom Gardner. Mr. Gardner had purchased 500 acres of land along the proposed route of the Rock Island Railroad. The...
by GrundyILGW | Feb 6, 2015 | History
While modern physicians and surgeons are penetrating into the very center of life itself, daily discovering facts and remedial agents which revolutionize former accepted theories, it is doubtful if any of them come as close to the hearts of the people as did the men...
by GrundyILGW | Feb 6, 2015 | History
Located practically in the center of Grundy County, Mazon Township and the city bearing the same name have also combined to form a center of commercial and agricultural activity. From earliest times this section has had an important part in the history of the county;...
by GrundyILGW | Feb 6, 2015 | History
Maine Township is one of the comparatively new sections of Grundy County, having been laid off March 7, 1898, and as it lies between Braceville Township and Mazon Township, its early history is the game as that of the two from which it was taken. It is bounded on the...
by GrundyILGW | Feb 6, 2015 | History
Judge Charles Blanchard Hon. Charles BLANCHARD of Ottawa, Illinois, presided at a greater number of the sessions of the Circuit Court prior to the election of Judge STOUGH than did any of his associate judges. Judge BLANCHARD although physically not a strong man was a...
by GrundyILGW | Feb 6, 2015 | History
Braceville Beside the Villages of Gardner and Minooka, there are several smaller towns in the county. Braceville was laid out in 1872, and contains some 500 inhabitants. It is in the Township of Braceville, upon the C. & A. R. R.; has post office, express office,...
by GrundyILGW | Feb 6, 2015 | History
Highland Township contains the highest elevation in Grundy County, hence its name. Johnny Run and Murray Sluice are the principal streams, although the Waupecan and the Mazon Rivers cross the corners. The very early history of Highland Township is regrettably...
by GrundyILGW | Feb 6, 2015 | History
Greenfield Township owes its name to Thomas L. Green of Chicago, who owned and operated in its lands to an extensive degree prior to its formation into a township. Because of the activity and popularity of Mr. Green this section was named after him by the enthusiastic...
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