Evergreen Obits

Baker, Ira Jr - The death of Ira Baker, Jr. occurred last night about 11 o'clock. He has been a sufferer for many months, consumption being the cause of his death. He was a widower, his wife Miss Maggie Winnemore, dying three years ago. One child is left to battle life as an orphan. Deceased was thirty-five years old. Morris Daily Herald, Sat, Mar 4, 1899, submitted by Kathie Groll

Cockeram, Samuel - Mr. Samuel Cochran, aged 80 years, died on last Tuesday afternoon, from lung fever. Mr. Cochran was an old and highly respected citizen, having been a resident of Grundy county for the past twenty-five years. The old man refused medical aid, preferring death. Morris Weekly Herald, Dec 5, 1879, submitted by Kathie Groll

Tinsman, Elizabeth Cockeram - Mrs. Samuel Tinsman, a resident of Morris and vicinity most of her life, was killed instantly yesterday afternoon at Battle Creek, Michigan in an automobile accident. The telegram announcing her death was received last evening by her son, Oscar Tinsman, who left at once for Battle Creek. No particulars of the accident were given but it is known that she had just arrived in that city, and it is presumed that she met her death while enroute to the home of her daughter. Mrs. Tinsman had been here all winter at the home of her son, Oscar and left here Monday for a day in Chicago, leaving there yesterday for Michigan. Mrs. Tinsman's maiden name was Elizabeth Cockram. She was born April 20, 1858 in the southern part of the county. When a young woman she was united in marriage to Samuel Tinsman and they made their home in Morris and Grundy county for many years. Mr. Tinsman is located at Lincoln, Nebraska and is now enroute to Michigan. Beside the husband there are two children, Oscar, of Morris and Mrs. Maude Young, of Battle Creek. One daughter, Mrs. George Williams died in 1918. There are also surviving seven grandchildren and two great-grandchildren. A sister, Mrs. Hattie Crandall lives in Mazon and two brothers, Oscar and William Cockram, live at San Diego, California. Morris Daily Herald, Wed, Mar 9, 1921; -- The body of Mrs. S. H. Tinsman who was killed by an auto in Battle Creek, Mich., last Tuesday, arrived here last evening for burial. It was accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Fred Young, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Marsh, of Battle Creek, S. H. Tinsman, of Lincoln, Nebr., Mrs. Nellie Clegg, Mrs. Matt Katell, of Chicago, George Williams, of Long Prairie, Minnesota. The funeral services will be held tomorrow morning at 10:30 in the Federated church, Rev. W. C. Snider officiating. Burial will be in Evergreen cemetery. The details of Mrs. Tinsman's death are as follows, taken from a Battle Creek paper: "Mrs. Tinsman came from Morris to make her home with her daughter, Mrs. Fred Young, but never got that far. She was struck while crossing Van Buren street on McCamly, by a Ford truck and thrown to the pavement. Her skull was fractured and death evidently was instaneous. The truck was driven by Cleo Wilbur, 18 years old, of Bedford and until recently a student at Battle Creek high school, near which the tragedy happened. In the covered Ford truck with Wilbur were his mother, Etta Wilbur of Bedford, Herb Gray and John Ulton, all of Bedford. They had a cargo of pop and other supplies as the Wilbur's operate a store in Bedford. All who were in the car were taken to the station as witnesses. The accident happened about 3:30 o'clock. The intersection, during the noon hour, is watched by a traffic man as it is recognized as dangerous place where school children flit to and fro without much regard for traffic. A rain was falling and the wet asphalt pavement was rather treacherous. Wilbur says that he saw the woman, that he was not going at a fast rate of speed and that he thought that she would halt but that instead, she seemed to step forward into his pathway. Her body was carried about 60 feet west on Van Buren before the machine, skidding on the wet pavement, came to a full stop. Mrs. Tinsman arrived on the 2:51 Michigan Central train and went to the Hopkins & Herrick real estate office, where her daughter works. The body was not identified at the scene of the death, so it was taken to Farley's undertaking parlors. A draft on a Nebraska bank, was found upon her. When she did not return at 5 o'clock, Ray Marsh, husband of her grand-daughter, made investigation and identified the body. The driver of the Ford was held for the coroner's inquest, but it was said he was going at moderate speed, though he has been arrested for fast driving on previous occasions." Morris Daily Herald, Fri, Mar 11, 1921; submitted by Kathie Groll

Tinsman, Samuel H - Samuel Tinsman Pioneer, is Dead - Samuel H. Tinsman, resident of Grundy county for more than 70 years died at the home of his son Oscar, at 727 East Benton street at 10 o'clock last night. Mr. Tinsman patented a number of farm implements which he sold to the Rock Island Plow company and was engaged by that company and other concerns in improving farm machinery until about a year ago when his health failed. Mr. Tinsman was born July 15, 1855, one of a family of 12 children. Three survive, Louis of Smithshire, Ill., George of Earl Park., Ind., and Mrs. Martha Kittell, of Dayton, Ohio. Mr. Tinsman's parents moved to Missouri when he was two years old and a short time later came to Grundy county, locating on a farm near Verona. On July 4th, 1875 he was united in marriage to Hanna E. Cocheran who died March 8, 1921. Three children were born. Villa, deceased, Oscar E. of Morris and Maude, wife of Fred Young of Hollywood. There are also 7 grandchildren and five great grandchildren. About 1888 Mr. Tinsman came to Morris and engaged in the manufacture of farm implements under his own patents. Later he sold these to the Rock Island Plow company and since has patented and improved various implements, selling his patents to the large dealers and being employed by them in perfecting this machinery until ill health forced him to retire about a year ago. Funeral services will be held Friday at 2:30 o'clock at the home. Morris Daily Herald, Wed, Feb 13, 1929, submitted by Kathie Groll

Winnemore, (Mrs) Mary Jane - Death Came at Last - After an illness of many months with consumption and confinement to bed of eight weeks Mrs. Mary Jane Winnemore passed quietly to the Beyond at 3:45 this morning, passing away peacefully and without the least vivid struggle. She came to this county from New York with her parents when she was but a mere child, and has resided within its boundaries up to the time of her death. She was 44 years and 2 months old. She leaves five children to mourn her loss, the youngest of whom is 10 years, and her father, W. Cochram, also survives. Her husband died nearly two years ago......after days of ter....... Morris Daily Herald, Wed, May 3, 1893, submitted by Kathie Groll

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