ca 1818 - ?
Amon Heacox was born ca 1818 in Oneida County, NY. On April 24, 1861, he enlisted as a Private in Company K of the 20th Illinois Infantry at Newark, Kendall County, IL. He was discharged June 13, 1864, in Quincy, IL, at the expiration of his term. On August 10, 1888, Amon was admitted to the Illinois Soldiers' and Sailors' Home in Quincy, IL, registered number 899. He died in the Home hospital on April 23, 1889. His admission paperwork lists old age and diabetes as his disability. He was 70 years of age, a resident of Nettle Creek Township, not married, no children under 16, and near relative as C. Heacox, brother. In a letter requesting admission written by P.A. Johnson, he stated that Amon Heacox had lived a bachelor's life, lived in Grundy County about 40 years except for a short time he lived in Dakota trying to make a success, but returned to Grundy when he was not successful. He also stated that Amon had signed notes as security for his brother-in-law and lost his property as a result of it leaving him destitute and a candidate for the poor house.
Please click on the links below to view images of Mr. Heacox's file from the Illinois Soldiers' and Sailors' Home in Quincy, IL. You will need the free program Adobe Acrobat Reader to view the files.