Federal Pension Roll of 1883

List of Pensioners on the Roll, January 1, 1883 giving the name of each pensioner, the cause for which pensioned, the post-office address, the rate of pension per month and the date of original allowance, as called for by Senate Resolution of December 8, 1882.

Volume 3, page 464 and 465

Certificate # Pensioner Post-Office Address Pension Cause Monthly Rate Original Allowance Date
70,165 Belt, Samuel Morris impaired vision 18.00 .
155,724 Bingham, Silas Minooka wd r side 6.00 Oct 1878
45,212 Bogart, Edward D
[Julia, widow cert #785839]
Mazon wd rt elbow 18.00 Mar, 1878
38,842 Buckly, Joseph
[Mary, widow cert #660137]
Minooka wd l sho & arm 18.00 .
196,411 Buckwalter, Nancy Gardner widow of Daniel [his cert #196411] 8.00 June 1882
78,140 Burk, John Coal City dis eyes 18.00 .
45,418 Burna, Mary Gardner widow 8.00 .
78,137 Cameron, Angus Morris wd r thigh 8.00 .
120,425 Cantwell, Edward
[Teresa G, widow cert #945348 filed 11/27/1923 CA]
Minooka chr pluritia, loss of teeth fr scurvy 2.00 .
72,305 Cash, Hannah Morris widow of William 8.00 .
17,994 Cass, Bridget Morris widow 8.00 Apr 1864
146,396 Cauldwell, Robert Gardner wd rt hip 4.00 .
157,700 Chappel, Cynthia Gardner mother of Francis H 8.00 May 1872
53,411 Clow, John
[Winnifred, widow cert #365722]
Morris varicose veins, r leg, thigh 10.00 .
60,843 Colleps, John G Minooka chr diarr 8.00 .
51,640 Dahlem, Gerhard Minooka dis lungs 18.00 .
172,240 Dand, Davis Braceville wd rt leg 4.00 Aug 1880
80,510 Day, John Morris loss rt eye 8.00 .
220,254 Dolan, Timothy Minooka loss index finger 8.00 Nov 1882
27,411 Eligth, Hanson Verona widow 8.00 .
130,181 English, Curtis W
[Edith M, widow cert #882014, filed 1919 PA]
Morris wd lf hip & leg 6.00 .
130,898 Flanders, Ruth R Morris widow 8.00 June 1869
71,237 Foreman, Cyrus Verona gsw l leg & hip 12.00 June 1874
194,801 Frary, Patrick Morris injury to abdomen 4.00 Aug 1881
61,212 Freeman, Harriet I Morris mother of John G 8.00 Dec 1865
196,439 Fuller, Cornelia Mazon widow 8.00 Jun 1882
59,636 Garretson, Mary E Kinsman widow of William H 8.00 .
166,005 Glosson, Edwin C Verona wd both thighs 4.00 Mar 1880
96,235 Goodson, Margaret E, widow cert #632039 Gardner widow of George 4.00 .
29,658 Harrington, Sarah Morris widow 8.00 June 1880
96,544 Henry, Joseph R
[Elva J, widow cert #918212]
Mazon loss r eye, inj to abdomen 8.00 Mar 1869
86,632 Hobby, Geo
[Inez E, widow cert #752656]
Morris amp index finger lt hand 4.00 Oct 1867
141,173 Holl, John W Gardner chr diarr 8.00 .
92,073 Holt, Conrad H Morris chr diarr 6.00 .
206,492 Horrigan, Daniel Verona gsw of forehead, result partial loss sight & fits 12.00 Apr 1882
188,537 Hughes, Anthony Verona wd rt arm 12.00 May 1880
87,595 Hughes, Richard Morris wd l hip 15.00 .
11,291 Hulse, Eber W Gardner paral l side 18.00 .
93,604 Hume, Harold B Morris wd & rheum 6.00 .
61,666 Hyatt, Theodore Gardner wd lt foot 8.00 .
23,797 Irons, Leander Morris short leg 4.00 .
27,691 Johnson, Naomi Minooka widow 8.00 Nov 1879
35,112 Johnson, Ole H
[Christina, widow cert #838463]
Morris wd both hands 5.00 .
34,299 Johnson, Peter A Morris wd rt leg 8.00 .
65,712 Kelly, Mary Kinsman wd r shoulder 8.00 .
84,871 Kerns, Wm W Morris wd side rt shoulder 6.00 .
58,147 Kissinger, Aaron L
[Sarah J, widow cert #722647]
Verona widow 24.00 .
101,858 Le Dioyt, Nehemiah Morris var veins both legs, thighs 18.00 .
35,699 Lear, James S Morris wd lt shoulder 4.00 .
75,539 Longacre, Henry C
[Hannah, widow cert #393311]
Morris bad lungs 6.00 .
40,255 Malone, Wm Morris loss l arm 24.00 .
138,649 Marsh, John N
[died 8/1/1923, widow Margaret; pension card]
Morris lacerated wd of perineum 18.00 .
175,290 Martin, Joseph L Minooka injury to abdomen 12.00 Oct 1880
81,707 Maryette, Marwin Gardner dep mother 8.00 Aug 1866
50,035 McConnell, James Gardner wd neck 8.00 .
1,306 McLennen, Robert Verona injury to abdomen 4.00 .
22,833 McMann, Wm W
[Libbie, widow cert #834983]
Gardner wd lt hand 4.00 .
90,162 McNamee, James Morris dis eyes 4.00 .
35,698 Mecham, James
[Amanda S, widow cert #787982]
Morris wd lt shr 8.00 .
207,490 Millard, Simon
[Hannah, widow cert #418968]
Gardner chr diarr 4.00 Apr 1882
164,574 Misner, John H
[Esther C, widow cert #718889 filed 1911 KS]
Coal City dis r eye 4.00 Feb 1880
35,164 Moody, Geo W Morris wd rt leg 8.00 .
96,925 Moore, Margaret Morris widow 8.00 July 1867
184,610 Mulvey, Mary E Morris widow 12.00 June 1879
29,656 Oterens, Mary A Morris widow 8.00 June 1880
26,721 Paxton, Sarah Verona widow of John 8.00 .
110,560 Phillips, Freeman S Gardner wd rt leg 6.00 .
44,564 Platt, Wm
[Bertha, widow cert #718274]
Minooka loss r forearm 18.00 .
189,757 Pope, Sarah J Gardner widow of John 8.00 .
162,444 Randall, Henry C Morris wd of head 2.00 Sept 1879
67,436 Reardon, William Morris chr diarr 20.00 .
103,202 Robinson, Ephraim
[Phebe, widow cert #680999]
Morris injury to abdomen 4.00 .
35,096 Rolley, Wm
[Ellen, widow cert #736229]
Morris wd eyes 8.00 .
80,262 Sanders, Patrick Morris wd lt arm & shr 4.00 .
76,780 Sarsfield, Michael Gardner wd rt shoulder 8.00 .
41,070 Schofield, Joseph Morris wd lt leg 12.00 .
215,117 Seck, Frederick
[Louisa, widow cert #916275]
Gardner gsw foreh�d, with dis brain 6.00 July 1882
77,123 Sharp, Wallace
[Annie A, widow cert #792408]
Morris wd r thigh 8.00 .
96,961 Shibble, Mary Morris widow of John K Shibble aka John Miller 8.00 .
39,129 Shidler, Hannah Morris widow of Simeon 8.00 .
141,524 Shubal, Lockwood Morris injury to abdomen 4.00 .
24,267 Smedley, Geo
[Mary A, widow cert #561504]
Morris wd r hand 4.00 .
50,684 Specie, Gilberry Morris loss lt arm 24.00 .
39,304 Spellman, Henry
[widow Julia]
Verona wd l elbow 14.00 .
190,150 Starr, Mary J Morris Widow of Christopher (his cert #42617) 15.00 .
102,849 Steimle, John N Gardner gsw r hand 8.00 .
192,618 Stephens, James Morris dis lungs, chr diarr 12.00 July 1881
41,071 Stitt, Alexander W
[Hannah, widow cert #414499]
Verona wd rt shr & l leg 12.00 .
7,504 Storrs, Wm Minooka . 8.00 Nov 1871
97,364 Sutton, Wm A Gardner dis lungs 18.00 .
187,130 Tabor, Wm J Mazon varicose veins l leg 4.00 Apr 1881
51,819 Taxis, Gideon R Morris paralysis r leg 18.00 .
45,385 Thompson, Frederick G
[Tena M, widow cert #798717]
Gardner gsw l leg 12.00 .
2,170 Vaughwout, Susan A Minooka dep mother 8.00 June 1876
73,467 Wainwright, Jane A Morris widow of Edw W 8.00 .
129,720 Walcott, John T Mazon suber wd rt wrist 12.00 .
23,765 Walker, Ann Mazon widow of Lasenbe 8.00 .
20,152 Walker, Phebe Minooka widow of Martin S 8.00 .
39,399 Watson, Ann Minooka widow of Robert 8.00 .
66,744 Weldon, Thomas Verona wd rt thigh 24.00 Jan 1879
130,334 West, Andrew Morris gsw l leg 2.00 .
19,041 White, Wm Morris surv 1812 8.00 Sept 1872
174,681 Wittengton, Richard Minooka miner 10.00 .
187,778 Wolhford, Thomas J
[Emma J, widow cert #894497]
Mazon dis eyes & legs 6.00 May 1881
212,822 Woodbury, Aaron G Morris dis eyes 4.00 June 1882
146,198 Woodbury, Artemus O Morris partl deafness 6.00 .
51,729 Wortenbee, William D Gardner wd rt arm 12.00 .
97,473 Wynn, Ann Morris widow 8.00 July 1867

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